Career Development
1月 16日 2023

Pengertian Mentoring dan Cara Menjadi Mentor yang Baik!

Coaching vs Counseling Kalau begitu, apa perbedaan mentoring, coaching, dan konseling? Perbedaan Mentoring dan Coaching: Mentoring lebih mengarah ke kegiatan berbagi pengalaman dan membantu mentee melakukan pengembangan diri, misal untuk skill tertentu. Selain itu, mentoring biasanya dilakukan dalam jangka panjang.  Coaching dilakukan untuk mencapai suatu target tertentu sehingga hanya dijalankan secara rutin dalam jangka waktu tertentu seperti 6 bulan, biasanya mencakup perlombaan atau pertandingan. Contohnya, sebelum mengikuti pertandingan para atlet akan menerima coaching dari pelatihnya supaya saat bertanding bisa menampilkan
Resume & CV
3月 3日 2022

Coach Resume with Examples and Templates

show your enthusiasm. Pair your coaching resume with the fitting coaching cover letter to up your chances. 🖋 Step 6: Proofread your coaching resume. Don't let a small mistake ruin your image as a fitting coach. Make sure your coaching resume is error-free by reviewing it a few times. What to include in your coaching resume ? Whether you are creating a coaching resume for the first time, or you are looking to repolish your current coaching resume, learning
11月 12日 2024

Mentor là gì? Tại sao bạn cần có mentor ở nơi làm việc?

và thời gian cho việc cố vấn 1:1. Peer mentoring : Những người có vị trí công việc như nhau sẽ cùng giúp đỡ, hỗ trợ nhau trong công việc. Mentoring vs Coaching Rất nhiều người nhầm lẫn mentoring và coaching vì cả hai đều cùng hướng đến sự hỗ trợ người khác trở nên tốt hơn. Để lựa chọn “người thầy” thích hợp cho mình, bạn cần hiểu thêm về sự khác biệt của coaching và mentoring là gì
Success Stories
1月 10日 2022

全球每年只錄取 40 位!Google APM Charlene 下班也精彩的 side projects 是什麼?

的? 22:35 會想參與 coaching 的人大概是什麼模樣的? 24:25 對於完成重大目標後感到失落的人會怎麼進行 coaching? 25:45 請 Charlene 跟我們分享一個 coaching 的成功例子 27:40 Charlene 如何讓資歷更深的參加者信服自己? 29:15 想請
Resume & CV
2月 7日 2022

Building a Team Leader Resume Like A Pro

Technical ream leader resume sample What does it mean to be a team leader? The main career objective for team leaders is guiding team members and monitoring progress towards a shared goal. A few teams lead duties and responsibilities include: Coaching team members to achieve goals Identifying and developing strengths of the team Strategizing team objectives Resolving conflicts within the team. However, being a team leader is not to be confused with being a supervisor. Although both team leaders and
Industry & Job Overview
7月 15日 2022

How to Become a Freelancer: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed

Maintain client relationships Freelancers are self-employed workers who offer their services on a project or contract basis. They offer their skills, talent and assistance in areas such as: Web, graphic or interior design Copywriting or copyediting Tutoring or career coaching Contracting work (plumbing, painting, movers) Development (coding, app making) Closed captioning or transcribing jobs Artwork, music, photography services If you want to start freelancing, consider the tips below to ensure you freelance successfully! Step 1: Define your services In
Resume & CV
2月 15日 2022

District Manager Resume (Resume Sample and Tips)

district manager (also known as retail district manager), you are responsible for supervising and overseeing the operations of regional branches. The ability to multitask responsibly and effectively is crucial to a district manager as their main duties include: Hiring and coaching store managers. Collaborating with other management members to set financial goals for each store and develop business strategies for revenue growth. Enforcing customer policies to managers and team members. Ensuring that all projects are executed properly according to standardized
Career Planning
3月 6日 2024

A Complete Guide to Taiwan Work Permits for Foreigners

you are eligible for a Taiwan work visa. Specialized or Technical Works The Director or Manager of an Approved Business Invested or Established by Overseas Chinese or Foreigner(s) School Teacher Full-time Foreign Teacher in a Cram School Sports Coaching or Athlete Arts and Performing Arts Contracting Foreigners It should be noted that the Taiwan work visa requirements are highly specific for each qualified category. The precise information can be found on the Taiwan work permit online application website
3月 3日 2022

Are You a Freelancer? Let’s Build an Attractive Freelancer Portfolio

Created by Cake In this article, you will learn about: What Is a Freelance Portfolio? What Should be Included in a Freelance Portfolio? Useful Tips for Creating the Best Freelance Portfolio Freelance Portfolio Examples If you are a freelancer, you will understand the importance of attracting your clients. While the perks of being your boss guarantee the freedom to be your boss, building an impressive freelance portfolio is the key to kickstarting a successful freelance business. Setting up a freelance
Career Planning
9月 11日 2024

L&D là gì? Công việc và vai trò của L&D trong doanh nghiệp hiện đại

L&D là làm gì? Mục lục: Tổng quan về L&D Chức năng của bộ phận L&D là gì trong doanh nghiệp? L&D là làm gì? Trong kinh doanh hiện đại, Learning and Development (L&D) đã trở thành một yếu tố then chốt. Quá trình này không chỉ giúp doanh nghiệp nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh mà còn tạo điều kiện cho mỗi nhân viên phát triển toàn diện. Nhưng thực chất L&D là

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