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Apr 24th 2023

10 Types of Leaves In Company For Better Employees Retention [+ Examples]

A good leave policy is not entirely about granting leaves, but rather it is about helping employees get easy access to their entitlements and avail them effectively. Without further ado, let's discover 10 common leaves to include in your leave policy. For each type of employee leaves, we'll be providing you with the legal requirements and cases where these types of leaves can be applied. 10 Types of Leaves - Definition & Examples 1. Annual leave This company leave type
Career Planning
Sep 28th 2022

Free Retirement Letter Samples + a Great Template!

with retirement benefits A professional sign-off ✅ Your contact information As with most formal letters, the traditional retirement letter format requires you to start with your contact information. Remember that your office email will probably stop working once you leave the company. To leave an updated way to contact you in your retirement resignation letter is a great idea. Here are the utmost necessary bits of information to include when writing a retirement letter: Your name, address (city, state
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Understand Employee Turnover: Why It Matters & How to Prevent It

Every time an employee leaves a company, their departure will have a certain number of negative effects on the company. The employers would have to incur these detrimental effects in the company’s finance, morale, and future development. The mitigation and control on such rate of employees’ departure are essential to the overall success of any business operation. A low employee turnover rate is statistically beneficial in improving the quality of your company and its workforce. However, it is not
Career Planning
Sep 28th 2022

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Resign from a Job

when applying to a new position and leaves the company in a tight spot. Once again, quitting a job wrong raises negative feelings from the team and managers, which could harm your career. Allowing a conversation You will give the company enough time to do things right (Posting the job listing, settling your account, etc.) If you give them proper notice to leave the job. Moreover, it will go to the company’s archive and become valuable feedback on how
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

20 Best Exit Interview Questions to Ask for Valuable Employee Insights

dive right in. Table of Contents: What is an Exit Interview? Why are Exit Interviews Important? 20 Best Exit Interview Questions Conclusion What is an Exit Interview? An exit interview is an interview conducted when an employee is about to leave a company. Though optional, exit interviews are a great way to gather information about the reasons for employee departure, which could be anything from company experience and (dis)satisfaction with salary and benefits, to the leadership and organizational culture
Resume & CV
Jan 17th 2022

CIO Resume: Examples, Templates and Guide

position requires deeper technical proficiency than a CIO since this role is in charge of external technology strategies that are often related to product developments. CTO has to catch up with the newest technology and science trends to ensure the company does not leave behind the industry. Also, he/she will conduct a variety of technology plans to assist with the CIO’s policies. Thanks to the rapid growth of technology nowadays, more employers are desperate for a qualified CIO
Career Planning
Mar 22nd 2022

Should I Quit My Job? Here's All You Need for Doing it Right

often the result of negative employee experiences. Thus, if your company has high turnover, it will also affect your mood and productivity too. 2. The company has no future. As an employee, you expect to work for a financially-secure company with a clear vision. If not, you may feel less secure in your role and worry that you may be laid off due to the company closing or downsizing. So, how to know when it's time to leave
Career Planning
May 10th 2022

Easiest Way to Write a Resignation Letter (+Sample Emails)

include in the resignation letter itself, you can always add it into the body of your resignation email. Sign off the letter with contact information This is an important part of your resignation letter and email. If you have a company-issued email, you might not be able to access it once you leave the company, or, HR might want to call you to discuss your transition plan. Therefore, at the conclusion of your resignation letter, you can include your
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Top 10 Good Reasons for Leaving a Job & How to Explain

Leaving a job surely is a tough decision for most of us. But, from HR's perspective, they are used to the fact that people come and go, regardless of their position. Therefore, it is completely normal for employees to resign and change jobs for better career opportunities. Once you’ve made up your mind to quit, the next thing to be prepared for is telling the reason for leaving your job. That is because you’ll definitely have to
People Operations
May 10th 2022

The All Round Guide to HR Interviews (+ Sample Answers)

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: What is an HR Interview? HR Interview Tips HR Interview Questions and Answers Questions to Ask HR during an Interview From applying for a job to securing the position, you might have to go through several stages in the interview process. Most include one interview with HR, one with the hiring manager, and possibly technical tasks regarding the position. HR recruiters are those in charge of the first candidate screening, including

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