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Nov 10th 2021

How to List Transferable Skills on a Resume (Samples, Tips, Templates)

any previous working experiences. If you are a fresh college graduate, those who are looking for career changes, or those who have been away from the work field for a certain amount of time, transferable skills are one of the cards you should play with prudently when designing your resume . What Are Transferable Skills & Why Are They Important? Imagine that you are looking for a position in a specific field but lack relevant working experience, how are you supposed to
Career Development
Jul 31st 2024

Top Ten Networking Mistakes Most People Make at Networking Events

underdeveloped, leading to careers that feel flat and stationary. Due to a lack of practice, people often make the same networking mistakes and give up on networking efforts altogether. One has to understand that networking goes beyond exchanging a business card and phone number. It requires consistent effort and a nuanced approach to develop new contacts into meaningful relationships. We’ll go over 10 tips, reminders, and strategies that make you more impressionable, polite, and memorable in your next job
Resume & CV
Jun 20th 2024

Best Programming Certifications for the Modern Workplace

for programmers has been unprecedented and has created a rich demand for skilled labor that many are seeking to fill. While traditional education is available to those with the time and resources to invest, it is unfortunately out of the cards for many. An attractive alternative is enrolling in online programming certification courses! Popular coding certifications offer an attractive and convenient way to gain critical competencies in line with traditional and emerging standards within the field. Programming certifications are a
Career Tools
Mar 29th 2024

Trello Adalah: Fungsi, Fitur, Kelebihan dan Kekurangan [+Contoh Penggunaannya]

jadwal kerja dan memastikan proyek akan berada di jalur yang tepat. 5. Memacu Kolaborasi Tim Trello adalah media yang mempermudah kolaborasi tim secara virtual. Trello memastikan kolaborasi antar anggota tim menjadi lebih efisien karena anggota tim bisa berbagi board (papan), card (kartu), dan list (daftar). Fitur-fitur Trello mempermudah pengguna untuk mengakses informasi, berkomunikasi, dan juga memastikan anggota tim ter- update dengan progres proyek. 6. Manajemen Waktu dan Jadwal Fitur card (kartu) yang tersedia di aplikasi Trello memungkinkan pengguna untuk
Career Planning
Dec 20th 2022

Last Assignment in December: Jotting Down Your 2023 Career Resolution

Granted, the timing might sound unsuitable for any career resolution. Supply chain crisis. Tech winter. Inflation. Massive layoff. Job progression in 2023 may seem to hinge on everything else but ourselves. Nevertheless, it would be wise to focus on the cards on our hands. Not the variables we can’t control. 2023 will be challenging. There’s no denying it. But the world won’t shut down in a day. There are still jobs waiting to be done. Or even
Resume & CV
Nov 8th 2024

Cách làm CV xin việc tăng điểm cộng tối đa trong mắt nhà tuyển dụng

khi viết CV . Những mục cần có khi làm CV xin việc 1. Thông tin cá nhân Bạn nên viết thật ngắn gọn thông tin cá nhân khi làm CV xin việc. Cũng giống như bạn đang làm business name card, hãy chỉ tập trung vào những thông tin cần thiết nhất. Ví dụ về "Thông tin cá nhân" trong CV: Trần Minh Anh [email protected] upwork.com/tranminhanh (+849)-000-1234 2. Giới thiệu bản thân Để bắt
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Top 5 Highest Paid Jobs in the Current Market 2023 - 2024

of some of the highest-paying professional fields, and some of the jobs that pay especially well. Healthcare and Medical Professions The highest-paying medical jobs are typically those positions that require extensive medication training and specialization. Anesthesiologists, Neurosurgeons, and Cardiothoracic surgeons are just a few of the many highest-paying medical jobs in the current markets. In the United States, the average salary for these jobs is around $366,000 to $478,900. Core skills for the highest-paying
Industry & Job Overview
Dec 11th 2024

Syarat & Cara Kerja di Dubai untuk Dapat Gaji yang Fantastis

Pemerintah Dubai juga memberikan banyak dukungan kepada tenaga kerja asing dalam mewujudkan target sebagai pusat inovasi teknologi dengan investasi terbesar di bidang AI dan sains data. Beberapa bentuk dukungan Pemerintah Dubai yang diberikan jika kamu kerja di Dubai yaitu labour card dan perlindungan hak tenaga kerja, kebijakan perekrutan yang transparan, dan banyak insentif untuk tenaga asing. 3. Banyak Perusahaan Multinasional Dubai adalah rumah bagi banyak perusahaan multinasional dan startup global. Perusahaan seperti Emirates, DP World, Formulatrix, Etisalat, dan lainnya menjadi
Career Planning
Oct 24th 2024

How to Find Part-time Jobs As an International Student in Taiwan

Pursuing higher education in Taiwan has only become increasingly popular this past decade - students from Southeast Asia, Latin America, and all parts of the world all gather to study in Taiwan as international students. Not only is Taiwan a safe, convenient and affordable country to study in, Taiwan’s quality education and open field of wonderful opportunities are factors that truly attract students to study in Taiwan. Additionally, planning to study in Taiwan can be hassle-free if prepared well

Steps to Becoming a Physical Therapist You Need to Know [+ FAQs]

Created by Cake According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) , a physical therapist “optimizes the patient's quality of life through prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and patient education.” In particular, physical therapists diagnose and treat individuals of all ages who have injuries, disabilities, or other health conditions that affect their function and movement. PTs, the abbreviation for “physical therapists”, will thus develop a treatment plan to improve their ability to move, reduce or manage pain, restore function, and

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