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Resume & CV
Mar 23rd 2022

Top 6 Websites Provides Free Resume Icons to Elevate your Resume Game

Created by Cake To make your resume eye-catching within 7 seconds , tiny icons on a resume can sometimes be of great help. If used wisely, resume icons can make a difference when the recruiters review your resume. This is because they give a sense of creativeness, informativeness, and visually appealing to a plain text. Resume icons catch eyes and help the hiring team understand you better. Yet, like many other tools we use, resume icons can also have an
Cover Letter
Dec 2nd 2022

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter for a Mechanical Engineer Job

Created by Cake In this article, we’ll cover: Mechanical Engineering Cover Letter Examples How to Write a Mechanical Engineering Cover Letter Tips for Writing a Mechanical Engineer Cover Letter Cover Letter Template for a Mechanical Engineer Position Learning how to write a great cover letter for a mechanical engineer position, it is necessary to define what the job encompasses. Mechanical engineers are in charge of developing, building, and testing devices, engines, tools, etc. (sometimes, they also supervise quality assurance
Mar 31st 2022

5 Steps to Creating an Impressive Marketing Portfolio

Created by Cake In this article, you will read about: What Is a Marketing Portfolio? What to Include in a Marketing Portfolio How to Make a Marketing Portfolio Tips on Creating a Great Marketing Portfolio Marketing Portfolio Examples A marketing portfolio is used by people who work in the marketing field to showcase previous projects that they have marketed for. A marketing portfolio could consist of images, videos, descriptions of the project and the marketer’s contributions, skills and tools
Resume & CV
Nov 5th 2024

10+ Software Engineer Resume Examples | 2025 Format

software engineers do. In addition to being well-versed in a plethora of programming languages, software engineers and developers have to be self-motivated, oftentimes collaborative, and whizz with technology. They have to be comfortable: Adapting to new technologies and tools to ensure software functionality and reliability; Reviewing code and creating software solutions; and Communicating effectively to completed projects on time and to a high quality. They need to be able to demonstrate these skills on their software engineer resumes
News & Updates
Apr 8th 2019

The Wall of Cake

Cake Resume is known as a revolutionary hybrid in between a social media-based personal site and a resume which provides numbers of users with one page platform in order to introduce them in a professional, unique and also fully customizable way. Compared with a traditional resume that is typically text only and bland this one would use multimedia interfacing in order to allow numbers of users in terms of incorporating embedded links, videos, images and some other online tools
People Operations
Sep 28th 2022

Hire Offshore Software Development Companies Successfully: 10 Mistakes to Avoid

and security issues #6. Not being prepared for cultural differences #7. Not consulting a tech expert before hiring offshore software companies #8. Not trusting the vendor and micromanaging #9. Having a rigid budget and strict deadline #10. Choosing the wrong tools Offshore software development is an efficient and economical solution for a company. Offshoring development services can help a company provide their clients with high-quality results in less time than developing in-house. Moreover, the company can focus on
Career Planning
Jul 17th 2024

5+ Scholarship Thank You Letter Samples for 2024 (+ Tips)

education, and a heartfelt thank you letter acknowledges their support and demonstrates your appreciation. Crafting a well-written letter is essential in conveying your gratitude sincerely. The purpose of this article is to equip scholarship recipients with the knowledge and tools needed to craft sincere and impactful thank-you letters. By providing guidance on key components such as tone, structure, and content, as well as offering sample letters tailored to various scholarship scenarios, this article aims to empower recipients to
Recruitment & HR
Jan 20th 2025

AI Recruitment untuk Optimalkan Proses Rekrutmen di 2025

AI menawarkan solusi untuk tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi dalam proses rekrutmen tradisional. Memasuki tahun 2025, penerapan AI dalam rekrutmen diprediksi akan semakin meluas dan menjadi standar baru dalam industri ini. Daftar Isi Manfaat AI Recruitment untuk HR Rekomendasi AI Recruitment Tools untuk Optimalkan Rekrutmen Tahapan Integrasi AI Pada Proses Rekrutmen Anda Hal yang Harus Diperhatikan dalam AI Recruitment Manfaat AI Recruitment untuk HR Manfaat AI Recruitment untuk HR Penggunaan AI untuk rekrutmen menawarkan berbagai manfaat yang signifikan bagi tim HR
People Operations
Jun 2nd 2022

20 Best Software Engineering Interview Questions

encountered while working on a project and how you overcame it. Q5: Tell me about a time when you worked with other software engineers. Q6: Are you comfortable reviewing codes written by others? Q7: What are your favorite software development tools? Q8: How do you measure software quality? Q9: Talk about some mistakes you learned from. Q10: Do you have any questions for us? Common general software engineer interview questions Q1: What programming languages are you familiar with? This interview
Resume & CV
Mar 15th 2023

Kumpulan Contoh CV Desain Grafis Keren dan Kreatif

Contoh CV Desain Grafis Menarik - Dibuat di Cake Di jaman ini, kehadiran seorang grafis desainer di sebuah perusahaan menjadi sangat krusial. Semakin banyak perusahaan yang mencari fulltimer desain grafis ataupun freelance desain grafis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan. Baik perusahaan besar maupun perusahaan kecil berlomba untuk memiliki kehadiran di dunia online. Strategi untuk memiliki sosial media ataupun website sudah sangat umum dan dijadikan standar sebuah perusahaan yang mau go digital . Keperluan akan membuat konten untuk di posting di sosial media, brosur

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