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Nov 13th 2024

Ingin Stand Out Saat Cari Kerja? Lihat 10 Contoh Portofolio Fresh Graduate Gratis!

desainer perlu mempertimbangkan akses, keterbacaan, dan tingkat estetika. Untuk menunjukan bahwa kamu memiliki sensitivitas terhadap estetika sebuah aplikasi, tentu saja portofolio dibutuhkan. Siap untuk memberi kesan pertama yang kuat ke HRD? Mulai buat portofolio di Cake! 🍰 Buat Portofolio 8. Data Scientist Portofolio data scientist setidaknya harus mencakup: proyek-proyek yang relevan, analisis data mendalam dan kompleks, serta penguasaan tools seperti R, Python, Tableau dan sejenisnya. 9. Web Developer Portofolio untuk fresh graduate di bidang web developer berupa aplikasi web
Student Guide
May 9th 2022

Kuliah Jurusan Fisika? Ini 10 Prospek Kerja yang Menjanjikan!

fisika saat ini Mampu merancang prosedur eksperimen untuk siswa atau mahasiswa Mengenali beberapa jenis permainan menggunakan prinsip fisika 💰 Kisaran gaji menjadi dosen/ pengajar: Min. Rp. 3,000,000,- 💡 Tips untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan: miliki latar belakang fisika minimal S1 (untuk pengajar di SD sampai SMA), S2 dan S3 Fisika untuk menjadi dosen fisika, serta memiliki bidang minat tertentu di dalam dunia fisika. 2. Data Scientist (Ilmuwan Data) Jenis bidang ini terbilang baru di dunia pekerjaan. Dan kebanyakan orang mengi...
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020

人工智慧浪潮再起!AI 新創 MoBagel 如何闖出一片天

司總部群聚的矽谷,MoBagel 於 2020 年積極拓展的版圖卻鎖定於日本、韓國,為甚麼呢? 美國身為資料科學家 (Data Scientist) 的重點培育地,公司十分重視技術及模型的所有權,透過建立內部的 AI、ML 團隊,自攬資料分析
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Ingin Career Switch? 6 Hal yang Perlu Disiapkan [+Checklist]

Forum (WEF) , pada tahun 2023-2027, 12 bidang pekerjaan di bawah ini akan berkembang pesat bahkan menjadi pekerjaan yang paling banyak dicari untuk menjawab kebutuhan global: AI & Machine Learning Specialist Sustainability Specialist Business Intelligence Analyst Information Security Analyst Fintech Engineers Data Analyst & Scientists Robotics Engineers Big Data Specialists Blockchain Developers E-Commerce Specialists Digital Marketing Data Engineers 2. Tuntutan Edukasi yang Lebih Fleksibel Saat ini, tidak semua pekerjaan mengharuskan karyawannya untuk wajib memiliki gelar sarjana. Justru, banyak rekruter lebih mengutamakan
Success Stories
Jul 17th 2019


Vpon威朋大數據是一間數據技術公司,以優質的數據分析技術提供客戶在行銷、廣告投放為主要商業模式,運用的技術包含: 機器學習 (Machine Learning)、人工智慧(Artificial Inteligence)和海量數據 (Big Data) 等等。Vpon威朋是一家「亞洲級
Resume & CV
May 3rd 2021

Computer Science: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

computer scientists often include 3 parts: Programming languages, hard skills and soft skills. It's recommended to include skills in all 3 aspects. Common programming languages: Python C++ C# Java SQL Javascript PHP HTML5 Ruby/Rails ReactJS Common hard skills: Data Structures Web Development Machine Learning Information Systems Management App Development Data Analysis Common soft skills: Critical Thinking Leadership Collaboration Attention to Detail Problem Solving Creativity 4. Professional experience Computer Science resume work experience section example Here comes the most
Resume & CV
Sep 23rd 2021

Lab Assistant Resume Examples (+ Tips for Lab Assistant with No Experience)

Created by Cake You'll learn: 5 tips to make your lab assistant resume stand out How to write a winning objective for a lab assistant resume (examples included)? Summary statement for a lab assistant resume: How-to & Examples 10 best skills to put on a lab assistant resume Guide on writing a great resume for a lab assistant with no experience Lab Assistant Resume Sample As a lab assistant or laboratory assistant, you will need to aid scientists, lab
Resume & CV
Oct 6th 2021

Essential Creative Thinking Skills Examples and How to Develop Them

only artistic professions require creativity. Nonetheless, anyone can apply creative thinking skills to a wide range of activities and professions. For example, employers want creative employees who can solve a team conflict with unique resolutions, provide new analysis on a data set, or create innovative advertising copies. In this article, we will be going through the definition and examples of creative thinking skills, techniques to develop these skills, and ways to present them in a resume/CV. What Is Creative
Industry & Job Overview
Jun 13th 2024

15+ STEM Careers: Average Salary & Growth Predictions (2024)

fields like computer science and engineering are now branching into AI development and implementation. Data is one of the most valuable commodities. Industries from tech to marketing all consider it a premium asset. STEM careers have branched largely into Big Data, Data Analytics, and Data Science. Existing ones in these fields have evolved to meet new demands. Fields that revolve around protecting data, such as cybersecurity, data forensics, and penetration testing, have grown in conjunction with the demand for data

Fintech 金融科技新趨勢:Fintech 產業、應用及工作一次看!

在當今金融業界,Fintech 金融科技不僅代表一種新趨勢,更象徵一場金融領域的革命。這種技術革新正在重新塑造金融生態系統,挑戰傳統金融服務模式,並為我們帶來更有效、更便宜和更便捷的金融

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