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People Operations
Oct 9th 2022

Competency-Based Interview Questions and Answers [+ Tips]

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: What is a competency-based interview? Competency-based interview questions and answers Tips on preparing for competency-based interviews Competency-based interviews are gaining popularity as an effective interview approach in many companies, especially when open positions require a high level of specific job-related skills and/or knowledge. Since qualifications and work experience are not enough to accurately evaluate applicants' skill levels, hiring managers have adopted competency-based interviews to
People Operations
Apr 18th 2023

Topgrading Interview: What Is It and How to Conduct A Topgrading Interview

candidate you have found is the best possible hire for the role, as it can be difficult to judge competencies such as vision, intelligence, and integrity. There are numerous ways to go about it, like resume/CV screening, traditional phone interviews, group interviews, and behavioral-based or competency-based interviews. The hiring manager can hire independently, but the more efficient way is to add a top-grading interview to your evaluation process. These help recruiters understand whether a candidate is
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2024

Open Interview: Nailing It and Getting Hired on the Spot

Created by Cake Before starting to prepare for a job interview, you need to know what type of interview it is so that you can be well-prepared. There are many types of interviews that serve different scenarios, depending on what employers are looking to assess such as behavioral interview, case interview, competency-based interview, group interview, panel interview, etc. In this article, we'll take a closer look at walk-in interviews, which are open to the public as

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