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Industry & Job Overview
May 20th 2022

Apa itu Business Consultant? Kenali Tugas, Gaji, Skill, Dll.!

dalam bisnis. Nah, ternyata business consultant atau konsultan bisnis adalah bisnis yang besar dan sah dengan pendapatan rata-rata per tahun sekitar USD 250 miliar, dan dengan perkiraan 700.000 perusahaan konsultan bisnis beroperasi di seluruh dunia! Tak heran pekerjaan business consultant menjadi salah satu pilihan karir yang diidamkan. Apakah anda mulai penasaran dengan apa itu business consultant ? Yuk, simak artikel dari Cake ini. Apa itu Business Consultant ? Pengertian Business Consultant Business consultant adalah seorang profesional yang ahli dalam dunia
Industry & Job Overview
Sep 27th 2022

How to Become a Consultant: Tips & Advice

consulting careers include: Management consultant: advises companies on how to improve management structure and governance to ultimately improve employee and business outcomes IT consultant: provides IT-related expertise to companies on how to optimize workflow using improvements in IT. Strategy consultant: works with high-level management to make plans regarding business strategy, such as mergers & acquisitions, corporate strategy and investments Financial advisory consultant: deals with financial decisions regarding risk management, taxes, restructuring and financial improvements for a business Marketing consultant
Industry & Job Overview
Mar 15th 2023

Apa itu Profesi Konsultan? Kenali Jenis, Tugas, dan Gajinya!

berdasarkan pengalaman kerja, gajinya berkisar Rp 10.000.000 hingga Rp 15.000.000. 2. Konsultan Bisnis dan Marketing Konsultan ini paling banyak diminati. Kamu juga salah satunya yang tertarik dengan dunia bisnis? Coba mulai karirmu sebagai konsultan bisnis atau business consultant. Tugas utama konsultan bisnis adalah menganalisis bisnis model milik klien dan menyesuaikan dengan keadaan terkini. Tugas konsultan bisnis adalah untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis klien. Biasanya tujuan bisnis paling utama yang ingin dicapai adalah: Meningkatkan penjualan dan revenue Memaksimalkan
Interview Skills
Apr 28th 2023

Bỏ túi cách giới thiệu bản thân bằng tiếng Anh khi phỏng vấn

I believe I can still do it well. 4. What is your long-term goal? (Mục tiêu dài hạn của bạn là gì?) Kịch bản trả lời phỏng vấn: In the next 10 years, I would like to become a business consultant to help companies operate more sustainably, maintaining their value while giving back to the community. There is still a long way ahead, but I will work hard to achieve this goal. 📍 Tìm hiểu ngay các câu hỏi
Industry & Job Overview
Dec 20th 2022

Apa itu Purchasing Staff: Tugas, Skill Set, Jenjang Karir

direncanakan. Memastikan kondisi dan kualitas barang yang dipesan sudah memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan. Mencatat faktur Purchase Order (PO) dan menghubungi divisi keuangan tentang pembayaran barang yang telah dipesan. Bekerja sama dengan tim gudang tentang penyimpanan barang. 📚 Baca juga: Apa itu Business Consultant? Kenali Tugas, Gaji, Skill, Dll.! Bagaimana Cara Kerja Purchasing Staff? Untuk mengerti lebih dalam tentang tugas staff purchasing , Cake telah menyediakan penjelasan tentang alur pekerjaan purchasing staff. 1. Melakukan Perencanaan Sebelum melakukan pembelian, purchasing staff harus membuat perencanaan

10 High-paying Business Degree Jobs

finance, business, etc. Average salary : This is one of the high-paid positions with a median annual wage of $93,000 in May 2021, according to BLS. Requirements: Having a bachelor's degree in business is preferable for a management consultant. Projected growth: In the BLS 2022 report, the employment rate of management consultant positions is forecasted to grow by 14% by 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. 📚Further reading: How to Become a Consultant: Tips & Advice
People Operations
Aug 19th 2024

What Is an Employee Training Program? (+ Definition, Types & Best Practices)

Workshops Workshops are a form of hands-on employee training of a specific skill, where employees learn a new skill by practicing it with an instructor. Workshops are often for developing employees’ soft skills such as inclusion training, diversity training, business strategy, human resource management and team training. A manager or guest speaker is brought in to teach employees during the workshop, and is run as a whole-day learning experience. Seminar A seminar is a form of instructor-led

BD 工作內容大揭秘:商務開發必備技能、BD 職缺與面試方法整理

職缺,希望幫助想應徵 BD 工作的求職者。 文章大綱 一、BD 意思是什麼?工作內容有哪些? 二、怎麼成為 BD?Business Development 的必備技能 三、想應徵 BD 工作嗎?BD 求職技巧報你知 四、BD 職缺哪裡找?熱門職缺分享 一、BD 意思
Resume & CV
Jun 11th 2021

【履歷範本】BD 履歷教學,說服人資就是你!

你喜歡廣結人脈、與人互動嗎?你常常不落窠臼、想出新奇的點子嗎?你對於達成目標總是十分執著、甚至常常超越目標嗎?那麼,綜合以上數個條件的「Business Development(商務開發)」工作可能十分適合你!讓我們來看
Success Stories
Dec 2nd 2020

百年企業中的創新職涯!IBM 職人現身說法:跨領域的資源和機會,給享受挑戰的你

該加入制度穩定、福利健全的大公司,還是充滿活力、扁平管理的新創?相信許多人在求職時都會面臨這樣的抉擇,尤其是職場經驗尚淺的新鮮人。一打開 PTT、Dcard,會發現相關的討論眾多,從沒有所謂「正

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