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Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

A Complete Writing Guide to LinkedIn Summaries [+ Examples and Writing Tips]

do a deep dive into the logistics behind an eye-catching LinkedIn profile summary and explain in detail how you can take your LinkedIn summary to the next level! What you'll learn in this article: What Is a LinkedIn Summary? Why You Need a Good LinkedIn Summary How to Write a Good LinkedIn Summary LinkedIn Summary Examples LinkedIn Summary Template LinkedIn Summary Example for Job Seekers  What Is a LinkedIn Summary? A LinkedIn summary, also known as a LinkedIn
Job Search Tips
Apr 16th 2021

How to use LinkedIn? 5 tips to boost your career with LinkedIn

develop your career nowadays. You also need a strong and diverse professional network, and LinkedIn helps you with that. Overview What is LinkedIn? How to use LinkedIn and why it’s useful Top 5 tips to build a job-winning LinkedIn profile Make sure you take advantage of LinkedIn as a tool to impress recruiters, attract business opportunities, learn industry trends and boost your career. Read on to learn how! What is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is an online social networking platform
Job Search Tips
Aug 30th 2022

Cara Membuat Summary LinkedIn yang Dilirik Perusahaan! [+Contoh]

Bagaimana Summary LinkedIn bisa menarik perhatian perekrut? Melalui summary di LinkedIn, kamu bisa menunjukkan kepribadianmu dan apa yang kamu inginkan dalam mengejar karir. Jika kamu menulis ringkasan ini dengan tepat, profilmu bisa muncul dalam pencarian perusahaan atau perekrut. Apa Itu Summary LinkedIn ? Ketika kamu membuat profil LinkedIn, tentunya kamu menemukan summary LinkedIn yang harus kamu isi. LinkedIn Summary itu apa sih? LinkedIn Summary atau bio LinkedIn adalah beberapa paragraf teks yang muncul tepat sebelum bagian pengalaman kerja. LinkedIn memberikan batas
Job Search Tips
Jan 30th 2023

Begini Cara Menghubungi Recruiter di LinkedIn [+Template]

di LinkedIn? Jawabannya, boleh! Menghubungi para rekruter di LinkedIn merupakan salah satu cara untuk networking . Memberikan pesan kepada rekruter akan membuat kamu lebih stand out dibanding kandidat lainnya. Dengan ini, peluang kamu untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan juga meningkat. Cara Menghubungi Rekruter LinkedIn Cara Approach Recruiter di LinkedIn 1. Optimisasi Halaman LinkedIn Halaman LinkedIn perlu dibuat seoptimal mungkin sebelum akhirnya kita “jual” ke recruiter . Hal-hal yang bisa diperhatikan sebelum menghubungi recruiter di LinkedIn: Tulis bagian summary /tentang saya dengan spesialisasi diikuti
Resume & CV
Aug 27th 2020

Project Managers: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

Here are some key infos: Full name Phone number Email address LinkedIn profile 2. Resume summary / Career objective When HRs receive tons of resumes, they often scan only the top of the document. That’s why you need a resume summary or objective. You want HRs to quickly get a picture of who you are and why you’re a good fit. A resume summary is usually for experienced people to summarize their achievements, while a resume objective or a
Resume & CV
Aug 9th 2024

Market Researcher Resume: Writing Tips, Examples and Guide (Latest Updates)

quantitative and qualitative analytical skills, with a keen ability to interpret complex data sets and trends. Demonstrated leadership in managing cross-functional teams and collaborating with stakeholders to deliver high-impact solutions. 💡 Pro Tip: You can use this resume summary in your LinkedIn or CakeResume bio to catch the attention of a recruiter. Career Objectives A good market researcher resume objective demonstrates your career goals and ambitions in order to pique the interest of recruiters. The resume objective is
Resume & CV
Nov 16th 2021

4 Contoh CV Perawat Menarik dan Cara Membuatnya

Simak poin-poin berikut ini ya. 1. Identitas Diri Pada bagian ini, kamu hanya perlu menulis bagian penting berkaitan dengan informasi data diri . Misalnya, nama, profesi yang dilamar, kontak pribadi (no. handphone , email), alamat domisili, serta akun media sosial, seperti LinkedIn. 2. Deskripsi Diri / CV Summary Deskripsi diri merupakan bagian untuk mendeskripsikan tentang siapa diri kamu yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan yang dilamar. Kunci menulis CV summary yang baik adalah kamu perlu menjelaskan pengalamanmu yang relevan dengan profesi sebagai perawat sehingga
Resume & CV
Jan 10th 2022

Best Resume Layouts and How to Format Them [Examples, Guide & Tips]

contact number, email address, linked in, and personal website if available. Here’s a resume header example: Marl Kass Professional Architecture Designer 111 Buffalo Road, Middletown, NY 14216 | Cell: (212) 222-0022 | linkedin.com/in/Marlkass Resume Summary A resume summary is a short paragraph of 2-3 sentences at the top of the resume which describes your qualifications, and whether you have the relevant experience and skills for the position you are applying for. Here’s a resume summary
Resume & CV
May 29th 2022

A Comprehensive CV Format Guideline for Freshers [+Examples]

Created by Cake In this article, you'll read about: What Is a Fresher CV? Best Job CV Format for Freshers How to Write a Fresher CV Tips for Writing the Best Fresher CV Fresher CV Examples Whether you are a fresh graduate or are about to complete your bachelor’s degree, you’ll need some guidance on how to make a CV for freshers. An excellent job CV format will undoubtedly be a good place for a fresher like
Resume & CV
Feb 10th 2025

CV Career Switch: Contoh, Template, dan Tips

Pernah terpikir untuk mengubah jalur karirmu? Switch karir alias banting setir kerja di sektor yang sama sekali berlainan bukanlah hal mustahil di dunia kerja. Data dari Harvard menunjukan bagaimana 50% pekerja di tahun 2023 secara pribadi merencanakan perubahan karier di tahun selanjutnya. Keputusan career switch adalah hal besar, karena itu kamu memerlukan CV yang kuat dan mampu membuat hiring manager melihat potensimu. Cake menyediakan template untuk career switch dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia yang bisa kamu jadikan panduan. Tidak perlu

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