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Nov 15th 2024

Mindset là gì? Bí quyết cải thiện tư duy để thành công

trong ngữ cảnh nghề nghiệp, mindset cách mà một người nhìn nhận và tiếp cận công việc hàng ngày, cũng như cách họ đối mặt và giải quyết các thách thức và cơ hội. Tìm hiểu về 3 loại mindset thường gặp Open mindset, Fixed mindsetGrowth mindset gì? Open mindset Open mindset tư duy mở . Đây loại mindset ở những người tin rằng khả năng của họ không bị giới hạn và có thể
Personal Development
Jun 15th 2022

Growth Mindset: Arti, Penerapan dan Manfaatnya dalam Karir

mindset sampai cara membangun growth mindset . Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset Lebih dari 30 tahun yang lalu seorang psikolog dari Stanford University Profesor Dr. Carol Dweck, melakukan penelitian tentang pola pikir dan perilaku dan menghasilkan dua istilah pola pikir yaitu growth mindset dan fixed mindset , serta bagaimana kekuatan pola pikir dapat mengubah cara kerja dalam mencapai kesuksesan. Berikut adalah perbedaan growth mindset dan fixed mindset secara singkat. Perbedaan Fixed Mindset dan Growth Mindset Pengertian Growth Mindset Growth mindset adalah suatu
People Operations
Nov 16th 2024

Hiểu rõ giá trị cốt lõi của doanh nghiệp là gì trong thời 4.0

với sứ mệnh đưa sản phẩm Việt đến toàn thế giới một điển hình cho sự thành công của việc duy trì văn hóa doanh nghiệp trong thời 4.0. Các giá trị cốt lõi của doanh nghiệp YODY : Customer centric: Đặt khách hàng trung tâm. Ownership & Autonomy: Coi mình gốc rễ. Integrity: Trung thực, giữ lời hứa. Growth Mindset: Cầu tiến. Good Relationship: Yêu thương và hỗ trợ đồng đội. Trong đó, yếu tố chủ
Career Development
Mar 28th 2024

10+ Tips Public Speaking Untuk Pemula Agar Tidak Gugup

kekurangan kita. 3. Latihan Terus Menerus Sudah coba public speaking beberapa kali tapi masih gugup? Jangan menyerah! Teruslah melatih kemampuan public speaking - mu karena semakin sering dilakukan, semakin cepat kamu dapat terbiasa. 4. Selalu Percaya Diri dan Berpikir Positif Terapkan mindset ketika kamu terus-menerus latihan public speaking , suatu hari kamu akan bisa lancar dan fasih menyampaikan semua gagasan yang ingin disampaikan. Percaya bahwa kamu bisa meningkat secara perlahan. 📚 Baca Juga: Growth Mindset: Arti, Penerapan dan Manfaatnya dalam Karir
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Career Development vs. Career Growth: How to Achieve Both

both to achieve your professional goals. Table of Contents: What Is Career Growth? What Is Career Development? Career Development vs. Career Growth Why Career Growth and Career Development Are Important? Tips for Achieving Career Growth and Development What Is Career Growth? Career growth involves advancing in your job position or company, to reach the highest level of seniority for your department or industry. This is what is commonly referred to as “climbing the corporate ladder”, where you aim to progress
Personal Development
Jun 22nd 2022

Mau Sukses di Usia Muda? Tiru 10 Kebiasaan Ini!

demikian? Dengan sikap ingin belajar terus dari berbagai aspek, kamu akan semakin dekat dengan pintu kesuksesan yang ingin kamu capai. Tidak menutup diri pada kritikan atau masukan adalah sebuah pembelajaran yang baik untuk cara menjadi orang sukses. 📚 Baca juga: Growth Mindset: Arti, Penerapan dan Manfaatnya dalam Karir 5. Kelola Hubungan Baik Dalam proses mencapai kesuksesan, tidak bisa pungkiri kalau kamu akan bertemu dengan banyak tipe orang. Ada yang mendukung kesuksesan kamu dan juga yang tidak. Motivasi cara menjadi orang
Recruitment & HR
Feb 6th 2025

Apa itu Digital Mindset Assessment? Ini Pengertian dan Contoh Soalnya, Dll.!

kandidat akan diminta untuk mengikuti tes lainnya yang terdiri dari berikut. 📝 Tes rekrutmen lainnya: Psikotes Panel interview Digital technical skill 📚 Baca juga: 9 Jenis Aptitude Test dalam Proses Rekrutmen! [Untuk Melihat Potensi Kandidat] 6 Karakteristik Orang dengan Digital Mindset 6 Karakteristik Orang dengan Digital MindsetGrowth Mindset Seorang karyawan dengan digital mindset selalu ingin belajar dan memberikan yang terbaik. Hal ini disebut sebagai “ Growth Mindset ”. Orang dengan growth mindset memiliki keinginan untuk selalu belajar dan menerima tantangan
Job Search Tips
Aug 20th 2024

Why Networking Helps You Land a Job Faster Than You Think

can these connections provide referrals and recommendations, but they might also someday be colleagues, so starting off on the right professional foot can really boost your image in the long run. In this vein, networking helps with skill-building, career growth, and career development. Learning about your sector’s trends or terminology will make you much more employable. The right person from a network can also tip you off to training programs or necessary requirements for a specific position. How
Resume & CV
Oct 10th 2024

14+ Business Analyst Resume Template & Examples for 2025

A well-crafted resume is your golden ticket to securing coveted interviews. With the Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting a 14% growth in business analyst jobs through 2030, far outpacing the average for all occupations, the competition for these roles is fierce. Your resume is not just a document; it's your personal brand story, a snapshot of your skills, experiences, and potential value to employers. Whether you're a fresh graduate eager to break into the field, a seasoned
Resume & CV
Mar 2nd 2022

Best Executive Resume Examples & Tips

Created by Cake In this article, you will learn about: How to write a professional executive resume? What to include in your executive resume? Tips for creating the best executive resume How to write an executive cover letter? Executive resume sample As you move up to the top of the career ladder, you might notice that you have what it takes now to transition into a C-level position. In general, an executive-level position requires a solid work ethic

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