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People Operations
Feb 14th 2023

Forming An Employer Branding Strategy: A Guide

Created by Cake In this article, we’ll cover: What Is Employer Branding? Employer Branding Strategies Employer Branding Examples Tips for Employer Branding When hiring, recruiters not only have to select candidates based on their qualifications, skills and experience, but also envision how they would fit with the existing team. Writing detailed job descriptions and having open communication with candidates improves efficiency in hiring; however, improving employer branding is a unique way to attract high quality candidates. Employer branding strategies
Recruitment & HR
Apr 24th 2023

How to Create an Employee Referral Program [With Examples]

applying for openings. Candidates fail to meet the skill-set combination or job requirements that you’re looking for. Some positions are hard to fill, especially in food service, education, childcare, elderly care, cleaning, and construction sectors. Other factors like employer branding, salary negotiation, hiring strategies, etc. If you've been experiencing these issues, employee referrals may be worth a try. As the most powerful source of finding suitable candidates, employee referral programs can give your recruitment efforts a significant
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

A Complete Guide to the Recruitment Process in 2023-2024

hires. Following the right steps in the recruiting process can help make sure they are truly interested in the role and possess the essential skills to give their best performance. Reflecting the company's professionalism - which can be associated with employer branding. Especially in modern times, social media recruitment has become a global trend followed by organizations of all sizes and types. How to Set Up a Recruitment Process Steps in the recruiting process Now that you know the definition
Cover Letter
Apr 4th 2024

How to Write a Cover Letter with No Experience in 2024 (+ Samples and Templates)

page, including how you engage with your audience and use content strategies to build followers. Focus on Branding and Potential While technical skills are crucial, your ability to market and brand yourself is an asset that shouldn't be overlooked. As many as 72% of recruitment leaders believe that strong employer branding significantly impacts hiring decisions. This statistic highlights the importance of personal branding in the job market. Use your platforms, such as a personal blog or social media pag...
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

7 Effective Strategies to Train Your Hiring Managers to Acquire The Best Talents

going through your organization's recruitment process. This encompasses not just those who excel in the interview but also every participant in the hiring process. To achieve this, gaining knowledge of interviewing skills and techniques is important. Enhance your business branding Creating a positive candidate experience will present your company in the best light and thus promotes your employer brand. Through the training for hiring managers, you can learn about how unconscious bias may show up during the interview process
People Operations
Apr 26th 2023

Talent Attraction Strategies to Apply in the Great Resignation Era

workplace, you'll naturally attract talent to your business, saving you time and effort in recruitment. Attracting and retaining talent in your organization will also help your company grow and succeed. In this article, we'll share the top recruiting strategies that can be applied across all industries. Let's have a look right now! In this article, you'll read about: What Is Talent Attraction? Talent Attraction Strategies and Tactics Measure Talent Attraction Strategies Talent Attraction Strategies and Tactics
Recruitment & HR
Nov 29th 2024

Inspiratif! Ini 13 Contoh Employer Branding ala Google hingga Netflix

Employer branding bukan hanya tentang menarik talenta terbaik, tapi juga membangun reputasi perusahaan yang kuat di mata karyawan dan calon karyawan. Bagaimana perusahaan seperti Google, Salesforce, dan HubSpot berhasil menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang menginspirasi, inovatif, dan inklusif? Lalu, bagaimana Anda bisa melakukan hal yang sama? Mari kita pelajari 13 contoh employer branding kreatif yang dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi strategi perusahaan Anda! Definisi Employer Branding: Penting untuk Rekrutmen hingga Retensi Apa yang dimaksud dengan employer branding ? Employer branding merupakan konsep strategis
Recruitment & HR
Nov 15th 2024

10 Situs Pasang Iklan Lowongan Kerja Gratis 2024 Terbaik di Indonesia

profil dan mengklik ikon “pekerjaan”, kemudian memilih opsi “posting pekerjaan gratis”. Biaya pasang iklan loker LinkedIn ditentukan oleh sistem lelang, yang mana memungkinkan para rektuter untuk mengajukan tawaran kompetitif agar posting lowongan kerja perusahaan tersebut dapat memenangkan penempatan yang paling strategis dan menjangkau banyak audiens job seeker . Fitur lainnya yang ditawarkan oleh LinkedIn adalah “Marketing”, yang mana perusahaan dapat mengoptimalkan employer branding dan memperluas jaringan bisnis untuk menangkap pasar bisnis yang lebih luas lagi. Selain itu, adanya fitur “ Real Time
Personal Branding
Jul 3rd 2024

What Is Personal Brand and Why Is It Important? (+Personal Branding Strategy)

Establishing a personal brand is crucial, especially in today's age of digital transformation, where 70% of employers research job seekers on social media , 40% of employers are hesitant to hire individuals who share inappropriate content, and 47% are wary of those invisible online. This data underscores the double-edged sword of a personal brand: it's about showcasing professionalism and a rich character on social platforms. Equally, a strong personal brand transcends the bounds of the online realm, with
Recruitment & HR
Jan 20th 2025

Rekomendasi AI Talent Search Terbaik yang Bisa Anda Coba

Apakah Anda sudah menggunakan teknologi AI Talent Search dalam proses rekrutmen? Teknologi ini tidak hanya menghemat waktu dan biaya, tetapi juga memastikan bahwa perusahaan Anda diisi oleh individu-individu yang tepat untuk mendorong inovasi dan pertumbuhan. Dengan kemampuan untuk menyaring ribuan profil dalam hitungan detik dan memberikan rekomendasi yang akurat, AI Talent Search menjadi mitra strategis dalam menemukan talenta berkualitas tinggi. Cake akan mengulas manfaat AI dalam rekrutmen dan merekomendasikan solusi AI Talent Search terbaik yang dapat Anda coba untuk

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