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Mar 22nd 2022

How to Decline a Job Offer: Tips, Email Samples & Phone Scripts

a Job Offer: Email Samples Tips for Turning Down a Job Offer Without Burning Bridges There will come a time in your job search when you receive a job offer that you have to reject. Some common reasons to decline job offers are salary expectations, company culture problems, commute issues, and career development concerns. There are a few different situations in which you may need to write a job offer rejection email or make a job offer rejection phone call
Interview Skills
Apr 7th 2022

How to Decline a Job Interview: Tips and Email Samples

rejecting an interview. If you have done your research and are convinced that this position is not for you, the next thing to do is decline the interview by email or phone. Five tips on how to politely decline a job interview 🖋 Be courteous. It can be hard to know how to decline a job interview without burning bridges. One crucial thing to remember is to always be polite and professional when declining a job interview offer. Networking is
Career Planning
Jan 13th 2023

The Counter Offer Letter Guide: Get Your Desired Salary!

negotiate other terms that come with the job such as salary, benefits and other compensation are also added in a counter offer letter. An employer can react to the counter offer by accepting it, rejecting it, or proposing a new offer. Benefits of a Counter Offer Letter Although discussing a counter offer can also be done by having an in-person negotiation with your employer, which at certain times can also be conducted via phone call, a job offer negotiation
People Operations
Apr 18th 2023

Time to Hire: A Guide to Strategic Recruiting

and recruited for a job; time to fill is helps plan organizational needs across various job positions. To distinguish time to hire from time to fill, let’s illustrate with an example of how calculations work for each metric: A job opening is posted on the 1st of September, and a candidate applies on the 7th. After a phone call and an interview, the candidate receives a job offer and accepts it on the 30th. The time to hire in
Resume & CV
May 10th 2022

Controller Resume Examples: Templates & Examples

determines how effectively the content reaches the employer. 📝 Chronological resume format This is the most common resume format preferred by both recruiters and applicants. A chronological controller resume presents the employment history in a timely-reversed order: the latest job at the top, followed by earlier jobs. As it focuses on work history, it’s a great choice for job seekers with plenty of work experience. 📝 Functional resume format A functional resume is a “skill-based resume”, which
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

10 Tips for Successful Talent Recruitment

result in the wrong candidates applying for the job, and you will struggle with recruiting employees. This wastes everyone’s time, including yours! Transparent information about the company. Be transparent about the organisation at every stage of recruiting employees, from job positing to interview to training. This is a basic recruitment tip for employers since honesty is important for both talent acquisition and retention. An applicant needs to have all the information about the position before they can make an
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

20 Best Exit Interview Questions to Ask for Valuable Employee Insights

offer the perfect opportunity for employers to gather information about areas for improvement, such as the company work environment, company organizational structure, and company culture. This is often helped by the fact that employees in exit interviews often provide brutally honest - and, in many cases, unfiltered - feedback, thus helping companies to realize what is/isn’t working and to continuously improve. Employee Engagement and Retention Knowing the ins and outs of why an employee is leaving your company can help
Success Stories
May 7th 2024

Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey

was to sell ATM machines. Though it’s 20 years ago if there's a broken ATM machine, I could probably fix it. ” Farina mentioned. During her tenure at IBM, Farina gained extensive knowledge in the field of technology and honed her skills in sales and marketing. After a few years at IBM and Microsoft, Farina decided to pursue her MBA degree at Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management. After graduation, Farina landed an offer to go back to her

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