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20+ Program Management Trainee Terbaik, Cocok untuk Fresh Graduate

tahu lebih lanjut di sini! 4. Management Development Program BCA Program Management Trainee BCA Proses perekrutan bank BCA dibuka mulai 1 Desember 2023 hingga 31 Desember 2024. Jika dinyatakan diterima, kandidat akan mengikuti pelatihan marketing, audit, pengembangan diri dari para mentor terpilih. 👤 Kualifikasi khusus: Sarjana dengan nilai IPK minimal 3.00/4.00 (S-1) Maksimal berusia 24 tahun (S-1) dan 26 tahun (S-2) Tidak berencana menikah selama program management BCA berlangsung 💰 Gaji management trainee : Rp5
Career Development
May 15th 2024

How to Network Like a Pro: 15 Never-Outdated Tips to Get You Started

new technologies and skills in rising demand . Individuals in your network might work in adjacent roles or industries, offering out-of-the-box ideas for improvement. Additionally, your circle may include authoritative and highly proficient individuals who can serve as mentors, giving you valuable career advice and guiding you toward becoming an accomplished professional. You Always Stay Informed One of the foremost reasons networking is so important is that it helps you stay up-to-date. Many individuals stagnate in
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Building an Inclusive and Thriving Workplace with DEI

of creating an environment where all employees feel welcome, valued, and empowered to contribute their best. Inclusive practices can range from accessible facilities for individuals with disabilities to fostering a culture where diverse voices are heard and respected. For example, mentoring programs that connect employees from different backgrounds can promote a sense of belonging and inclusion. A common question that arises in understanding DEI is the difference between diversity and inclusion. Diversity is about the representation of different groups in
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020

Facebook PM Peter 的產品管理職涯:新創、跨國公司、To B、To C 通通包辦!

印象最深刻的是? 27:10 聽說 Peter 一剛開始加入 Facebook 的職稱並不是 PM? 29:15 想請問 Peter 對於組建社群、加入 mentorship program 的想法? 31:20 Peter 接下來有什麼樣的規劃呢? 從本土新創到跨國大型軟體公司 如何跨出海外職
Career Tools
Nov 15th 2024

Leader là gì? Kỹ năng và nghệ thuật lãnh đạo cần có

có 3 vai trò chính: đào tạo (training) , hướng dẫn (guiding) , và truyền cảm hứng (inspiring) . ✅ Đào tạo Công việc của leader là phát triển tập thể mà họ đang quản lý thông qua việc định hướng, cố vấn (mentoring) và huấn luyện nhân viên. Điều này có thể được thực hiện thông qua các cuộc họp hoặc buổi thảo luận trực tiếp. Đọc thêm: 7 kỹ năng, phẩm chất cần có của mentor giỏi Mặc dù hầu hết
Career Planning
Jun 21st 2022

60+ Powerful Words to Describe Yourself in Interviews and Resumes

that emphasize your analytical or problem-solving skills to describe yourself. Then, provide a real-life example to elaborate. If you want to effectively demonstrate your leadership skills in a job interview, choose words to describe yourself such as 'encouraging,' 'mentoring,' and 'strategic thinking' to directly address the 'describe yourself' question. Similarly, if you aim to impress the audience with your communication skills , provide an answer containing adjectives like 'confident,' 'approachable,' and 'persuasive'. To present yourself as a creative thinker
Job Search Tips
Aug 20th 2024

Why Networking Helps You Land a Job Faster Than You Think

This means go online and research the event, the attendees, and company so you get a sense of the people there. Also, try crafting and practicing a brief introduction about yourself and practice conversations either solo or with friends or mentors to help build your speaking confidence. Remember, you’re there to make connections with people who might also be nervous themselves. Keeping a positive mindset will keep you relaxed and open to new people and experiences. 💡 Pro tips
Personal Branding
Aug 22nd 2024

Personal Branding Essentials for Students (+ Real-World Examples & Action Steps)

can do the same Reflect on Your Interests: Make a list of your academic subjects, hobbies, and any side projects. Note how you feel about each and any successes or recognition you've achieved. Seek Feedback: Ask friends, family, and mentors what they see as your strengths and unique qualities. Analyze Your Path: Look for patterns in your interests and feedback. Is there a unique combination of skills and passions that stands out? Craft Your USP Statement: Summarize your unique
Job Search Tips
Dec 13th 2022

9 Cara Cepat Mendapatkan Pekerjaan yang Wajib Diketahui!

Hidup di zaman millennial ini membuat standar hidup setiap orang menjadi lebih tinggi. Sukses sejak usia belia, bekerja di perusahaan besar dan ternama, serta mendapatkan pekerjaan yang diinginkan sepertinya menjadi impian bagi semua orang, mulai dari mahasiswa yang baru lulus, hingga orang-orang yang sudah menginjak umur produktif bekerja. Saat ini memiliki CV lamaran kerja yang disukai HRD menjadi salah satu faktor penting sebuah perusahaan tertarik padamu. Tapi, mengingat sulitnya mencari pekerjaan di saat ini, kamu pasti ingin tahu hal
Cover Letter
Aug 26th 2024

Engineering Cover Letter: The Complete Guide with Templates

Table of Contents What is a Cover Letter? How do I write a cover letter for engineering with no experience? Engineering Cover Letter Examples Tips to Craft a Strong Engineering Cover Letter What is a Cover Letter? A cover letter is a document that gives your employer a preview of what you can do and how you can help your employer's business. The primary goal of a cover letter is not to get you hired, but to get them

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