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People Operations
Jul 7th 2022

New Hire Checklist: How to Onboard New Employees Seamlessly

a New Hire Checklist Important? What to Include in a New Hire Checklist New Hire Checklist for the Manager for the First Year New Hire Checklist Template A successful onboarding process is a win-win for the company and the new employee. The onboarding process may bring a lot of challenges to both the new hire and the HR department. As a result, how to onboard new hires effectively becomes the question. Enters the new hire checklist. A new hire
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

7 Effective Strategies to Train Your Hiring Managers to Acquire The Best Talents

The purpose of job interviews is to figure out if both parties will benefit from the hire. Employers use interviews to assess whether a candidate's education, skills, experience, and personality suit the job vacancy and demands. As a hiring manager or recruiter, you may encounter some problems during a job interview, such as managing the interview process, asking inappropriate or illegal questions , or making a snap judgment. This is why interview training for hiring managers and recruiters is important
Recruitment & HR
Mar 10th 2024

The Go-To Employee Offboarding Checklist (2024 Tips & Guide Update)

employee's tenure with an organization . It includes the period from resignation to departure day. A well-executed offboarding strategy not only facilitates a smooth transition between employees but also contributes to company growth. It provides valuable insights for hiring new talent and reshaping the company's structure. Employee onboarding and offboarding are integral to the employee life cycle and contribute significantly to overall employee experience. Onboarding is a warm welcome extended to new hires, focusing on establishing a strong
People Operations
May 26th 2022

Informal Interviews: Questions & How to ace them

area or a role of interest. It’s not an interview for a job role, but more about career exploration. How to Prepare for an Informal Interview Preparations for formal and informal interviews should be equally thorough, despite their difference. Here’s your informal job interview preparation checklist: ✅ R  esearch the company. Since the purpose of this informal interview is still to determine if you and the company are right for each other, it’s crucial to have a
Career Planning
May 10th 2022

Easiest Way to Write a Resignation Letter (+Sample Emails)

the reason for your resignation (optional) Once you have sent your resignation email, there is not much your employer can do to stop you from leaving. Your reason for resignation can be as detailed or as vague as you like. Here is an example of what you can write for the reason for your resignation: “I have decided to leave this position to pursue new opportunities.” You don’t need to discuss pay or your new employer in your notice

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