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Oct 24th 2024

How to Find Part-time Jobs As an International Student in Taiwan

What Jobs Can International Students Do in Taiwan? How to Find Jobs in Taiwan for International Students? Tips for Finding and Landing Job for International Students Conclusion Part-time Jobs for International Students in Taiwan What You Need to Work in Taiwan as International Students Can students do part-time jobs in Taiwan? Yes they can, but only with proper documents! Without the correct documents, you might lose your chance of landing your part-time job in Taiwan! Taiwan regulates
Career Planning
Jun 26th 2024

Taiwan's Effort in Recruiting Talents in the Digital Field for the Upcoming Decades

Taiwan? On top of all the usual benefits of having a working visa in Taiwan (aka being eligible to work in Taiwan), the Taiwan Gold Card has a few additional perks: Open work permit: With the open work permit, you can work for any employer, be self-employed, or start your own business here. This is perfect for any expat who wishes to work flexibly, as you can work for any employer or switch jobs at any time. You don
Career Planning
Apr 4th 2024

How to Work Abroad Tips for 2024: A Practical Guide for Global Job Seekers

people Language and communication skills required in the country You should also consider your own motivations and expectations for working abroad, such as: Duration and type of work you want to do: short-term or long-term, full-time or part-time, freelance or contract, etc. The level of challenge and adventure you are looking for The degree of flexibility and independence you need Your career planning: the opportunities for personal and professional growth and development Working abroad can also
People & Culture
Mar 6th 2024

From Freelancing to Content Marketing Intern at Cake

My journey of becoming a content marketing intern at Cake actually started from working as a freelance SEO content writer with them. Let’s start from summer 2021. I was in my 3rd year of uni in Taiwan as an Indonesian student, majoring in Applied Foreign Languages. And every one of my friends already got summer jobs in restaurants and stores making bucks, while I was still volunteering online as a content writer, penniless. FOMO almost made me follow my

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