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Jan 13th 2023

The Counter Offer Letter Guide: Get Your Desired Salary!

understand the definition and purpose of a counter offer letter. Then, it is as important to learn how to properly construct a great one. Let’s start by knowing what a counter offer letter really is! What Is a Counter Offer Letter? A job counter offer letter, sometimes referred to as an offer negotiation letter, is a letter written by a job applicant to the hiring manager in response to an unsatisfactory job offer. In the letter, the applicant clearly
Interview Skills
Jul 27th 2022

Writing a Thank You Letter for a Job Offer: Template, Samples, Guide, and Tips

the position. Upon receiving an offer letter from HR, you first need to review the offer details, such as, perks, benefits, time off, and sign-on bonus. If you are not sure whether to accept the offer nor not, you can bring up any questions you have in the thank you letter that might help you to make a more informed decision. If you decide to accept the offer, but there's something you find unclear in the offer letter...
Resume & CV
Jun 7th 2021

Nurse Practitioner Resume Writing Guide [+ Examples & Templates]

Practitioner (NP) resume sample Nurse practitioners (NP) are health care providers who examine patients, diagnose diseases, and prescribe treatments. A Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) report states that NPs can provide nearly 80% to 90% of the care that primary physicians offer. Studies show that every employer only spends roughly 5 to 8 seconds scanning through a resume. If you’re applying for a nurse practitioner, read the comprehensive nurse practitioner resume guidelines below to stand out from competitors and land

The Ultimate Guide to Become a Lawyer [+ FAQs]

assisting with self-representation. Solicitor : Advise clients on general legal issues such as family, estate, or employment matters. Their legal representation can extend to court-level or a more personal level, such as drafting contracts for individuals or assisting in negotiation. Barrister : In some instances, solicitors may seek the assistance of a barrister to represent or advocate for clients in more specialized areas. Like a solicitor, barristers can offer advice to clients. However, since they’re experts on an issue
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

How to Respond to a Counter-Offer: Tips, Tricks, and Suggestions

How to Respond to a Counter-Offer A counter-offer is a proposal in response to one given during job negotiations. Proposing counter-offers is quickly becoming standard practice in the job negotiation process. The power balance between employee and employer has shifted in favor of the former, as employees have realized the value of their time and services can be seriously leveraged. Candidates may propose counter-offers for a plethora of situations, including negotiating salary , job position, benefits, or
Interview Skills
Jun 20th 2020

How to Answer Salary Expectations? 3 Useful Tips for Salary Negotiation

good help. They are likely to help you negotiate for a better salary offer within a reasonable range. You do not need to worry about leaving bad impression on interviewers as a result of careless mistakes you made during salary negotiation. Further reading: 8 Ways to Get a Better Job Fast 2. Clarifying your thought is crucial. Acceptable range of salary expectations As we all know, for the same job position, salary range offer by each enterprise might vary, and
Cover Letter
Jan 16th 2023

How and When to Properly Include Expected Salary in a Cover Letter (+ Samples and a Template!)

ll learn: When to Include an Expected Salary in a Cover Letter How to Write Salary Expectations in a Cover Letter Where to Put Salary Expectations in a Cover Letter Sample Cover Letter with Salary Requirements Salary Expectation Email Template Negotiating a salary can be one of the most critical junctures in the job application and interview processes. To expedite this, employers may require you to state an expected salary range in your cover letter. Including salary requirements in your
Interview Skills
Apr 8th 2022

How to Successfully Negotiate Your Salary for a Job?

discussion, as well as demonstrate to your recruiter or manager that you know when to be assertive while remaining professional. This is a skill valued by many employers. ✨ Receiving a complete benefits package Another benefit of beginning a wage negotiation is the opportunity to receive a more complete benefit package. Other than some extra cash that you would like to get out of a wage negotiation, your company can also show support by providing better career development opportunities, work
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Average Salaries in Taiwan: From Entry-Level to Expert

Average Salaries in Taiwan Taiwan is enjoying a steadily growing economy, and the small island nation is perpetually voted one of the best countries for expats. It’s an excellent place to live and work for nationals and foreigners, owing to factors like safety, infrastructure, low cost of living, climate, and progressive politics. The flourishing Taiwanese market is creating jobs, and the average salary in Taiwan is enough to attract local and foreign professionals alike. In this article, we'll
Recruitment & HR
Apr 24th 2023

How to Create an Employee Referral Program [With Examples]

In this article, we will discuss: A Quick Glance at Employee Referrals How to Create an Employee Referral Program Employee Referral Strategies Employee Referral Program Examples If you have been struggling to find the right candidates, you're not alone. When it comes to hiring, many recruiters and employers encounter similar problems for various reasons, for example: The job posts fail to deliver the intended messages to the candidates, or are not posted on the right platforms. Candidates are more

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