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Jan 3rd 2023

15 Prospek Kerja Sastra Inggris 2024 Beserta Gajinya!

Inggris memang mempelajari bahasa Inggris, sastra, budaya, dan bahkan bahasa asing lainnya. Tapi, di jurusan ini kamu juga akan mempelajari bagaimana cara berkomunikasi secara efektif, menghasilkan karya tulis yang terstruktur, memahami sejarah, ideologi-ideologi beragam budaya, serta memahami sektor bisnis internasional. Tergantung kebijakan dan kurikulum masing-masing universitas, mata kuliah dan hal-hal yang dipelajari akan berbeda-beda. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh mata pelajaran di jurusan sastra Inggris: Literatur/sastra : cerita pendek, puisi, novel, prosa, drama, teater (karya sastra Amerika
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Training Kerja: 7 Langkah Penting Beserta Metodenya!

training . Metode jenis ini fokus pada pengembangan diri untuk karyawan dalam jangka panjang, artinya, karyawan mungkin saja bebas tugas sementara agar fokus dengan program training yang sedang dijalani. Contoh training kerja metode ini adalah: Kuliah Terlibat dalam konferensi nasional maupun internasional Studi khusus keahlian tertentu, dan lain-lain. Pada off the job training biasanya akan ada perjanjian yang dilakukan antara perusahaan dan karyawan yang terlibat, apalagi jika sampai karyawan dibebastugaskan sementara. Biasanya akan ada timbal balik yang dilakukan ke perusahaan
Job Search Tips
May 4th 2022

Mau Kerja di Luar Negeri? 9 Cara yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui!

luar negeri. 💡 Pro tips Di Indonesia sendiri sudah ada Perusahaan Penempatan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (P3MI) yang berhak untuk menempatkan kamu di luar negeri, dan untuk informasinya bisa dicek langsung di website Badan Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (BP2MI). 2. Melalui Job Portal maupun Website Perusahaan yang Dituju Melalui job portal, kamu bisa mencari pekerjaan yang kamu mau dari negara manapun. Contohnya adalah LinkedIn, situs cari kerja yang sudah mengglobal dan banyak digunakan orang dari negara lain, khususnya negara barat. Jangan
Interview Skills
Jan 3rd 2022

6 Cara Menjawab Alasan Resign Saat Interview Kerja

saya ingin lebih banyak mengembangkan klien baru yang sebelumnya belum pernah membeli barang kami. Karena itu, saya melamar di perusahaan ini yang memang sedang gencar-gencarnya melakukan ekspansi ke Indonesia Timur.” Sedang cari kerja? Temukan pekerjaan impian kamu di Cake! Job Portal terbaik dan terpercaya di Indonesia. 🎉 Cari Loker Cara Menjawab Kenapa Resign #4: Banting Setir Karir Setelah bekerja di suatu bidang untuk beberapa saat, ada kalanya kandidat menginginkan awal yang baru di bidang yang berbeda. Tim HRD pun
Career Development
Apr 11th 2024

Discover Your Path with the 7 Steps of Career Planning Process

job satisfaction and overall well-being. By intentionally shaping one's career path, individuals can choose roles that align with their interests, values, and lifestyle preferences. When your career aligns with your values, each day becomes more than just a job; it becomes a purposeful pursuit, enhancing job satisfaction. 7 Steps of the Career Planning Process A successful career journey requires intentional steps: from self-assessment and goal setting to skill development and strategic planning, these steps form a comprehensive
Career Development
May 15th 2024

How to Network Like a Pro: 15 Never-Outdated Tips to Get You Started

s get started with the definition. What is Networking? Networking usually involves the exchange of ideas and information among a group of people with the same or similar interests. It generally takes place in a more informal setting. Professionals and job seekers use it more often to expand their network, search for new job opportunities, or gain more wisdom in different fields. Different types of networking are in place, broadly divided into online networking and in-person networking. With the
Career Planning
Jun 26th 2024

Taiwan's Effort in Recruiting Talents in the Digital Field for the Upcoming Decades

Do you know Taiwan is one of the most liveable places in the world for expats? As a matter of fact, InterNations found that Taiwan, a small sweet potato-shaped island located between the East and China Sea, was the second best place to live for expats for quality of life . Another factor that makes Taiwan's employment scene just so attractive is the ease of finding a job. There are plenty of job search sites for both students and
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Career Growth: the What, the Why, and the How

engineering assistant researcher progressing through to a researcher responsible for an entire department or team. 2. Horizontal Career Growth Horizontal career growth involves the process of acquiring skills that are desirable or required to laterally transition to another position or job role that is at the same level as you are currently. Horizontal career growth is great for professionals wishing to diversify their marketable skill set or transition into a job role that is more comfortable for them. An example
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Identifying and Addressing Microaggressions in the Workplace

Microaggressions in the Workplace A healthy and professional work environment is one of the drivers of an efficient and productive workplace and should be a top priority for both HR and administrative departments. A toxic workplace can have significant and lasting detrimental effects on employee well-being, productivity, and overall company success. Microaggressions in the workplace are the title given to this pattern of behavior and subtle and often unintentional discriminatory remarks or behaviors. These microaggressions in the workplace are
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

What Are Social Skills and How to Master this Skill Set?

While education, experience and expertise are required in order to have a successful career, well developed social skills are needed to ensure that you maintain a positive reputation with your company, bosses and clients. In fact, 47% of people are employed in a position where social skills are deemed to be the most important skill to have. Workplace social skills are not just about getting to know your colleagues, but are needed in other facets of work, such as when

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