Resume & CV
2月 17日 2022

Career Changer Resume: Writing Guide & Template

How to adopt the right resume format for a career change? How to create a resume template for a career change? 5 dos and 5 dont's for the best resume for a career change Career change resume sample A career change simply means you switch to a different career field. For example, you have worked as a graphic designer but recently looking to be a social media specialist. According to Vista College, the reasons for career transition may include
Career Development
3月 6日 2024

Career Development vs. Career Growth: How to Achieve Both

career development , and is equally as important. We will discuss what the key differences between career growth vs career development are, as well as how you can work on both to achieve your professional goals. Table of Contents: What Is Career Growth? What Is Career Development? Career Development vs. Career Growth Why Career Growth and Career Development Are Important? Tips for Achieving Career Growth and Development What Is Career Growth? Career growth involves advancing in your job position or company
Career Development
3月 6日 2024

Career Growth: the What, the Why, and the How

of employee career growth and explore the various types of career growth paths. By the end of this article, you will have gained valuable insights into the pivotal role career growth plays in shaping your professional life. Table of Contents: Career Growth vs Career Development Types of Career Growth Why Employee Career Growth Matters? Best Practices for Getting Started (for Employers) Conclusion Career Growth vs Career Development Giving attention to your career growth and career development is an essential part
Career Planning
12月 9日 2020

Successful Career Change Guide: How to start a new career? [Ideas, Resume, Cover Letter]

career path? Finding a new career at 30, 40, or 50 is not easy, but life changes can often bring you unexpectedly great results, the prerequisite is to try. In this article, we’ll dive into different phases of a career change. You'll learn: 3 surefire signs for a career change 3 pieces of career-change advice Career change ideas for nurses, teachers, and accountants How to write a resume for a career change? How to write a cover
7月 1日 2024

Virtual Career Fair Cake 2024, 19 Perusahaan Top Indonesia Buka 350+ Loker!

dalam. Kamu tertarik ikut Virtual Career Fair Cake 2024? Jadwal Job Fair Terbaru: Virtual Career Fair Cake 2024 Virtual Career Fair kembali diadakan lagi di tahun 2024 ini oleh Cake untuk membantu para jobseeker yang bertalenta mendapatkan pekerjaan idamannya. Virtual Career Fair adalah sebuah job fair yang diadakan secara online atau virtual, menghadirkan ratusan lowongan kerja dari 19 perusahaan ternama Indonesia yang dapat diakses melalui website Virtual Career Fair Cake 2024 . Selama acara pameran karir ini, Cake juga mengadakan webinar
3月 6日 2024

Virtual Career Fair Cake 2023, Cari Loker di 50+ Perusahaan Top Indonesia

Career Fair Cake 2023, ya! ✏️ Bagaimana Cara Mengikuti Virtual Career Fair (VCF) Cake? Cara Ikut Virtual Career Fair Cake Untuk Mendapatkan 100+ informasi lowongan kerja dari 50+ perusahaan top Indonesia, ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini: Kunjungi website Virtual Career Fair Cake Jelajahi 100+ loker di website VCF Siapkan CV, portofolio, interview, dan dokumen penting lainnya Lamar kerja di perusahaan incaran mu melalui website VCF Cake Cara Ikut Webinar & Company Xpose Kunjungi website Virtual Career Fair Cake Browse webinar
Career Development
3月 6日 2024

Ingin Career Switch? 6 Hal yang Perlu Disiapkan [+Checklist]

untuk bekerja di tempat/bidang lain dalam waktu 2 tahun kedepan jika tidak mendapat gaji yang sesuai dengan hasil kerjanya. Ternyata, banyak orang yang juga melakukan switch career dengan berbagai alasan personal yang dimiliki. Jika kamu juga ingin melakukan switch career namun masih ragu-ragu akan keputusanmu, yuk baca lebih lanjut. Daftar isi: Apa Itu Career Switch? Mengapa Orang Memilih Shifting Career? Hal yang Perlu Disiapkan Untuk Career Switch Career Switch Apa Itu Career Switch? Pengertian Career Switch Career switch
Career Planning
12月 30日 2024

Navigating Career Paths: A Clear Guide to Apprenticeship vs Internship

A major paradox in landing your first job is that entry-level positions often require experience. If you’re in college, have a recent college graduate, or are looking to switch careers, you should consider an internship or apprenticeship. You might think of these two options as interchangeable, but they’re quite different. Table of Contents What Are the Differences Between an Apprenticeship and an Internship? The Importance of Internship and Apprenticeship Programs What Are the Job Prospects for Interns
3月 6日 2024

Virtual Career Fair Cake 2023 Sukses Digelar, Intip Keramaian Acara Disini!

Dengan pesatnya kemajuan era digital dan dunia kerja, tantangan tidak hanya dirasakan oleh para jobseekers dan para talenta muda, namun juga dirasakan oleh para perekrut dan perusahaan yang kesulitan menemukan calon pekerja yang sesuai untuk perusahaan mereka. Dalam rangka memfasilitasi pertemuan yang efektif antara para pencari kerja dan perusahaan, Cake kali ini hadir membawakan acara Virtual Career Fair Cake 2023 dengan tema "Connecting Talents and Companies for a Better Future" pada 26 Juni hingga 1 September 2023. Bertepatan dengan periode
Resume & CV
4月 15日 2022

30+ Best Career Objective Examples to Put on Your Resume/CV

Created by Cake Over the past few years, having a simple career objective on a CV has become optional, or even outdated. However, an objective statement for a CV could still be useful under certain circumstances. In this article, we will share the everything you need to know about the career objectives on resume/CV, including the 30+ best career objective examples for different jobs and industries. Whether you are making a career change, or applying for your first internship

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