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Feb 10th 2025

Dcard 擴大徵才中!工程師必備 2 大特質、面談重點公開 - 專訪 Dcard 人才營運經理

快! Dcard 的機器學習工程師職缺 Machine Learning Engineer (Ads) ,全職,初階,900K ~ 2.2M TWD/年 Machine Learning Infrastructure Engineer ,全職,助理,900K ~ 1.95M TWD/年 Machine Learning Engineer ,全職,中高階,900K ~ 2.2M TWD/年 Dcard 的行動端工程師職缺 Senior iOS Developer ,全職,中高階,900K ~ 1.6M TWD/年 Senior Android Developer ,全職,中
Career Planning
Oct 10th 2024

5 Business Analyst Certifications to Level Up Your Business Analyst Resume

In an age where data rules the world, companies value business analysts more than ever. Business analysts acquire information, identify trends and meaning within the data, and then work with stakeholders and other professionals to implement it to improve the company. It can be difficult to showcase your abilities as a business analyst. Unlike professions like software engineers or graphic developers, where you may have a portfolio or a stack of hard skills to give a baseline of your abilities
Resume & CV
Feb 10th 2022

Java Developer Resume: Example and Template

that can leverage both you and your Java developer resume. Step 6: Have your Java developer resume proofread With everything done, have your Java developer resume proofread by proofreaders. If the position you are applying for is a Java software engineer, for instance, you might want to have your resume proofread by a software engineer or a software developer to see if it demonstrates both you and your skills. What to put on a resume for a Java developer A
Resume & CV
Jun 14th 2022

Data Analyst Resume Guide w/ Examples & Templates

into comprehensible forms for managers, stakeholders, and other executives to make better-informed decisions. This is the primary task of a data analyst; their other typical responsibilities might include designing and maintaining databases and data systems, working closely with programmers, engineers, and organizational leaders to develop process improvements, system modifications, etc. It is important to note that data analyst differs from a data scientist, with the key difference in these 2 occupations mainly lies in the skills they use to
Resume & CV
Mar 9th 2022

Programmer Resume: Example & Tips

extra section to highlight personal traits. Step 10: Craft a convincing programmer cover letter. Programmer resume sample Within the computer science field, three key professions play a huge part in designing and developing computer software: programmers, software developers, and software engineers. Oftentimes, you will find a programmer, a developer, and an engineer referenced as one another due to their shared focus on building computer software. While there are many similarities, keep in mind that the programmer solely focuses on the
Career Planning
Jul 5th 2024

Top 8 Best Free Job Search Sites in Taiwan to Kickstart Your Career as an Expat (2024-2025 Update)

Cake to find your jobs upon your arrival. Why Cake 100% free to use; User-friendly interface; Multiple languages support — English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), French, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese; Thousands of job vacancies in tech, IT, engineering, semiconductor manufacturing, retail, and HR industries, etc; Transparent salary and company information; Job page tailored for foreigners in Taiwan and other different types of job seekers ; Job match recommendation using AI; Job search accuracy due to advanced filter; Easy
Industry & Job Overview
Feb 10th 2025


作 - 具備電路設計及PCBA 除錯能力 - 熟練運用CAD 工具(e.g. ORCAD 和PADs ) - 具備基本PCB 焊接能力 軟體工程師 Mid/Senior Software Engineer aifian 1,200,000 ~ 2,000,000 TWD / 年 - 熟悉前端、後端或全端其中一項領域 - 具備 JavaScript 設計與實作的能力 - 具備
Resume & CV
Feb 17th 2022

Career Changer Resume: Writing Guide & Template

examples recommended by HR experts not only gives you a comprehensive guide on resume writing but also helps you generate your own ideas. Besides, career change resume examples can help you learn the differences between resumes for entry-level and senior professionals. Step 2: Draft a well-branded resume headline . A resume headline is a professional title that you label yourself, stated in a short line. The headline for your career transition resume should include your desired role and transferable

Apa itu Business Analyst? Ini Tugas, Gaji, Skillnya!

Daftar isi : Definisi Business Analyst Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Business Analyst Skill yang Harus Dimiliki Business Analyst Cara dan Tips Menjadi Business Analyst Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat saat ini menuntut perusahaan untuk semakin berinovasi dalam mengembangkan produk dan layanan berdasarkan data-data bisnis yang ada. Permintaan posisi sebagai Business Analyst atau Bisnis Analis (BA) semakin banyak dicari, guna mempermudah perusahaan dalam meningkatkan efisiensi bisnis berdasar pada kemampuan analisis tentang fungsi bisnis dan teknologi informatika (IT). Jadi, apa itu Business
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

How to Write the Perfect Architecture Cover Letter (Cover Letter Guideline)

Architects are primarily responsible for creating designs for commercial and residential construction projects. The architectural field is highly competitive, with jobs usually requiring applicants to go through a lengthy application process. Alongside a strong resume and portfolio, a strong architecture cover letter is a great way to boost the impact of your application and land you in the next stage of the application process! Essentially, an architect cover letter is a one-page letter that summarizes your skills, experience, education

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