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People Operations
Jul 7th 2022

New Hire Checklist: How to Onboard New Employees Seamlessly

Send an informative welcome email to the new hire. Inform them of company policies and company culture. Set up work area for the new hire. Set up accounts and create logins. Organize an orientation and prepare team introductions. Assign a mentor for the new hire. Inform the new hire of job expectations. Schedule time for onboarding feedback. Plan regularly check-in. ✅ Confirm first-day details with the new hire. List thorough detail for the employee’s first day on
Career Development
Mar 28th 2024

How to Explain an Employment Gap: Advice for Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview

The same goes for positions that aren’t relevant to the job you’re applying to. You should include an employment gap on a resume if you took time off for professional development, such as attending training, working with a mentor, or earning certifications . Here’s an example of a poorly written employment gap on a resume, which highlights the gap with no explanation. Jan 2018 - June 2021 Software Developer Oct 2016 - April 2017 Programming Intern To write an employment
Resume & CV
Nov 5th 2024

Bí kíp viết CV xin việc giáo viên thành công khi đi ứng tuyển

tiêu nghề nghiệp cho CV xin việc trợ giảng tiếng Anh: “Caring teaching assistant with 3 years of experience in curriculum development for children. Seeking a new role at the Red Maple kindergarten to further develop my administrative skills and mentoring experience.” Đọc thêm: CV trợ giảng tiếng Anh: Viết như thế nào và cần lưu ý những gì? 4. Kinh nghiệm làm việc Liệt kê thứ tự các kinh nghiệm giảng dạy mà bạn tích luỹ được trước đó
People Operations
Apr 8th 2023

Job Enrichment: Pengertian, Manfaat dan Cara Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan

memberikan mereka kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam rapat manajemen dan memberikan masukan pada strategi perusahaan. 5. Pengembangan Karir untuk Karyawan Pengembangan karir adalah teknik job enrichment yang dilakukan dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk mengembangkan skill dan menambah pengalaman melalui pelatihan, mentoring, dan pengalaman kerja yang beragam. Dengan teknik ini, karyawan memiliki kesempatan untuk naik jabatan dan memperoleh penghasilan yang lebih tinggi. 6. Lingkungan Kerja yang Sehat dan Menyenangkan Teknik job enrichment ini dilakukan dengan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang menyenangkan dan
Industry & Job Overview
Jun 13th 2024

Is Semiconductor a Good Career? (w/ 20+ Semiconductor Jobs)

materials (such as silicon, gallium arsenide, and newer materials like graphene) and their properties. Device Physics: Understanding how semiconductor devices like MOSFETs and BJTs operate at a physical level. Software Proficiency Design Tools: Familiarity with CAD software (e.g., Cadence, Mentor Graphics) for designing semiconductor layouts. Simulation Tools: Proficiency in using simulation software (e.g., SPICE) to model and predict the behavior of semiconductor devices. Programming: Basic coding skills (e.g., Python, C++) for automating tasks and analyzing data. Soft
Career Development
Jul 31st 2024

Top Ten Networking Mistakes Most People Make at Networking Events

Ensure you capitalize on this opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge. Do not underestimate how much people love feeling like experts. It brings immense satisfaction to share their expertise with others, especially those junior to them. Your questions can evolve into mentorship opportunities one day, which is one of the best things new connections can provide for you. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to reach out and start talking to others. If your contact says something that you
Job Search Tips
Jul 22nd 2024

Officer Development Program: Pengertian dan Tips Lolosnya!

menjalani pekerjaan secara nyata. Tentunya karyawan bisa mengimplementasikan ilmu-ilmu yang didapatkan saat in-class training secara nyata. Disisi lain, karyawan akan mempraktekan pekerjaan operasional dan berkoordinasi dengan co-worker secara nyata di lapangan. Pastinya mereka akan mendapatkan pendampingan dari mentor yang ditunjuk. Apa Saja yang Perlu Disiapkan untuk Mendaftar ODP Bank ? 1. Menyelesaikan Pendidikan Sarjana Persyaratan paling dasar untuk mendaftar officer development program adalah telah menempuh pendidikan minimal S1. Namun ada beberapa rekrutmen ODP bank yang menerima lulusan S2
Career Development
Aug 22nd 2024

The Power of Networking: How Is Networking Used in Business

your business. Knowledge Sharing: Networking fosters a culture of continuous learning and knowledge exchange. By interacting with industry peers, you stay updated on the latest techniques, trends, and technologies relevant to your field. Networking also offers the opportunity to receive mentorship from seasoned professionals, who can provide valuable insights and advice. Additionally, sharing your creative ideas with others and receiving constructive feedback helps refine your concepts, contributing to personal and professional growth. Talent Acquisition: Networking is a powerful tool for
Cover Letter
Jun 27th 2022

Writing a Cover Letter for Changing Career Path? Here's How (Examples + Pro Tips)

Created by Cake In this article, you'll read about: How to Write a Cover Letter for Career Change Career Change Cover Letter Examples Career Change Cover Letter Template Tips for Writing a Persuasive Career Change Cover Letter Feel like it's time for a change in your career? Whatever your reason may be, turning the wheel over to another industry or career field is never an easy task. The fear of leaving something that's reliable and the insecurity
Career Development
Jul 26th 2022

Apa itu Startup? Ketahui Perbedaan Startup dan Perusahaan Lainnya

Daftar isi: Pengertian Startup Tipe Pendanaan Startup Ciri-ciri Startup Perbedaan Startup dengan Corporate Bekerja di Startup? Di era Industri 4.0, perkembangan Startup kian pesat. Dikutip dari CNN Indonesia terdapat 2.203 perusahaan rintisan atau Startup dan ini menjadikan Indonesia sebagai urutan ke-5 dengan jumlah Startup terbanyak. Forecast Startup menunjukkan bahwa prospek pertumbuhan-nya akan semakin tinggi, sehingga membuktikan bahwa bisnis Startup sangat menjanjikan kedepannya. Selain itu, potensi dibukanya lowongan pekerjaan Startup pun akan semakin terbuka lebar. Bagi

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