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Nov 6th 2024

Cách viết CV UX/UI designer giúp hồ sơ xin việc của bạn “tỏa sáng”

Mẫu CV trên Cake Mục lục: Thông tin cần có trong CV UX/UI Lưu ý khi tạo CV UX/UI Mẫu CV cho UX Designer Mẫu CV cho UI Designer Trong lĩnh vực lập trình và thiết kế web, bạn thường hay nghe UX (User Experience) và UI (User Interface) được nhắc đến cùng nhau. Điều này làm nhiều người lầm tưởng hai vị trí này là một. Đây thực ra là hai lĩnh vực hoàn toàn khác nhau
Oct 17th 2024

Tạo portfolio cho UX/UI designer “chất” ở đâu, cần chú ý những gì?

Lưu ý khi làm portfolio UI/UX design Mục lục: 5 mẫu portfolio UX/UI ấn tượng Làm portfolio cho UX/UI designer ở đâu? Lưu ý khi tạo portfolio online cho UX/UI designer CV và portfolio đều có vai trò giới thiệu về bạn và công việc bạn làm. CV bao quát kinh nghiệm và bằng cấp và là một thành phần thiết yếu của bất kỳ hồ sơ xin việc nào. Trong khi đó, portfolio xin việc
Industry & Job Overview
Jun 15th 2022

UI/UX 設計是什麼,哪裡不同?UX/UI設計師工作、薪水、職缺特搜!

章大綱: 1. UIUX 設計是什麼? UIUX 差別是什麼? 2. UIUX 設計師的工作內容 3. 如何成為 UIUX 設計師 4. UIUX 設計師的職缺管道 5. 如何準備 UIUX 設計師的履歷、作品集、面試 UIUX 設計是什麼?先來認識 UX
Success Stories
Jul 9th 2024

【IKEA 面試分享】IKEA UX 設計師面試,準備方向、面試心法一次公開!

師朋友們一些準備的方向。 本文經 Kevin 授權刊登,原文 刊載 於此。 文章大綱 一、面試前的 2 大準備 二、IKEA UX 設計面試第一階段 三、IKEA UX 設計面試第二階段 四、IKEA  UX 設計面試第三階段 五、IKEA UX 設計面試最終
Industry & Job Overview
Dec 20th 2022

Apa itu UI dan UX? Kenali Perbedaan, Tugas, Gaji, Dll.

Daftar Isi: Pengertian UI dan UX Perbedaan UI UX Karir UI vs. UX, Mana yang Cocok untuk Kamu? Workflow UI dan UX Cara Menjadi UI/UX Designer Pada zaman millennial ini, banyak pekerjaan baru bermunculan berkat perkembangan teknologi. Salah satunya adalah UI/UX. Akronim bahasa Inggris ini adalah singkatan dari User Interface dan User Experience . UI dan UX seringkali dipandang suatu pekerjaan yang sama walau sebenarnya dua hal ini merupakan hal yang berbeda. Belum tahu apa perbedaan UI UX? Telusuri
May 13th 2022

The Ultimate Guide to A Great UI Designer Portfolio

many professionals work as UX/UI designers at the same time. If you’re new to this field or have completed plenty of projects, it’s important to have your own UI designer portfolio to showcase your talent. A stunning UI portfolio website can help you with employment seeking in the future, especially for freelance UI designers/artists. A UI portfolio helps a UI designer showcase their skills through their past projects to attract employers/clients. What Is a UI
Jun 10th 2022

How to Create a Stunning Video Portfolio [Tips + Examples]

related roles (in the form of a videographer's website or videographer portfolio) we'll say you shouldn't limit yourself. Any of these professions below can benefit greatly from a video reel portfolio: Architects Interior Designers Graphic Designers Illustrator UX/UI Designers Producer Content Creator Director Machine Learning or AI Engineers Actors News Anchor/Presenters Models What Is a Video Portfolio? A video portfolio is essentially a collection of your best work/projects in a video format. It is
Industry & Job Overview
Aug 12th 2020


呢?UI設計師還平面設計師又有什麼差別,讓UI設計師成為一項獨特的職缺內容?如果想成為一位UI設計師,有什麼特質及功課是求職時必須準備的呢? UI設計師的具體工作內容 UI v.s UX UIUX

Want to Break Into the Lucrative World of Tech? Here Are 10 Entry-Level Tech Jobs You Should Strive to Obtain

UX/UI Designer UX/UI Designers are responsible for the visuals and user interactions you experience when using an app or website. They are an indispensable factor at top tech companies. UX designers focus on the overall user journey, while UI designers concern visual appeal. This entry-level tech position involves gathering data, creating minimal viable products, and conducting user tests. Skills in UI design, web development, and data-oriented tools are essential. Skills Required: Essential skills include UI and
Mar 31st 2022

20 Great UI Designer Portfolios Examples [+ Pro Tips]

In this article, you will read about: 20 Best UI Designer Portfolio Examples Tips for Creating a UI Designer Portfolio Having a well-curated UI designer portfolio is not only about selecting the perfect projects and how you display them. A UI portfolio functions similarly to a traditional resume. But, instead of only having your information presented in words, you also get to showcase your skills and past projects in an aesthetically-pleasing way. Whether you are a self-employed

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