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May 7th 2024

Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey

entrepreneurial journey by founding her own consulting company called Catalyst. At the end of 2020, Farina decided to leave Catalyst and start her new AI startup, Pensieve Technology . In the following sections of this article, we will delve deeper into Farina's story and explore the lessons that we can all learn from her experiences. 4 Lessons on Navigating a Career from CEO Farina Situmorang 1. It's okay to be unsure Farina admits that she did not know what
News & Updates
Mar 6th 2024

Talent Connect: Solusi Employer Branding bagi Perusahaan Anda

potensi kecerdasan buatan untuk mengatasi masalah organisasi di sektor pemerintahan. Fokus Pensieve adalah mengotomatisasi pekerjaan manual sehingga menjadi lebih efektif. Kisah Farina menjadi salah satu yang akan menginspirasi talenta-talenta muda yang tertarik dengan dunia teknologi dan inovasi. Baca selengkapnya: Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey Nonton rekapan ulang: Discovering Career Growth and AI 101 (Farina Situmorang, CEO Pensieve) 2. How to Nail a Job Interview with WOM Finance Guest Speaker: Audrey Reinsina - HR

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