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Job search
11월 12일 2024

Mentor là gì? Tại sao bạn cần có mentor ở nơi làm việc?

bởi một mentor có tâm, mới đạt được sự nghiệp "rực rỡ" như bây giờ. Nếu bạn đang thắc mắc: “ Vậy mentor là ai? tôi nên tìm mentor ở đâu? ”, thì trước tiên hãy cùng Cake tìm hiểu khái niệm mentor là gì, nhiệm vụ và các phẩm chất cần có của người làm mentor nhé! Mentor là gì? Mentoring là gì? Trước khi giải nghĩa từ mentee, mentor nghĩa là gì, cùng Cake tìm hiểu về nhiệm vụ mentoring
Career Development
1월 16일 2023

Pengertian Mentoring dan Cara Menjadi Mentor yang Baik!

Arti Mentoring Manfaat dan Tujuan Mentoring Jenis Mentoring Tips Mulai Mentoring Perbedaan Mentoring dan Coaching Apa itu Mentoring? Pengertian Mentoring Pertama-tama, apa sih yang dimaksud dengan mentoring? Mentoring sebenarnya adalah kata dalam bahasa inggris yang berarti pendampingan atau pengarahan. Mentoring adalah sebuah kegiatan bimbingan (mentorship) atau pengarahan yang dilakukan oleh orang yang biasanya lebih berpengalaman terhadap orang yang masih terbilang baru dan belum berpengalaman, sehingga dengan adanya mentorship bisa membantu orang yang di-mentor untuk mengembangkan dirinya dan belajar
Success Stories
8월 15일 2019

那些科技新創教我的事 IX 「好的工程師 需要一個好的環境發揮」- 李其祐(ShopBack 產品開發工程師)

可能會覺得,一直重複進行手動測試很無聊,應該去做更有開發性、創造性、更有意義的事情。但我的 mentor 跟我說,如果只是重複地使用一樣的方式進行測試,當然很無聊。真正專業的測試,應該是去思考
Resume & CV
3월 3일 2021

Teacher Resume Examples & Formats (junior + senior)

Created by Cake What are some teacher’s job duties and responsibilities? In this influential role, the teacher acts as a role model, counselor, mentor, and instructor by inspiring, motivating, supporting, and educating learners. The job duties of the teachers depend on the school and specialist subject they’re teaching. General responsibilities of a teacher include: planning, and delivering lessons based on curriculum guidelines assessing student’s behavior and progress collaborating with staff and parents shaping children or adults as
Resume & CV
12월 9일 2024

7 Contoh CV Guru Terbaik dan Cara Membuatnya!

Ada pepatah yang mengatakan " Seorang guru itu adalah orang yang menyentuh masa depan." Seorang guru tidak hanya mentransfer ilmu kepada murdi yang diajarkan, namun juga menjadi konselor, mentor dan juga panutan bagi murid-muridnya. Dengan kesabaran dan pengajarannya, menjadi seorang guru adalah contoh pekerjaan yang menghasilkan calon-calon pemimpin di masa depan. Langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan untuk melamar pekerjaan menjadi guru baik kerja di sekolah maupun mengajar secara online adalah membuat lamaran kerja untuk guru. Lamaran kerja guru berisi
Cover Letter
10월 19일 2022

Write an Assistant Professor Cover Letter – Tips and Template

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: Sample Cover Letter for Assistant Professor How to Write an Assistant Professor Cover Letter Assistant Professor Cover Letter Template If you are ready to mentor students and pursue a rewarding academic career, an assistant professor position could be perfect for you. Assistant professors perform an important function at any college or university. They teach, conduct research, and work with students. Daily tasks can include answering inquiries, hosting office hours, grading assignments
Recruitment & HR
12월 3일 2024

Ý KIẾN CHUYÊN GIA: Nhân tài Gen Z không còn xin việc hay tìm việc mà là CHỌN VIỆC!

Bài viết được trích dẫn từ ý kiến của anh Trần Vũ Thanh , hiện đang là Trainer tại Mind Coach Vietnam và Co-founder của Better You - đơn vị chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ đào tạo, mentoring về Nhân sự cho người đi làm. Anh Thanh đã có hơn 14 năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực Tuyển dụng, Đào tạo và Phát triển con người ở những công ty, tập đoàn lớn trong lĩnh vực công nghệ thông tin (VNG
Resume & CV
6월 8일 2022

Pengembangan Diri untuk Mencari Potensi Diri: Pengertian, Manfaat, Tips, Dll.

Daftar isi: Pentingnya Pengembangan Diri dalam Hidup 10 Tips Pengembangan Diri Cara Menyoroti Skill Pengembangan Diri dalam CV dan SLK? Kamu pasti tidak asing lagi mendengar kata “pengembangan diri”, bukan? Pengembangan diri adalah sebuah istilah yang sering digunakan oleh guru, mentor, dan ahli psikologi, tapi apa arti sebenarnya dari pengembangan diri? Pengembangan diri atau self-development adalah kegiatan yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan kualitas seorang individu yang mencakup peningkatan kesadaran diri, identitas, dan pengembangan minat dan bakat. Sebagai seorang sarjana dan
Career Development
4월 24일 2024

13 Essential Teaching Skills for Every Teacher in 2024 [+ Tips]

13 Essential Teaching Skills for Every Teacher in 2024 Teachers hold a vital role in creating a positive learning environment and guiding the future generation. They're entrusted with a significant responsibility—to nurture and educate. To excel in teaching positions, educators must continuously refine their skills. While having a teaching certificate is important, true expertise requires practice, strategy, and reflection. Effective teaching demands versatility: being a leader, counselor, speaker, planner, and mentor all at once. This article highlights the
Resume & CV
3월 3일 2022

Coach Resume with Examples and Templates

Created by Cake In this article, you will learn about: How to write a coaching resume? What to include in your coaching resume? Tips for writing the best coaching resume How to write a cover letter for a coaching position? Coaching resume sample A coach provides feedback, gives advice, and sets up training programs to reach a goal. A coach also develops a game plan for a group or individual using various resources. Oftentimes, people mistake a coach for a

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