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Apr 7th 2022

How to Decline a Job Interview: Tips and Email Samples

and have a clear idea of what you are willing to sacrifice before rejecting an interview. If you have done your research and are convinced that this position is not for you, the next thing to do is decline the interview by email or phone. Five tips on how to politely decline a job interview 🖋 Be courteous. It can be hard to know how to decline a job interview without burning bridges. One crucial thing to remember is to
Interview Skills
Mar 22nd 2022

How to Decline a Job Offer: Tips, Email Samples & Phone Scripts

How to Reject a Job Offer There are different ways of rejecting a job offer politely—you can do it over the phone or through email. There is no best option, but depending on the rapport you have built with the company throughout the interview process, you may want to opt for the appropriate choice. 📞 Rejecting a Job Offer Professionally Over the Phone The key to turning down a job offer over the phone is to be polite, respectful

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