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Student Guide
Aug 23rd 2022

12 Prospek Kerja Ilmu Komunikasi Terbaik Beserta Gajinya

organisasi, psikologi komunikasi, komunikasi publik dan strategis, komunikasi lintas budaya, filsafat komunikasi, komunikasi politik, komunikasi internasional, komunikasi grafis/visual, komunikasi pemasaran, etika komunikasi, teknologi komunikasi, komunikasi dan gender, komunikasi inovatif dan kreatif, komunikasi masyarakat marjinal Bisnis : teknik presentasi dan negosiasi, public speaking, etika bisnis, organisasi dan administrasi internasional, entrepreneurship , public relations, public relations campaign Marketing : kajian iklan, periklanan, branding management, periklanan internasional, consumer behavior Menulis & Produksi : penulisan naskah film dan TV, teknik menulis berita, public relations writing, copywriting periklanan, teknik
Industry & Job Overview
Sep 27th 2022

How to Become a Consultant: Tips & Advice

education and personal development improvements. Legal consultant: helps businesses with legal issues regarding legal disputes, compliance with regulations and forming internal policies. Business consultant: helps with the organization and operation of businesses, optimizing internal workflow at all levels of management. Public relations consultant: works by liaising between the business and public by gathering public opinion and forming positive public presence. PR consultants can also work with high profile public figures to maintain positive media coverage and strategic career moves. Cybersecurity
Student Guide
May 6th 2022

10 Prospek Kerja Hubungan Internasional yang Menjanjikan! [+Gaji, Info Kuliah, dll.]

konsulat, dan lain sebagainya. Skill yang dibutuhkan: Keterampilan penyelesaian masalah dan berpikir kritis Komunikasi yang efektif (lisan dan tertulis) Team work Kemampuan bahasa asing (bisa menjadi nilai plus) 💰 Kisaran gaji Staf Kedutaan : dimulai dari 495 USD per tahunnya 3. Public Relations (Hubungan Masyarakat) Public Relations (PR) juga bisa menjadi salah satu pekerjaan lulusan HI. Tugas utama PR adalah sebagai jembatan komunikasi antara perusahaan dengan pihak luar, misalnya seperti merencanakan dan membuat jumpa pers, memonitor aktivitas kompetitor bisnis, membangun identitas
Recruitment & HR
Feb 6th 2025

4 Contoh Surat Penolakan Lamaran Kerja Calon Karyawan [+Email]

HRD Manager 4. Contoh Kalimat Penolakan Lamaran Kandidat Setelah Wawancara Melalui Email Halo Stefanie, Terima kasih atas waktunya dalam sesi wawancara untuk berbagi latar belakang serta pengalaman kerja dengan tim kami. Kami senang dapat bertemu Anda dalam proses rekrutmen sebagai Public Relations di perusahaan kami. Namun, dengan berat hati, kami harus sampaikan bahwa kami belum dapat melanjutkan proses rekrutmen karena kami menemukan kandidat yang lebih tepat untuk mengisi posisi tersebut. Kami harap Anda dapat sukses dengan karir Anda di masa
Industry & Job Overview
Aug 30th 2022

How to Become a Journalist: Step-by-step Guide & Career Advice

Taking courses in editing, journalistic ethics, reporting, feature writing, and communications allow you to develop research and writing skills for different media outlets. Depending on your specialization, you can have a chance to dig deeper into broadcast, print, photojournalism, or public relations. For those focusing on print or broadcast journalism, you may want to do additional coursework like graphic design, web development, and video production. 🖋 Build a professional portfolio Whether you are wondering how to become a freelance journalist
Interview Skills
Feb 7th 2023

23 Pertanyaan Interview Kerja yang Sering Ditanya HRD dan Cara Menjawabnya!

nama perusahaan] . Oleh karena itu, saya sangat senang untuk mendapatkan kesempatan wawancara kerja ini dengan [nama perusahaan] . Contoh perkenalan diri yang menarik dalam bahasa Inggris: Allow me to introduce myself, my name is [your name] . I currently work as a public relations officer at [company name] , where I develop PR strategies to maintain the company's positive public image. I've worked in this industry for over 5 years. Previously, I worked at a PR agency, and one of my
Industry & Job Overview
May 11th 2022


分析能力和敏感度。 而公關工作的目標比起廣告跟行銷又更不一樣,從公關的完整名稱「公共關係 Public Relations」就可以看出端倪。比起專注於一般消費者的廣告與行銷,公關通常關注的維度是整個社會大
Career Planning
May 4th 2022

What is work shadowing and how to make the most of it?

present shadow programs and companies that offer job shadowing. If there aren’t any, they might even be willing to share personal contact or set up connections for you. Another way is to contact the company’s human resources or public relations office. You can email the department to ask about potential job shadowing opportunities or call their company to understand which department can discuss this job shadowing chance with you. ✨ Draft a job shadowi ng request email. After
People & Culture
Aug 12th 2024

Networking Skills Inherent - Learn How to Build Them!

Table of Contents Leverage Your Communication Skills Empathy Build Rapport Small Talk Leads to Big Results Stand Tall and Be Confident! Networking Etiquette Public Speaking Problem-Solving Flexibility Improve Your Networking Skills and Go Network! If you've plateaued in your career, you're likely wondering how you can take the next step. The best way to enhance your career is to develop networking skills. What makes networking so powerful is that it creates countless new opportunities. The more opportunities
Resume & CV
Oct 8th 2021

Communication Skills for Your Resume: What You Need to Know

Communication skills facilitate understanding and coexistence among individuals. Both in social interaction, as in the workplace and personal life, knowing how to transmit and capture ideas is essential to achieve a stable and harmonious coexistence. Understanding this will allow establishing win-win relationships in which the agreement between partners predominates. Otherwise, disagreements and problems will be frequent. For your resume, communication skills are an important element when job searching (beside computer skills ). From the start of making a resume, you

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