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Mar 6th 2024

Virtual Career Fair Cake 2023 Sukses Digelar, Intip Keramaian Acara Disini!

untuk berbagai posisi, baik untuk kandidat entry level maupun fresh graduates. Agar menjangkau jobseeker dan kandidat yang sesuai, Cake telah menjalin kemitraan yang erat dengan berbagai universitas ternama di Indonesia sehingga menarik jobseeker dan talenta dari berbagai perguruan tinggi termasuk Career Development Center Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, dan lainnya. Melalui acara ini, Cake menjadi jembatan yang menghubungkan jobseeker dengan perusahaan-perusahaan. 900+ Partisipan Antusias Untuk Mendapatkan Insights Langsung dari HR. Selain beragam peluang kerja dari berbagai
People Operations
Aug 19th 2024

What Is an Employee Training Program? (+ Definition, Types & Best Practices)

few months, depending on the role. By passing a training period, an employee is now able to work with minimal supervision. b) Employee Development Employee development programs involve training for current staff to improve their hard or soft skills. Employee development can range from improving leadership skills to closing skill gaps, or learning in demand skills. Employee development is often implemented to provide opportunities for career development or career progression for employees, for the purpose of promoting internal mobility. As
Mar 6th 2024

12 Perusahaan Besar Industri Finance & FMCG Indonesia Ramaikan Virtual Career Fest 2023, Intip Keseruannya Disini!

and Innovation, Bank KB Bukopin, PT Astro Technologies Indonesia, dan lainnya. Cake mencatat lebih dari 3000 talenta memanfaatkan acara VCFest Cake 2023 untuk mencari peluang kerja di perusahaan-perusahaan yang aktif merekrut ini secara gratis. Hiring Partner di Acara Virtual Career Fest Cake 2023 Tersedia beragam loker untuk para pelamar dari berbagai bidang, mulai dari posisi staff admin, research and development, marketing, investment analyst, hingga restaurant manager. Selain itu, tersedia juga lowongan kerja untuk magang, kontrak, part-time, dan full
Resume & CV
Mar 11th 2022

How to Write a Killer School Counselor Resume: Examples and Tips

Counselor Resume Examples: Compassionate high school counselor focused on preparing high school students for their careers. Knowledgeable in career development, adolescent development, and social skill development. Encouraging school counselor with 8+ years of experience supporting students with emotional and social development strategies. Honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award for 3 consecutive years. Kind postsecondary school counselor dedicated to providing emotional and social support for students transitioning into the workforce. Proficient with career development resources for different majors and career paths
Industry & Job Overview
Jul 30th 2024

Jumpstart Your Career: The Ultimate Guide on How to Get into Tech

can directly lead to a career in tech, including: Computer Science Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Computer Information Systems (CIS) Management Information Systems (MIS) Biomedical Engineering Cybersecurity Robotics Data Science Information Technology (IT) Game Design However, excelling in your career requires more than just completing coursework. Universities offer numerous resources to support your career development. Take advantage of your university's internship programs and facilities to build your professional network. Joining tech clubs allows you to collaborate on projects
Resume & CV
Feb 22nd 2022

System Administrator Resume: Examples and Tips

ATS-Compliant resume format and will increase the likelihood of the resume passing the applicant tracking system and gaining HR’s attention. Most recruiters also are used to the chronological resume format. It features previous working experience and shows steady career development. ❌ Cons: It is more likely to be called into attention if the applicants have gaps in their career path. 2. The functional resume format Also known as skill-based resume format, this format scrambles all different job
Resume & CV
Mar 2nd 2022

How to Write a Culinary Resume? [+Examples & Tips]

Chronological resume format It is the most frequently used resume format, which organizes work experience in reverse chronological order. Pros: ATS(Applicant Tracking Systems)-friendly Preferred by recruiters Demonstrates career development and qualifications Emphasizes relevant work experience Cons: Easily detected career gaps May raise questions if the work history is unstable 2. Functional resume format A functional resume format organizes work experience along with different skills. It is preferred by candidates with several career gaps or career changes. Pros: Covers
Resume & CV
Jun 24th 2021

Medical Technologist Resume: Examples, Templates & Top Tips

experience more than other qualifications, which means this format is not suitable for an entry-level medical technician resume. Functional format 📝 This format highlights skills and current experience in your medical technologist resume. This format is often chosen by career changers or people who have gaps in their careers. ✅ Pros: Suitable for individuals with relevant skills for the job positions. ❌ Cons: Cannot display your career development clearly. Unlike a medical laboratory technologist resume in a chronological format
Job Search Tips
Aug 20th 2024

Why Networking Helps You Land a Job Faster Than You Think

Many people looking for jobs often overlook professional networking as a hiring tool. It’s understandable. Many networking events can be boring, awkward, or overwhelming with meaningless small talks. Yet by expanding your view on networking and applying a few well-worn techniques, you can easily become a networking master and open the door for your career success. And with an estimated 80 percent of jobs not being posted, then it’s worth it for you to tap into your
Career Development
May 15th 2024

How to Network Like a Pro: 15 Never-Outdated Tips to Get You Started

Shortly after college, many adults experience stagnation in their lives. They often find themselves stuck in a routine, wondering why new opportunities aren't emerging. This is why networking is important. The easiest way to make your life dynamic is to meet new people. Applying this fundamental philosophy to your career will introduce you to a higher-paying job and a more prestigious title. In this article, we'll go over the many different ways that networking will develop your

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