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May 5th 2021

工業設計的價值如何實踐?frog design Industrial Designer 國傑的設計日常與中國市場觀察

產出解決方案等。像是他之前就曾經參與過一個跨領域的洗車機器人案子,從品牌 logo、CIS、工業設計、UX、App、線下體驗店、產品發表會等等全程負責,很少設計公司會參與到這麼深入的程度。 高度注重使
People Operations
Sep 28th 2022

Hire Offshore Software Development Companies Successfully: 10 Mistakes to Avoid

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover top 10 offshore development hiring mistakes: #1. Not having done proper research #2. Focusing too heavily on cost #3. Not being clear with your requirements #4. Not having established long-term goals #5. Not considering privacy and security issues #6. Not being prepared for cultural differences #7. Not consulting a tech expert before hiring offshore software companies #8. Not trusting the vendor and micromanaging #9. Having a rigid budget and strict
Career Planning
Jul 1st 2021

How to Become a Software Engineer from Scratch: Ultimate Career Change Guide

allow software engineers to work from home or freelance. More consider a career change as a response to this new era, or find online software development jobs to live more freely. However, before making dramatic decisions, one should probably conduct research to understand the fundamentals and requirements of working as a software engineer or a software developer. This article walks you through the basics you need to know on how to get into software development. Follow the steps to become
Resume & CV
Apr 7th 2022

3 Contoh CV Product Manager, Siap Diterima Perusahaan!

luas dan banyak berhubungan dengan beberapa bidang, keterampilan yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang product manager juga beragam. Beberapa contoh skill product manager adalah: 💻 Hard Skill Project management (Trello & Jira ) Analytics skills (Google Analytics, Excel, SQL) Survey (Google Forms, Survey Monkey) Desain & UI/ UX (Figma, Sketch) Basics of programming languages Customer Journey Research Troubleshooting Competitor Benchmarking Language (English, Mandarin)  ✍️ Soft Skill Communication Skill Influence Leadership Prioritization Empathy Problem Solving Curiosity Collaboration Agility Expectation Management Jika pada postingan pekerjaan dituliskan...
Industry & Job Overview
Oct 29th 2022

Chief Technology Officer (CTO): Tugas, Skill Set dan Proyeksi Karirnya!

di institusi pendidikan. Nah, pada umumnya chief technology officer melakukan supervisi untuk divisi IT dalam perusahaan. Untuk beberapa divisi yang dikelola oleh CTO adalah: Web developers Software engineers Software developers Data analyst Data scientists Front-end developers Network engineers UI/UX designer Lantas apa perbedaan tugas CTO dan CIO? Pada dasarnya CTO bekerjasama dengan CIO atau Chief Information Officer dalam melakukan inovasi teknologi, namun perannya tidaklah sama. Peran CIO menangani detail teknologi secara mendetail dan teknis dalam membangun sistem teknologi
Resume & CV
Feb 19th 2025

14 Contoh Soft Skill dan Hard Skill dalam CV yang Disukai HRD!

kemampuan seseorang untuk meneliti, mengamati, dan memahami berbagai jenis data untuk menemukan solusi bagi permasalahan bisnis. Orang dengan data yang kuat dapat menggunakan informasi yang didapat ini untuk membantu sebuah perusahaan mengembangkan strategi. Contoh skill analisa data dalam CV meliputi: Research, Data Visualization, Data Management, Forecasting dll. 2. Skill Desain dan Marketing Skill dalam marketing dan desain adalah contoh skill yang selalu diperlukan banyak organisasi. Apalagi seiring perpindahnya pemasaran yang serba online, skill desain dan digital marketing pun semakin populer
Resume & CV
Aug 4th 2022

20 Computer Skills to Write in Your CV [w/ Examples & Writing Tips]

Tableau Database Management MS Access Oracle Teradata IBM DB2 SQL Quickbooks Expense tracking Accounts payable Invoicing Cash flow management Payroll Social Media Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest TikTok Web HTML CSS Javascript WordPress Joomla Writing Skills WordPress Yoast SEO Journalism Research Graphics Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Figma Procreate Enterprise Systems Payment processing Automated billing systems Salesforce Oracle Netsuite SAP Software Skills Java SQL JavaScript C++ Python Hardware Skills System administration Network configuration Software installation Vendor management Cloud management Advanced Computer Skills
Industry & Job Overview
Jan 19th 2023

設計業新星「UI設計師」,如何煉成?— UI設計自學資源與求職管道整理

UX 設計師都怎麼找工作?2023 UI/UX 設計資源與求職管道彙整 在 Sketch 工作是什麼樣子?唯一亞洲區夥伴揭秘:UX 設計師在 Sketch 的全遠端生活 設計師要有哪些軟實力?Sketch UX 設計師 Yvon:懂得問「為什麼」才是關鍵
Sep 29th 2021

How to Make a Graphic Design Portfolio [What to Include & Examples]

Created by Cake You'll learn: Graphic Design Portfolio Examples - Ideas & Inspiration How to Make a Graphic Design Portfolio What to Include in a Graphic Design Portfolio Tips on Creating the Best Graphic Design Portfolio As the world begins to grow, a professional online presence is a crucial thing to have for prospective employees. Whether you are a full-time graphic designer or even a freelancer, a graphic design portfolio is valuable in the current job market, if not significantly
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020

差點從柏克萊休學卻翻轉人生?Netflix 產品設計師的非典型職涯冒險!(上)

應該很少有人的故事像 Kristy 這樣峰迴路轉、曲折離奇,最後柳暗花明又一村。 在一間說出名字大家都會眼睛一亮的公司工作,誰會想得到,這位來自台灣的 Netflix 產品設計師,在高中時曾被當掉 5 個科目

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