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Mar 6th 2024

A Short Guide to Gender Equality in the Workplace

make faster progress to reduce gender inequality? Table of Contents: What Is Gender Equality in the Workplace? The Benefits of Gender Equality at Work The Current State of Gender Equality How to Promote Gender Equality in the Workplace? The Future of Gender Equality What Is Gender Equality in the Workplace? Gender equality in the workplace is established when everyone, regardless of gender, has equal access and opportunity to thrive at work. Gender inequality can occur as the result of pay
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Building an Inclusive and Thriving Workplace with DEI

workplace is all about ensuring fairness and justice. Disparities and inequalities may manifest in various ways, from unequal pay scales to limited access to career advancement opportunities. Recognizing these disparities and actively working to rectify them is a core tenet of DEI initiative. For instance, implementing pay equity initiatives to close gender pay gaps demonstrates a commitment to workplace equity. 📚 Further reading: A Short Guide to Gender Equality in the Workplace Inclusion Inclusion is the practice of creating an
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Uncover Your Workplace Rights: 15 Employee Rights You Need To Know

discrimination illegal in the workplace. Equal employment opportunity ensures that all employees are given the same opportunities and rights regardless of their identity. 📚 Further reading: A Short Guide to Gender Equality in the Workplace National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) The NLRB is responsible for investigating cases where an employee’s rights have been violated in the workplace. They aim to resolve the issues and penalize those responsible, and work with employees, employers and workers unions. The Occupational Safety and
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

How to Make an Employee Handbook (Best Practices, Samples & Templates)

of employment they fall under and the benefits/responsibilities that have as a result. Statement of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) The Statement of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) in an employee handbook is an expression of the company’s commitment to equality and non-discrimination in the workplace. An employee handbook tells employees everything they need to know about the company they work for, and the EEO ensures that they are treated fairly and equitably at work! The EEO in an
Interview Skills
Jul 14th 2022

DEI Interview Questions: How to Answer (+ Samples)

mean exactly? Diversity in employees includes varying in race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, level of disability, and religion. Equity ensures fairness by giving employees tools to succeed based on their needs. Last but not least, inclusion is feeling “belonging” in the workplace. Diversity, equity, and inclusion interview questions are oftentimes about your experience with people of different backgrounds, such as different races, and how you make sure people are treated fairly and respectfully. In this article, we’ll go
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

The Gender Pay Gap: Unveiling The Truth and Debunking The Myths

the highest level, which is 75,3%. But all this data still leaves numerous questions unanswered. Does the increased number mean that the root of the gender pay gap is finally being eradicated? How about the myth associated with the gender pay gap debunked? More women in the workforce is not directly proportional to the company's desire to provide higher wages. Although the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) system in the workplace has been linked to the improvement of
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace: What Is It and How Can You Change It

presence of unconscious bias in the workplace. Therefore, understanding and addressing this phenomenon is critical for making changes and fostering an inclusive work environment. TABLE OF CONTENTS What is Unconscious Bias in the Workplace? Types of Unconscious Bias Commonly Found in the Workplace How to Tackle Unconscious Bias in the Workplace? ​​ Benefits of an Unconscious Bias-Free Workplace Conclusion What is Unconscious Bias in the Workplace? Often operating beneath the surface of our conscious awareness, unconscious bias in the workplace

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