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People Operations
Oct 9th 2022

Competency-Based Interview Questions and Answers [+ Tips]

situation in the past. In general, when employers ask competency-based questions, you are expected to show that you can cope with the challenges of the job, work well with colleagues, and handle assigned tasks effectively. Depending on certain positions, competency-based interview questions may be directly related to the job; for example, interviewees for an internal communication position may have to answer questions about how they handled when encountering a moral conflict at work or their definition of effective
People Operations
Apr 18th 2023

Topgrading Interview: What Is It and How to Conduct A Topgrading Interview

are numerous ways to go about it, like resume/CV screening, traditional phone interviews, group interviews, and behavioral-based or competency-based interviews. The hiring manager can hire independently, but the more efficient way is to add a top-grading interview to your evaluation process. These help recruiters understand whether a candidate is a right person. In this article, we’ll share all-thing topgrading interview, from its definitions to how you can conduct one. Let’s jump right in

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