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Job Search Tips
Nov 12th 2024

Upwork là gì? Cách tìm việc và kiếm tiền trên Upwork

Tìm việc và kiếm tiền trên Upwork như thế nào? Mục lục: Upwork là gì? Cách sử dụng Upwork cho người tìm việc Upwork có những công việc gì? Upwork là gì mà luôn nằm trong top các trang tìm việc uy tín đối với dân freelancer. Phát sinh từ nhu cầu tuyển dụng ứng viên và tìm kiếm công việc trên toàn thế giới, Upwork đã được “khai sinh” như một nền tảng trung gian giúp kết nối doanh
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2023

Secrets of Writing Successful Upwork Cover Letters

Cover Letter Samples for Upwork Refer to the best Upwork cover letter samples below that will help your proposal stand out from other applicants and successfully land a job. Quick Navigation: Upwork cover letter sample for beginners Cover letter for Upwork data entry jobs Upwork cover letter sample for web developers Upwork cover letter sample for graphic designers Sample Upwork cover letter for virtual assistants Sample cover letter for Upwork customer service jobs Upwork cover letter sample for beginners Hello
Cover Letter
Jan 20th 2025

Hướng dẫn cách viết cover letter trên Upwork mới nhất

ngữ thông minh, AI cover letter của bạn mang tính cá nhân hoá cao, từ đó giúp chinh phục nhà tuyển dụng một cách vô cùng ấn tượng. "Chốt deal" thành công với trọn bộ bí kíp viết cover letter Upwork Mục lục: Các mẫu cover letter Upwork hay Cách viết cover letter trên Upwork Gần đây, khi xu hướng Freelance đang dần phổ biến, việc tìm kiếm cơ hội việc làm trên Upwork cũng trở nên cạnh tranh hơn
Job Search Tips
Nov 21st 2024

遠端工作哪裡找?熱門職缺 & 10 大遠距工作求職管道都在這裡!

評價與曝光,等到建立一定的信譽後再逐漸漲價。如果不喜歡這種經營模式,Fiverr 可能就不太適合你。 UpworkUpwork 上面,無論是想要找工作或是貼上招募資訊,都是以「技能(skills)」作為主要的分類與標籤方式。搜
News & Updates
Jan 17th 2020

Cake for Freelancers: Boost Your Income with a Professional Resume

If you are a freelancer on Upworks or Freelancer.com , you should have a piece of Cake on your profile! This will enable you to highlight more of your skills and best assets, which will surely encourage potential employers or even other users to hire you and avail of whatever service you offer and provide. How Cake answers Freelancers’ quest for the best resumes? Better Readability Cake is focusing on content and leveraging the art of the typefaces as well
Career Planning
Nov 10th 2022

Kickstart Your Freelancing Career: Top 20 Freelance Websites

for freelancers to find jobs now. However, not every online freelance job board is helpful for you. To avoid investing your time on a dead end, we want to introduce you to a few of the best freelancing sites. 1. Upwork Upwork is one of the best freelance websites because of its broad job options. New positions are listed daily and its rating system provides information for potential candidates and job posters to make the right decision. It is popular
Industry & Job Overview
Nov 11th 2024

Apa Itu Kerja Remote? Keuntungan, Jenis, dan Tips Cari Kerja Remote

Perkembangan kerja remote yang semakin pesat telah mengubah cara pandang tentang konsep work-life-balance . Menurut studi yang dilakukan oleh Upwork dan Pew Research Center , sekitar 22% tenaga kerja Amerika akan bekerja secara remote pada tahun 2025, dengan 14% di antaranya fully remote dan 41% secara hybrid . Hal ini karena bekerja secara remote memiliki banyak manfaat. Bagi perusahaan, menyediakan kerja remote untuk karyawan dapat mengurangi biaya kantor, meningkatkan rekrutmen, dan retensi karyawan. Produktivitas karyawan yang bekerja secara remote juga mengalami
Cover Letter
Aug 20th 2021

Best Graphic Design Cover Letter | Examples and Writing Tips

You'll learn: Graphic Design Cover Letter Example What to put on a cover letter for graphic designers Cover letter tips for freelance graphic designers on UpWork Extra tips - Perfect junior graphic designer cover letter Extra tips - Professional senior graphic designer cover letter Cover letters, or “application letters“, are letters written by job applicants to the hiring manager, explaining their motivation for applying for a position, and their competence for the role. As a graphic designer, you’ll also need
Job Search Tips
May 6th 2021

How to Work Remotely? 13 Efficient Ways to Find Remote Jobs Online

Work used to be so mechanical. You wake up at 5:00 am, prepare breakfast, pack lunch, take a quick shower then head out the door to what most certainly would be the morning rush hour. But as expected, technology found a way to shake things up. Work and lifestyle have become flexible. In fact, technology has merged them by creating the means to work anywhere in the world. Today, there are more and more companies that allow you to
Job Search Tips
Jun 23rd 2020

想在家工作?5 個接案技巧讓自由工作者一次上手 (內含職缺)

型態已經十分普遍,尤其在歐洲、美國等西方國家特別盛行。根據全球最大的自由工作者接案平台 Upwork 統計,2019 年光是於美國就有約 5700 萬人從事自由接案工作,為超過美國 1/3 的勞動力;歐洲的自由

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