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Mar 13th 2024

Apa itu Figma? Fitur, Kegunaan, dan Kelemahannya

dapat dicoba atau dilakukan testing menggunakan smartphone (iOS dan Android). Dynamic Overlays: Dynamic overlays digunakan untuk membuat beberapa lapisan overlay pada konten interaktif. Animated GIFs: Fitur ini biasanya digunakan untuk elemen video, desain yang bergerak, dan animasi. 2. Design Fitur Figma Design adalah fitur yang memudahkan pengguna dalam proses desain tampilan aplikasi atau web. Beberapa fitur Figma Design, meliputi: Modern Pen Tool: Untuk membuat shapes dan lines . OpenType: Untuk melakukan kustomisasi penggunaan font pada aplikasi atau web. Auto Layout: Untuk
Resume & CV
Jan 25th 2022

List of Important Skills for a CV [+ How to Write & Where to Put Them]

computer software, tools, and applications in performing tasks at work. Nearly all professions require some level of computer skills, so make sure you list key computer skills on your CV. 10 examples of computer skills: MS Office Google Chrome Scheduling tools Canva & Figma Spreadsheet Communication tools: Gmail, Zoom, Google Meet, Slack, and Skype. WordPress Social Media SEO Creating attractive and informative presentations List of Good Skills to Put on a CV (for Different Roles) Below are 10 examples of skills
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Work From Home Resume Guide & Ready-To-Use Examples 2024

Productivity management tools Also known as hard skills, these are the types of skills that can be easily measured. The hard skills you need to master depend on the work you’re doing. If you're a designer, working with tools like Adobe Premiere, Figma, Canva, or CorelDraw is a common requirement. Adaptability It may take some time for you to get used to the workflow of a new environment. But a quick adaptation to work from home jobs is
Resume & CV
Mar 15th 2023

Kumpulan Contoh CV Desain Grafis Keren dan Kreatif

media ataupun website sudah sangat umum dan dijadikan standar sebuah perusahaan yang mau go digital . Keperluan akan membuat konten untuk di posting di sosial media, brosur, ads, ataupun poster pun meningkat. Apa saja yang harus dikuasai oleh seorang desainer grafis? Tools seperti Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator ataupun pun sudah pasti menjadi teman sehari-hari. Untuk menjadi seorang desain grafis yang handal sangat dibutuhkan kreatifitas, pemecahan masalah, kemampuan story-telling dan dapat bekerja dalam tekanan. Seperti halnya pekerjaan lain, dibutuhkan CV untuk
Resume & CV
Jan 8th 2025

10+ UI/UX Resume Examples and Templates (With Writing Guides and Tips)

of UI UX Designer Resumes UI/UX Resume Design Inspiration Key Takeaways The Difference Between UI and UX Designer User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are different but complementary; UI is actually a specialized part of UX . One of Figma's designers stated that an effective UI combines function and interactive design to create an emotional connection between the user and the product. The same source also identified potential areas of overlap between user interface and user experience: Application
Resume & CV
Aug 4th 2022

20 Computer Skills to Write in Your CV [w/ Examples & Writing Tips]

Oracle Teradata IBM DB2 SQL Quickbooks Expense tracking Accounts payable Invoicing Cash flow management Payroll Social Media Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest TikTok Web HTML CSS Javascript WordPress Joomla Writing Skills WordPress Yoast SEO Journalism Research Graphics Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Figma Procreate Enterprise Systems Payment processing Automated billing systems Salesforce Oracle Netsuite SAP Software Skills Java SQL JavaScript C++ Python Hardware Skills System administration Network configuration Software installation Vendor management Cloud management Advanced Computer Skills Skills Web development Open-source
Industry & Job Overview
May 24th 2024

什麼是產品設計師?跟 UI/UX 設計師有何不同?

產品的整體設計」,詳細職務需求如下: 樂於傾聽,也勇於表達自己想法 善於溝通,邏輯條理分明 熟悉 Figma / Adobe XD / Sketch 或相關設計工具 Illustrator 或 Photoshop 經驗 至少熟悉一種 UI flow tool 產品設計師 │ Moment │ 手機 App │ 公司規
Resume & CV
Dec 16th 2024

4 Contoh CV HRD Menarik yang Bisa Kamu Ikuti

training camp PT. Kencana Surya (2021) Keterampilan Hard Skill: Rekrutmen karyawan Manajemen administratif Manajemen pelatihan dan performa karyawan Analisis data Manajemen proyek dan acara Soft Skill: Komunikasi efektif Negosiasi Problem solving (penyelesaian masalah) Time management (pengaturan waktu) Kreatif dan kritis Tools: Microsoft office Google Workspace Linkedin HRIS Tools (Talentics, Talent, and Sapling) Slack Keterampilan Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia - bahasa ibu Bahasa Inggris - profesional 4. Contoh CV HR Bahasa Indonesia Data Diri Jesslyn Amelia  Human Resource Specialist [email protected] +62-878
Resume & CV
Oct 1st 2024

Project Engineer Resume Writing Guide for Semiconductor Talents!

Project Engineer Resume In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of semiconductors , project engineers play a critical role. They're the orchestrators who transform complex chip designs into reality, overseeing every step from concept to production. With the semiconductor industry projected to surpass $1 trillion in value by 2030 , demand for skilled project engineers is soaring. If you're a project engineer aiming to secure a job in the semiconductor industry , your resume is your first and most crucial

Essential Chemical Engineering Job Description for Aspiring Engineers

Chemical engineering job description Table of Contents What Do Chemical Engineers Do? What Are the Essential Educational Requirements for Chemical Engineers? Chemical Engineer Salary in the United States 4 Chemical Engineering Job Description Templates Conclusion Most companies that create their physical products need a chemical engineer to help design them. Chemical engineers utilize mathematics and engineering principles to produce products that often involve chemicals and other materials. This valuable expertise in chemical-oriented products puts industries like pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, energy

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