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People Operations
Sep 25th 2024

Employee Benefit: Apa Saja Tunjangan yang Diberikan Kepada Karyawan?

Nah sebenarnya, apa yang dimaksud dengan employee benefit? Mengapa hal ini juga menjadi sesuatu yang dipertimbangkan oleh pelamar kerja bahkan menjadi salah satu faktor yang diperhatikan saat melamar ke sebuah perusahaan? Yuk kita bahas bersama secara lengkap! Daftar isi: Pengertian Employee Benefit Keuntungan Employee Benefit Contoh Employee Benefit Implementasi Employee Benefit di Perusahaan Contoh Employee Benefit Pengertian Employee Benefit Apa itu Employee Benefit? Employee benefit adalah tunjangan di luar gaji yang diberikan perusahaan kepada karyawannya dengan tujuan meningkatkan kesejahteraan karyawan
People Operations
Apr 12th 2024

Employee Relations: Strategi, Manfaat, Jenis, dan Lainnya

manfaat, dan apa pentingnya dalam perusahaan, sehingga kita dapat turut serta menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang sehat dan memiliki keakraban dengan bawahan ataupun atasan kita. 📚 Baca Juga: Mencapai Tingkat Produktivitas Tinggi Lewat Lingkungan Kerja yang Baik Daftar isi: Apa itu Employee Relations? Manfaat Employee Relations Strategi Employee Relations yang Baik Contoh Employee Relations Mengapa Employee Relations Penting? Apa itu Employee Relations? Pengertian Employee Relations Seperti yang sudah disebutkan di atas, employee relations adalah hubungan antara atasan dan bawahannya. Dalam konteks
People Operations
Apr 7th 2023

Employee turnover là gì? Bí quyết giữ chân nhân viên giỏi cho doanh nghiệp

7 yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến tỷ lệ nhảy việc của nhân viên Mục lục: Employee turnover là gì? Employee turnover rate là gì? 5 yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến employee turnover là gì? Giải pháp giảm thiểu tỷ lệ nhảy việc Employee turnover là gì? Employee turnover hay còn gọi là tỷ lệ nhảy việc của nhân viên là một chỉ số quan trọng trong việc quản trị nguồn nhân lực của công ty. Nếu tỷ lệ này luôn
People Operations
Jan 18th 2025

Employee Engagement là gì? Chiến lược cải thiện cho doanh nghiệp

4 cách cải thiện Employee Engagement Mục lục: Employee Engagement là gì? Tầm quan trọng của Employee Engagement với doanh nghiệp Đo lường Employee Engagement như thế nào? 4 cách cải thiện Employee Engagement Trong bất kỳ doanh nghiệp nào, nhân viên không chỉ là nguồn lực quan trọng mà còn là yếu tố quyết định sự phát triển lâu dài của tổ chức. Tuy nhiên, không phải lúc nào nhân viên cũng cảm thấy gắn bó với công việc
People Operations
Nov 23rd 2024

Employee Retention là gì? Tầm quan trọng, cách tính & chiến lược

hiểu là khả năng của doanh nghiệp trong việc ngăn chặn Employee Turnover. Các chiến lược giữ chân nhân viên hiệu quả nhất sẽ giúp giảm tỷ lệ nghỉ việc và giữ chân những nhân viên có hiệu suất cao. Employee Retention và Employee Turnover Employee Retention và Employee Turnover thường được sử dụng thay thế cho nhau trong HR, nhưng hai khái niệm này không giống nhau, dưới đây là bảng so sánh: Khía cạnh Employee Retention Employee Turnover
Recruitment & HR
Nov 9th 2024

Employee Referral Program: Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Cara Membuatnya

menawarkan berbagai manfaat pada aspek biaya, waktu, dan kualitas perekrutan. Untuk memahami lebih dalam seputar employee referral program , di artikel ini Cake akan membagikan penjelasan seputar pengertian, manfaat, contoh, dan cara pembuatan referral program . Yuk , simak selengkapnya! Daftar isi: Pengertian Employee Referral Manfaat Employee Referral Program Cara Membuat Employee Referral Program yang Efektif Contoh Employee Referral Program Apa Itu Employee Referral ? Employee referral program adalah program yang mendorong karyawan di suatu perusahaan agar merekomendasikan kandidat karyawan baru untuk mengisi posisi
People Operations
Nov 2nd 2024

Employee Engagement Survey: Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Cara Membuatnya

Salah satu cara efektif mengukur keterlibatan karyawan adalah melalui survei keterlibatan karyawan ( employee engagement survey ). Di artikel ini, Cake akan membahas lebih lanjut seputar employee engagement survey mulai dari pengertian, manfaat, tujuan, cara pembuatan, hingga contoh pertanyaannya. Daftar isi: Pengertian Employee Engagement Survey Manfaat Employee Engagement Survey Tujuan Employee Engagement Survey Cara Membuat Employee Engagement Survey Contoh Pertanyaan Employee Engagement Survey Apa Arti Employee Engagement Survey ? Employee engagement survey adalah metode yang digunakan perusahaan untuk mengukur tingkat keterlibatan karyawan, komitmen
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

10 Employee Retention Strategies for Your Company in 2023 [+ Examples]

formula to calculate employee retention rates: Employee Retention Rate = (Total # of remained employees during set period ÷ Total # of employees) x 100 Why Is Employee Retention Important? The following are 5 ways that innovative employee retention strategies benefit businesses. 1. Boost employee morale A work environment with low staff or team retention can dampen employee morale. They not only feel unmotivated at work but also lack a strong attachment to the company. In contrast, companies with effective employee retention programs can
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Understand Employee Turnover: Why It Matters & How to Prevent It

Every time an employee leaves a company, their departure will have a certain number of negative effects on the company. The employers would have to incur these detrimental effects in the company’s finance, morale, and future development. The mitigation and control on such rate of employees’ departure are essential to the overall success of any business operation. A low employee turnover rate is statistically beneficial in improving the quality of your company and its workforce. However, it is not
People Operations
Jan 13th 2023

Apa itu Employee Engagement dan Contohnya di Perusahaan, Lengkap!

Daftar Isi: Pengertian Employee Engagement Manfaat Employee Engagement di Perusahaan Indikator Tingkat Keterlibatan Karyawan Cara Meningkatkan Employee Engagement Cara Mengukur Employee Engagement Contoh Metode Employee Engagement di Perusahaan Lain Karyawan yang merasa terhubung dengan perusahaan atau organisasi mereka bekerja lebih keras, bertahan lebih lama, dan memotivasi orang lain untuk melakukan hal yang sama serta bersama-sama menjadi lebih baik. Employee engagement mempengaruhi hampir semua aspek penting perusahaan dan organisasi, termasuk profitabilitas, pendapatan, pengalaman pelanggan, pergantian karyawan, dan banyak lagi. Berdasarkan

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