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Apr 1st 2022

“What Motivates You?” & Example Interview Answers

approach to answer the interview question “What motivates you.” Similar motivation questions asked in an interview include: What drives you in life/at work? What motivates you to do a good job? What inspires you to go to work every day? What makes a job fun and motivating for you? What are you passionate about at work? What inspires you to succeed every day? What motivates and makes you excited to go to work? Why Interviewers Ask “What Motivates You
Job Search Tips
Apr 8th 2019

8 Ways to Get a Better Job Fast

educational attainment. If you have an online profile, this has to be updated to match your resume. Content. Within the first 6 seconds, the recruiter would expect to get an idea of what you can do for the company, how you can contribute to the department and why they should hire you. Many recruiters will go straight into your work experience and find out what you have done with your current or latest employment. Make sure you get the important
Apr 8th 2019

Simple Tips for Creating a First-Class Personal Portfolio

question. Assuming your quality of work is up there with the best, then maybe the prospective client relates to you as a person or shares a similar interest. Or they happen to like your quirks more than other designers they’ve been checking out that day. CakeResume can be an amazing way to create your distinctive personal brand. Further Reading: If you’re looking for some portfolio design inspiration, check out this post: 45 brilliant design portfolios to inspire you .

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