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May 17th 2024

10 Best Professional Networking Sites To Expand Your Professional Network

To level up your career, showcase your skills and services, or simply be kept in the loop, networking sites are the place to be. As the job market becomes more and more competitive, standing out is required to make progress in the industry. Professional networking involves making and maintaining contact with those who align with your career progression or goals so you can leverage each other's networks to advance professionally. With 85% of job vacancies filled via networking, being
Job Search Tips
Apr 16th 2021

How to use LinkedIn? 5 tips to boost your career with LinkedIn

networking platform, just like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but mainly for professional purposes. Instead of making “friends”, people make “connections” on LinkedIn. Instead of sharing personal lives and hobbies, people share their professional experiences and achievements. As you might know, networks and connections make a huge difference in career development, and LinkedIn is the most popular tool to build and nurture professional networks. It has more than 675 million members worldwide, including executives from all of the Fortune 500 companies
Industry & Job Overview
Jul 25th 2024

What Is the Role of Investment Bankers? What Do They Do? How Much Do They Get Paid? - A Complete Career Guideline

out our article for writing a winning investment banking resume . Managing an IPO Imagine this: you own a business that started with a small amount of capital. Over time, the business becomes more profitable and you feel the need to expand your target customers, expand your premises, and make bigger business decisions. The business decisions you want to make require a lot of capital. So, after consulting with an investment banker, and looking at the overall financial situation and future
Career Development
Aug 12th 2024

From Campus to Career: How Networking in College Pays Off

fields, making it the perfect environment for meaningful connections . Professors, many of whom have had full careers in industries like marketing, finance, or tech, are valuable resources. By building relationships with your professors, you can gain access to their extensive networks. Upperclassmen can also be great mentors. While they may not be experts, their connections within the university can be incredibly useful. These relationships often extend far beyond college, providing ongoing support throughout your career. Career Development: Jumpstarting Your Professional
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

20+ Best LinkedIn Connection Message Templates [+ Tips]

Created by Cake LinkedIn , the social media platform where not only people can showcase their professional profiles, but also build professional connections . LinkedIn has recently been on the rise because it allows you to connect with amazing alumni, resourceful colleagues, and recruiters that can potentially get you a job . The feature of connection request messages on LinkedIn has made online networking easier than ever. Making your LinkedIn connection request message personalized can increase the likelihood of your request getting accepted
Resume & CV
Jun 24th 2024

7 Steps to Create a Standout Personal Brand Statement in 2024 (+Examples)

create powerful personal brand statements? These statements can be visible on your professional social media profiles and even on your resume . Let's learn how to create a good personal brand statement that is effective, attracts employers, and helps you expand your network. Here are the 7 full-proof steps to achieve it. Check it out! Table of Contents Reflect on Your Core Values and Strengths Analyze Your Professional Experiences Determine Your Career Goals and Aspirations Research Your Target Audience
Career Development
May 15th 2024

How to Network Like a Pro: 15 Never-Outdated Tips to Get You Started

are not extroverted. Table of Contents What is Networking? Why is Networking Important? How to Network Like a Pro Online Networking Opens Doors to New Networking Opportunities Key Takeaways But first, let's get started with the definition. What is Networking? Networking usually involves the exchange of ideas and information among a group of people with the same or similar interests. It generally takes place in a more informal setting. Professionals and job seekers use it more often to expand
Aug 22nd 2024

Global Talent Connect | Malaysians Exploring Careers: Dozens of Talents Joining, with Many Insights Shared by Industry Experts

journey, as well as their advice for the graduands joining our event. The event has attracted more than 30 Malaysian talent gathered at Cake’s Event Space (located near Nanjing Fuxing Station, Taipei, Taiwan) to explore their career potential and expand their network . Participants were introduced to job opportunities in Taiwan, where companies like Cake or Family Mart is actively seeking foreign talent to join their teams, and in Malaysia, where big names like MSI welcome fresh graduates with experience
Job Search Tips
May 6th 2021

How to Work Remotely? 13 Efficient Ways to Find Remote Jobs Online

Work used to be so mechanical. You wake up at 5:00 am, prepare breakfast, pack lunch, take a quick shower then head out the door to what most certainly would be the morning rush hour. But as expected, technology found a way to shake things up. Work and lifestyle have become flexible. In fact, technology has merged them by creating the means to work anywhere in the world. Today, there are more and more companies that allow you to
Career Development
Jul 31st 2024

Top Ten Networking Mistakes Most People Make at Networking Events

Top Ten Networking Mistakes Most People Make at Networking Events Networking is one of the most impactful things one can do to improve their career. It can be a gateway to new job opportunities, professional relationships and connections, careers in different industries or countries, and a quick way to acquire the latest job trends and news in your field. However, essential networking skills are often neglected and underdeveloped, leading to careers that feel flat and stationary. Due to a lack

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