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jul 18º 2024

Community Officer: Pengertian, Jobdesk, Tugas, Karier, Gaji

dituntut untuk mampu meninggalkan kesan positif kepada komunitas yang didekati. Nah untuk itu ada beberapa skill community officer yang perlu kamu miliki jika tertarik masuk ke dalam profesi satu ini. Beberapa perusahaan juga menjanjikan jenjang karier yang jelas untuk para community officer. Yuk, selami lebih jauh tugas hingga gaji community officer bersama Cake! Daftar isi: Pengertian Community Officer Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Community Officer Gaji Community Officer Cara dan Syarat untuk Menjadi Community Officer Apa itu Community Officer? Community officer

Community Manager: Peran, Tugas, Skill dan Gajinya!

yang mulai banyak diminati berkembangnya teknologi adalah community manager. Apa yang dimaksud dengan community manager? Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai pekerjaan community manager , sampai job description community manager , dan skill apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi seorang community manager. Daftar isi: Apa itu Community Manager? Tugas Community Manager Skill yang Dibutuhkan Seorang Community Manager Cara Menjadi Community Manager Apa itu Community Manager? Pengertian Community Manager Apa itu CM ( Community Manager )? Jika dilihat dari definisinya, sepertinya pekerjaan ini
Success Stories
mar 26º 2021

串連花旗銀行、法國精品和 Facebook 的職涯思維是什麼?Estelle 在都柏林的 Community Ops 與歐洲經驗談

2019 年他前往 HEC 就讀 MBA,並於 2020 的春夏分別參與了 Gucci & YSL 母公司開雲集團和 Facebook 歐洲總部的專案,負責 Community Operations 的相關事務。 從商管和人文背景,到投身金融業,又跨足了精品業以及科技業,Estelle 是基於什麼樣
Success Stories
feb 18º 2021

Google 如何落實多元共融?讓 Google DevRel PM Eric 和 Woman Techmakers Ambassador Eva 告訴你!

如同台灣的 就業服務法第 5 條 所保障的就業權益,企業不得以求職者的種族、宗教、性別、年齡等個人條件作為拒絕聘僱或是給予差別待遇的原因。而美國作為種族多元、強調平等自由的國家,更有
Success Stories
mar 8º 2023

女性如何發展有影響力的科技職涯?Google 台灣客戶解決方案業務總監 Eleanor & 軟體工程師 Claire 的職場女力

群 — Women@Google 除了以公司之力規劃相關政策以外,Google 的員工也依據自己所關注的主題組成各式各樣的 community,比如說來自同個國家的夥伴、同性別的伙伴等。值得關注的是,community 的存在除了讓同樣特質的員工

Paving the Way to Becoming a Nurse [+ Requirements & FAQs]

Created by Cake Nurses play a critical role in our society today - providing expert care from birth to the end of life, educating the public and patients on preventing injury and illnesses, and being advocates for health promotion within every community. Approximately 3 million nurses have been working in the field that makes up the backbone of the U.S. healthcare industry, according to a report in August 2021. It can be quite hard to get into nursing school for
sep 25º 2024

Cake's Psychological Career Quiz—What Cake R U Has Taken Over Instagram Over the Past Few Weeks

CakeResume has collaborated with DCard, Taiwan's largest social media and networking platform, to create a pixel art-style career quiz called 'What Cake R U?' Since launched, the quiz has quickly gone viral all over the internet, especially among job seekers community, attracting millions of participants. The quiz was first launched in 2023 in Mandarin , reaching hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese young people. Following its success, as of 2024, we have released different versions in English , Bahasa Indonesian , and
Resume & CV
jun 11º 2021

Pharmacy Assistant Resume: Examples, Writing Guide, Tips

for a pharmacy assistant resume with no experience Market Research Resume Sample As a pharmacy assistant, you work either as part of a pharmacy team under the direction of a registered pharmacist or in a healthcare team in hospitals or community pharmacies. Below some job description samples for a pharmacy assistant resume: Take in, dispense, and hand out prescriptions Pre-pack, assemble, and label medicines Process billing and insurance claims Deliver medicines to other hospitals or health centers Answer customers
Career Planning
ago 22º 2024

13 Types of Scholarships & Tips To How To Get Them

or two during those late-night study sessions. In this blog post, we’ll explore 13 different types of scholarships that cater to all sorts of students. Whether you’re a top student, someone who loves helping out in the community, or have a unique talent, there’s probably a scholarship out there with your name on it. We’ll also share some handy tips on how to get your hands on these scholarships. Our goal is to make the
Personal Branding
sep 1º 2024

How To Write Strong Personal Brand Statements for Managers in 2024

Personal Brand Statements for Managers in 2024 In 2024, a personal brand is no longer just a nice-to-have—it's a necessity in today’s competitive job market. Think of your personal brand as similar to a company's brand positioning. For instance, Apple’s brand is centered around the idea of "Think Different," reflecting its commitment to innovation, imagination, and creativity. Similarly, Trader Joe’s positions itself as "Your Friendly Neighborhood Store," standing out as a national

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