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Tour Guide: Tugas, Jenis, Skill, Hingga Gajinya!

keselamatan darurat Jenis-jenis Tour Guide Setelah mengetahui apa yang dimaksud dengan tour guide, ada beberapa jenis tour guide berdasarkan lokasi dan jumlah wisatawan. Meskipun pada dasarnya tugas tour guide memandu wisata, berikut beberapa jenis tour guide: 1. Walking Tour Guide Seorang Walking Tour guide bekerja di tengah kota dan memahami banyak sejarah tentang kota tersebut. Biasanya membawa sebuah rombongan wisatawan mengunjungi tempat bersejarah di sebuah kota dan menjelaskan tentang cerita dan sejarah tempat tersebut. 2. Adventure Tour Guide Sesuai
People Operations
Sep 28th 2022

A Guide to the Perfect Employee Performance Review

t been reached. An employee performance appraisal is a safe space to air grievances and discuss issues. Employee Performance Appraisal Form Template If you are unsure of what elements to include in a performance review, the following is a basic guide that can be used as an employee review template. It’s important to customize any performance appraisal template to fit the exact needs of your company. Some sections may not apply to the role you’re reviewing, while other
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Complete Guide to Writing a Relieving Letter [+ Examples & Tips]

letter is a mode of physical communication from an employee to their employer indicating their desire to terminate their working relationship with their place of employment. Resignation letters are ALWAYS sent by an employee (check out our easy-to-follow guide on writing the most concise and professional resignation letter ). On the other hand, relieving letters are ALWAYS sent by employers and are done in response to a received letter of resignation. Relieving letters are issued as an employer’s
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

A Guide to Writing Motivation Letters for Scholarships [Format, Tips, Templates]

Scholarships are highly sought after for their financial assistance, experiences, connections and accolades, which can give students an edge during their university studies. Although there are scholarships that are awarded purely through simple applications or based on academic merit, high-value awards often require scholarship motivation letters. As scholarships are highly competitive and limited in number, expressing your motivations for scholarships clearly and effectively is key to being considered. Along with discussing your desire for the award, application letters for
People Operations
Apr 26th 2022

A Guide to Google Interview Questions: 20 Examples and Tips

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: Google Coding and Technical Interview Questions Common Google Interview Questions Google Behavioral Interview Questions Tips for Cracking Google Interviews Do you want to work at Google? It's a dream for many people, and with good reason. Google is well known for being one of the most difficult places to interview. They're looking for the top 1% of candidates, which means that they're extremely selective. Google looks for candidates
Mar 9th 2022

The Guide to Creating a Killer Modeling Portfolio

group of assets designed to achieve expected returns with corresponding risks. Make sure to proceed while knowing the difference between this term and the model portfolio that we are going to discuss in this article. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step on how to build a modeling portfolio and provide tips and examples for making professional model portfolios. What Is a Modeling Portfolio? So, what exactly does it mean to have a collection of photographs for
Resume & CV
May 14th 2023

The Guide to Combination Resumes (with Examples and Templates)

Created by Cake Although it isn’t as common as traditional resume format like a reverse chronological resume , a combination resume can be of great value for job applicants as it underscores the job seeker’s professional experience and skill sets. Job seekers who are in the middle of a career change or skilled in a wide range of areas can reap the most benefits of a combination resume. In this article, we will answer the questions of what
People Operations
Aug 22nd 2022

A Guide to Nailing Civil Engineer Interview Questions

Created by Cake In this article, you’ll learn: Civil Engineering Interview Questions and Answers General Civil Engineering Interview Questions Questions to Ask During a Civil Engineering Interview A civil engineer is responsible for designing and managing the construction of public infrastructure. They could design a building, a bridge or road, or even public water and waste systems. Much of the infrastructure we interact with was designed by civil engineers and the position comes with a lot of responsibility, making
Cover Letter
Apr 13th 2024

A Guide on How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name Have you ever wondered what is one of the first steps to help connect you and the recruitment team? One of the effective, simple but often overlooked steps is the cover letter . A cover letter is a document that helps you quickly introduce and brief yourself to the hiring Team. It showcases your skills, qualifications, and motivation for applying to a specific job. A cover letter can make a difference between
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

The Guide to Singapore Average Salary 2024: Economic Overview, Skills-in-demand, Cost of Living, Find Jobs

Average Salary in Singapore Singapore has propelled itself to the forefront of global development as a regional and global hub of innovation, finance, and technological breakthroughs. A rising economy in Asia with a population exceeding 5,000,000, over 30% of which are foreigners, Singapore is an attractive destination for students and professionals seeking to make a life for themselves in one of the financial and economic centers of Asia and the world. The average salary in Singapore across all

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