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Success Stories
Nov 19th 2020

Dcard 在找的人才就是你!HR 團隊解密人資心聲以及 Dcard 的工作日常

己的職涯。 在《科技職涯》Podcast 的第二季第 20 集,我們邀請到了全台的第一名匿名論壇 Dcard 的 HR 團隊,包括 Talent Operation Lead Helen、兩位 Talent Operation Partners Hanes、Aria,來為你揭秘 HR 的真實面貌! Podcast 各節摘要 01:00 三位在 Dcard 的 Talent Operations team 中是怎
Career Tools
May 18th 2024

15 Best Remote Work Tools & Software for Maximum Productivity 2024

help you stay focused and efficient. Additionally, to-do list tools can help organize tasks to be completed on your own time. Increase overall business productivity: Remote work tools go beyond individual productivity. They can help companies improve communication , streamline operations, and attract top talent in a global marketplace. 📚Further reading: How to Be Efficient While Working from Home? 5 Best Productivity Apps (Free!) Top 16 Best Remote Work Tools & Software in 2024 Slack : Your Communication Command Center Slack
People Operations
Jun 6th 2024

Master DEI Training: Empower Employees and Transform Your Workplace

distinct aspects: Diversity – celebrating and respecting everyone’s unique personal differences, including sexual orientations, and overcoming differences to succeed as a team. Diversity is also about embracing differences and utilizing everyone's unique strengths to collaborate effectively and attract diverse talent. Equity – Providing accommodations for employees who need them, so that they are not disadvantaged by workplace practices. Equity is needed to provide all employees the opportunity to succeed, despite any differences, and ensure inclusive behaviors are encouraged. Inclusion – making
People Operations
Jul 20th 2024

Ways to Boost Employee Loyalty and Drive Business Success

appreciation towards their company online or during networking, others will be curious to know more. This can build hype around your business and also improve your reputation in the industry. An improved reputation has positive effects, such as attracting top talent , better exposure in the industry, and having a strong competitive advantage. Better Customer Relationships Having teams of loyal employees, won’t just benefit your business; you can be assured that your customers will benefit also. Employees who are dedicated
Success Stories
Aug 30th 2021

從資料科學走向產品管理!在好奇心與成本之間取捨的 PayPal 資深產品經理 Nicolas

到的 Accountability,Nicolas 以他在 Facebook 的專案合作經驗為例,來分享溝通能力的重要性。 Nicolas 在 Facebook 時所在的組織是 Infrastructure 的 Operations & Strategy Team,是負責 Facebook 本身的業務擴張、基礎建設等需求的組織,其中,有個團隊便是由具備二、三十年商
Success Stories
Apr 1st 2021

Pinkoi 是人的企業:企業文化、徵才職缺與那些你好奇的幕後故事!專訪 Pinkoi 人資長 Michelle

Pinkoi 人資長 Michelle 所屬的 People Operations 團隊;Michelle 和我們分享 Pinkoi 的企業文化、工程師徵才職缺、團隊的工作日常,還有身為人資長的大小事 犀利、直接、幽默,講話像調了 1.5 倍速快的 Michelle,在一個小時內和我們聊了許多
Success Stories
May 7th 2024

Unleash Your Career Potential at Google Taiwan: An Event Recap

its business-friendly regulatory environment make it an attractive hub for global enterprises tapping into the Asian market. With over 15 years of successful operations in Taiwan, Google recently joined forces with Cake, a global talent platform, to orchestrate a Talent Connect event in early September. This event, " Unleash Your Career Potential at Google Taiwan ," aimed to provide invaluable insights about Google and attract international talent seeking career opportunities in Taiwan. About Cake: Cake is a global talent platform that
Recruitment & HR
Dec 9th 2024

Management Trainee Program: Ini Cara Menarik Trainee Berkualitas!

Tahukah Anda, perusahaan dengan management trainee program mencatat tingkat retensi karyawan 25% lebih tinggi dibandingkan perusahaan dengan program pelatihan standar ( LinkedIn ). Statistik ini mengkonfirmasi efektivitas program MT sebagai strategi pengembangan talent jangka panjang. Lalu, bagaimana membuat management trainee program yang efektif mengundang banyak kandidat trainee berkualitas? Simak ulasan yang telah Cake rangkum berikut ini. Apa Itu Management Trainee Program ? Apa Itu Management Trainee Program Management trainee program adalah jalur pengembangan terstruktur yang mentransformasi fresh graduate menjadi calon pemimpin perusahaan dalam
Career Planning
Jul 1st 2021

How to Become a Software Engineer from Scratch: Ultimate Career Change Guide

Contents 5 Steps to Become a Software Engineer Ways to Become a Software Engineer without a Degree Top 5 Software Engineer Resume Tips The opportunities brought by the ongoing technological evolution led to a constant high demand for software engineer jobs. Unfilled vacancies call for software development talent with high adaptability and attracted job seekers who aspire to higher salaries. According to U.S. News , the median software engineer salary lies around $107,510. Remote software engineer jobs also increased
Resume & CV
Aug 26th 2024

Sales Manager Resume Examples [+ Job Description & Skills]

On the surface, there isn’t much of a difference between a Sales Associate and a Sales Manager. They both deal with sales, they’re both excellent persuaders, and they both dabble in analysis. So what sets them apart and how can you incorporate that into your sales manager resume? Aside from the average annual salary of $82,000 USD Sales Managers also enjoy HR related responsibilities . Not only are they in charge of managing sales professionals, but they’re

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