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Career Planning
Jan 13th 2023

The Counter Offer Letter Guide: Get Your Desired Salary!

with the job such as salary, benefits and other compensation are also added in a counter offer letter. An employer can react to the counter offer by accepting it, rejecting it, or proposing a new offer. Benefits of a Counter Offer Letter Although discussing a counter offer can also be done by having an in-person negotiation with your employer, which at certain times can also be conducted via phone call, a job offer negotiation email can have several distinct
Interview Skills
Jul 27th 2022

Writing a Thank You Letter for a Job Offer: Template, Samples, Guide, and Tips

let them know your final answer. You don’t want to waste people’s time. Negotiating the offer: If you want to negotiate the offer further, after saying thank you in the email, state your interest and enthusiasm for the job. Then, elaborate on the terms or conditions you want to discuss and provide reasons why it'd benefit both the company and you if they agree to your terms. Lastly, clarify that you are open to further negotiation. Rejecting
Interview Skills
Apr 8th 2022

How to Successfully Negotiate Your Salary for a Job?

while not coming off as too demanding. You might come across various situations where you need to negotiate your salary, for example, during an interview, upon receiving a job offer, in the middle of a performance review or when a job promotion has been announced. In this article, there are tips and advice that will hopefully help you negotiate a salary successfully with either your new or current employer. We will also walk you through salary negotiation strategies and tactics
Recruitment & HR
Apr 24th 2023

How to Create an Employee Referral Program [With Examples]

reasons, for example: The job posts fail to deliver the intended messages to the candidates, or are not posted on the right platforms. Candidates are more selective in applying for openings. Candidates fail to meet the skill-set combination or job requirements that you’re looking for. Some positions are hard to fill, especially in food service, education, childcare, elderly care, cleaning, and construction sectors. Other factors like employer branding, salary negotiation, hiring strategies, etc. If you've been experiencing
Cover Letter
Jan 16th 2023

How and When to Properly Include Expected Salary in a Cover Letter (+ Samples and a Template!)

Created by Cake In this article, you'll learn: When to Include an Expected Salary in a Cover Letter How to Write Salary Expectations in a Cover Letter Where to Put Salary Expectations in a Cover Letter Sample Cover Letter with Salary Requirements Salary Expectation Email Template Negotiating a salary can be one of the most critical junctures in the job application and interview processes. To expedite this, employers may require you to state an expected salary range in your

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