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Apa itu HRBP? Kenali Tugas, Peran dan Skill yang Dibutuhkan!

Daftar isi: Pengertian HRBP Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab HRBP Kualifikasi untuk Menjadi HRBP Proyeksi Karir HRBP Pernahkah kamu mendengar HRBP? Tahukah kamu, apa yang dimaksud dengan HRBP? Belakangan ini, posisi HRBP supervisor semakin banyak dicari perusahaan, lho. HRBP atau singkatan dari Human Resource Business Partner merupakan peran baru di departemen human resource yang menghubungkan konteks bisnis dan SDM. Konsep HRBP tidak hanya berfokus pada proses birokrasi perusahaan ataupun bagian administrasi. HRBP memiliki peran khusus dalam pengelolaan SDM serta berpartisipasi aktif
Career Planning
Aug 9th 2024

HRBP là gì? Tìm hiểu về HRBP trong doanh nghiệp

Kỹ năng cần có cho vị trí HR Business Partner Mục lục: HRBP là gì? Vai trò của HRBP trong doanh nghiệp HRBP là làm gì? Kỹ năng cần có của HRBP là gì? Nhu cầu nhân sự của các doanh nghiệp ngày nay không ngừng thay đổi. Do đó, các nhà lãnh đạo HR (HR là viết tắt của từ Human Resource ) ở Việt Nam cần đặt mình vào vị trí đối tác kinh doanh của doanh nghiệp, giúp
Industry & Job Overview
Dec 13th 2024

Business Development vs Business Operations: Key Differences Explained

business opportunities, diversifying revenue streams, and creating growth plans, such as new market entry, relationship building, and strategic partnership formation. Business development is all about growth and planning, and careers in it culminate many years of diverse business experience. Many business development professionals start in project management or in various positions that drive business development efforts, such as supply chain management, market research, or resource planning. Progressing to a business development manager role will require diverse experience, business acumen, and
Success Stories
Nov 19th 2020

Dcard 在找的人才就是你!HR 團隊解密人資心聲以及 Dcard 的工作日常

負責招募的 HR(Human Resources),常常是我們求職時第一個與企業接觸的人,也決定了我們的履歷會不會被傳遞到下一個階段。之後的面試、報到也是由 HR 負責引領我們進入一個全新的環境。 正式上工後,同時
Success Stories
Apr 1st 2021

Pinkoi 是人的企業:企業文化、徵才職缺與那些你好奇的幕後故事!專訪 Pinkoi 人資長 Michelle

每一次 Culture Training,親自分享 Pinkoi 的創立故事與團隊的目標、文化。 Pinkoi 的 People Business 文化 「我一直都相信 HR 的角色是 Business Partner,要跟 Business 一起,不然就沒有必要。」 找到對的人、做對的事,就是身為 HR 的價值。但 Human Resources 這個稱謂帶來

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