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Aug 30th 2021

從資料科學走向產品管理!在好奇心與成本之間取捨的 PayPal 資深產品經理 Nicolas

實的基礎和概念,對於一位新鮮人來說是非常珍貴的。 Yahoo — 短時間內建立不同領域的專業技能 Nicolas 在 Yahoo 時負責的是電子商務的相關產品,包括購物中心、商城、拍賣等等。當年電商詐騙的案子頻傳,Yahoo
Resume & CV
Feb 23rd 2021

Successful CEO Resume Writing Guide [+ Examples]

Created by Cake! You'll learn: How to write a CEO Resume? What to put on a CEO resume? What does a CEO resume look like? (Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer) How to write a cover letter for a CEO position? CEO Resume Sample (Text Format) The duty of a chief executive officer(CEO) is to manage and run the enterprise. They make precise decisions that guide the long-term performance of the company. Being the lead of the business and

Apa itu SEO Specialist? Ini Tugas, Gaji, dan Skill yang Dibutuhkan!

Banyak bisnis menggunakan strategi pemasaran online (digital marketing) agar bisnis mereka dapat bersaing sukses di era digital. Salah satu strategi digital marketing yang umum adalah dalam menerapkan strategi SEO agar bisnis kita lebih mudah ditemukan oleh pengguna melalui Google atau mesin pencari lainnya seperti Yahoo, Bing, dll. Oleh karena kebutuhan SEO yang meningkat, SEO Specialist pun menjadi profesi yang banyak dicari saat ini. Apa itu SEO Specialist? Simak artikel ini sampai habis untuk mengenal tugas SEO specialist sampai cara menjadi
Career Development
Nov 1st 2024

Cách viết email chuyên nghiệp, kèm 5 mẫu cực chuẩn

bậc, vị trí công việc. Một ví dụ điển hình là việc các bạn sinh viên sắp/mới ra trường cần gửi CV qua email xin việc . Bên cạnh những ứng dụng hòm mail điện tử thông dụng như Outlook, Yahoo, v.v. thì việc sử dụng Gmail chuyên nghiệp cũng được các doanh nghiệp đánh giá cao. Email cũng được sử dụng thường xuyên với tính chất cá nhân nhưng trong bài viết này, CakeResume chỉ tập trung về
Cover Letter
Jun 27th 2022

Are Cover Letters Necessary? To Send or Not To Send Your Cover Letter

process. But it's the 21st century and you might wonder why you need a cover letter in this modern-day recruitment, especially if the company doesn't ask for one. Based on a survey of 2000 recruiters done by Yahoo! Finance, 83% of the respondents said that cover letters were essential for them to make hiring decisions. A great cover letter also helped a candidate in the running for the position and 83% of recruiters were more likely to
Success Stories
Mar 26th 2021

Google UX Researcher Jim 如何為團隊開拓 UX 研究?Bumble 的跨文化經驗與加入 Google 的契機分享

他豐富、甚至是有點冒險的 UX 職涯。畢業於中央大學資管系、清華大學服務科學研究所的 Jim,曾加入 Yahoo、德國的音樂串流新創團隊 88tc88、ASUS、獵豹、以交友軟體 Bumble 聞名的 MagicLab,然後到現在的 Google。 經驗豐富的 Jim,常
Resume & CV
Nov 5th 2024

Tạo CV content writer thế nào để bắt chuẩn xu hướng?

bạn. Ví dụ về thông tin cá nhân trong CV xin việc content: Truong Minh Anh Ngọc | Content Writer với 3+ năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực mỹ phẩm Quận Bạch Mai, Hà Nội (849).  hoamduong@yahoo.vn 2. Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp Đối với các mẫu CV content writer chuẩn hiện nay, phần mục tiêu nghề nghiệp cũng dần trở nên không thể thiếu. Mục này cũng như là kế hoạch phát triển bản thân
Resume & CV
May 17th 2021

Cashier Resume: Objectives, Examples, and Job Description

details on the main resume sections effortlessly. You can then download the cashier resume pdf after customizing it appropriately. ✔️ You will find several well-crafted cashier resume examples online. Typing "cashier resume samples” on a search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) avails many cashier resume examples. Decide on the one that suits your cashier resume. Tip 3: Tailor the cashier resume and get keywords (from the job description plus research). Match your best qualifications to the cashier job duties
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Education Cover Letter: 6 Steps to Write a Job-Winning One [+Example & Template]

The different positions in the education sector are endless, from special education teacher to sports coach and back around to math tutor. But the tricks to writing a perfect education cover letter are not. A requirement for most formal applications, besides a resume or CV , an application letter for education is important for both first-time and well-seasoned teachers. Acting as a first-hand account of who you are, what you’ve done, and why this matters, the cover
Resume & CV
Mar 8th 2021

Mechanic Resume Examples | Templates, Job Descriptions & Resume Summary

Created by Cake You'll learn about: How to write a great mechanic resume? What is a good objective for a mechanic resume? How to write a professional mechanic resume summary? What are some great skills to put on a resume for a mechanic job? How to write a mechanic resume with no experience? Mechanic Resume Sample Mechanics inspect and repair automobiles and machinery. They also monitor garage inventory and mechanical components. While sometimes people might get confused among the

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