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Career Planning
Jun 23rd 2022

Want to Study in Taiwan? Here’s What You Need to Know

a Master or PhD in Taiwan, or if you want to earn money, you can search for a job or internship in Taiwan. Keep in mind how long you’re staying, transport costs and which city you want to study in Taiwan. 💡 Check admission requirements Just like checking your eligibility, once you have chosen a school or program you want to study in Taiwan, carefully read their admissions information, and prepare accordingly. Note down the documents required, fees to
People & Culture
Mar 6th 2024

From Freelancing to Content Marketing Intern at Cake

Did I Become a Content Marketing Intern at Cake? Six months later, in March 2022, Steffie offered me a freelance content assistant position to help her manage writers, create article outlines, review and publish articles. I aimed to get an internship in Taiwan in my 4th year of university, and Cake is at the top of the list. I worked hard and produced high-quality work day in and day out while maintaining my academic life. And let me tell
Career Planning
Oct 24th 2024

How to Find Part-time Jobs As an International Student in Taiwan

to Find Jobs in Taiwan for International Students? In order to look for ​part time job in Taiwan for foreigners that really suits you, you should do your job-hunt well! There are several ways you can look for an internship or part-time job in Taiwan: 1. Online job search portal — Cake Cake is a job search platform with thousands of postings for work in Taiwan, including internship and part-time opportunities for students. Many of Cake’s job
News & Updates
Nov 5th 2024

Accelerate Hiring in Adjacent Regions—Micron's Virtual Webinar Attracts a Hundred Talent to Join Their Talk

including HR and sales. Micron offers various internship opportunities annually, particularly during the summer months (August and September), which is a great starting point for fresh graduates. Students can visit Micron's company website for further information and updates. Micron Taiwan will also visit Vietnam in mid-Dec this year for recruitment events! Stay tuned! Why Micron Micron strictly adheres to the Taiwanese government laws to ensure Employment and Employee benefits in terms of payroll and taxes. All STEM graduates
Cover Letter
Jul 22nd 2021

Craft a Job-Winning Cover Letter for Fresh Graduates (w/ Examples & Tips)

Zhongshan Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, 220 [email protected] 06/29/2021 Ms. Ling Mei Shuan  No.6, Lane 876, Songshan Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City,110 Dear Ms. Ling, I am Mark Spence, a graduate of National Taiwan University with a Bachelor Degree in International Business and a Masters of Management from University of Michigan. I am writing to express my interest in applying for the marketing position in your esteemed company. As a recent graduate of
Resume & CV
Nov 5th 2021

Professional Resume Profile Writing Guideline [+25 Resume Profile Examples]

experience from an internship or part-time jobs. Briefly demonstrate those in your resume profile statement and adopt a career objective to express your motivation to apply for this role. Profile summary sample for freshers: "Recent Graduate with a background in bioinformatics, language programming, and database management systems. Participated in the Software Engineering Internship program at Apple Taiwan. Efficiently supported a team of 15 senior developers and engineers with key responsibilities including testing, debugging, and updating IOS apps." 3. Experienced
Success Stories
Nov 8th 2024

Google 圓你的跨國工作夢!從新加坡到台灣,軟體工程師分享應徵技巧、履歷面試準備要點

募和培育,並定期舉辦校園徵才,提供新世代年輕人才一展長才的舞台。 這次 Cake 邀請到目前任職 Google Taiwan 軟體工程師的 Xinyu Cui,她過去是 Google 台灣遠距實習生並後續成功轉正,經過在 Google Taiwan 一路的培養與持
Cover Letter
Mar 20th 2023

Investment Banking Cover Letter [Examples, Template & Tips]

opportunity to further discuss how my skills and experience could help Barclays in an interview. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Kind regards, Kellie Huang [email protected] linkedin.com/kelliehuang95 (+886)-555-9999 Investment banking internship cover letter Dear Mr. Steven, My name is Nathan L. Reynolds - a final year student majoring in Finance at UT Austin. I’m writing in support of my application for the Investment Banking Summer Analyst Program at Cowen where

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