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Sep 6th 2021

15 Best Free Portfolio Websites (w/ Pros & Cons, Pricing, Key Features)

paid portfolio websites and online portfolio makers, along with its key features as well as pros & cons so you can know how to make a portfolio website / webpage for free, with the platform that suits you best. 10 Best Free Portfolio Websites 1. Cake Cake online portfolio maker features The free online portfolio maker on Cake is suitable for creative professionals, creators as well as other field professionals alike. With the user-friendly tools that the portfolio maker offers, anyone
Sep 1st 2021

How to Make an Online Portfolio [+ Tips, Examples, Guide]

demonstrate and show the evidence of the skills you have written on your resume. Having an online portfolio of your various skills and previous works could help you stand out among other applicants during a job search. What is an online portfolio? An online portfolio (or also known as digital portfolio) is a document which summarizes your qualifications and is presented online on a digital portfolio website. Online portfolios are more advanced in a way, as they are able to
Mar 31st 2022

20 Great UI Designer Portfolios Examples [+ Pro Tips]

portfolio platforms. 20 Best UI Designer Portfolio Examples Here are the top UI designer portfolios created on various portfolio platforms: 1. UI Designer Portfolio by Xin Yan Created on Cake’s free online portfolio builder, Xin Yan’s UI designer portfolio is straightforward, clean, and simple. Cake’s online portfolio maker is equipped to connect to a resume, making anyone who visits Xin Yan’s UI portfolio can easily access her resume as well. Cake’s free online portfolio service
Jan 25th 2022

Best Video Editor Portfolio with Examples [Porfolio Making Guideline]

1: Choose the Platform for Making the Portfolio You can choose to use some free online portfolio websites such as Squarespace, Renderforest, and Cake to help complete your portfolio. These websites provide a good amount of examples for video editor portfolio and free-to-use templates. You can follow the guide and design your portfolio easily. Here are the best portfolio websites that you can refer to: 💡 Cake Cake online portfolio maker Like Squarespace and Renderforest, Cake provides sources
Jan 19th 2022

How to Start Making an Architecture Portfolio: Best Portfolio Examples & Ideas

can easily find architecture portfolio templates and use online portfolio makers to save time on color schemes or formatting to use it on organizing the content. Lastly, digital contents are easier to edit, delete, renew, and add new projects. Architecture Portfolio Website An architecture portfolio website, compared to a digital architecture portfolio, uses your own web domain. This gives you more control over how the website could establish your personal brand and match your architecture works. A portfolio also enables
Jan 18th 2022

Creating an Impressive Photography Portfolio Website [+ Examples & Tips]

Read on to see our picks for the best photography website builder. 5 Best Photography Portfolio Websites 1. Cake The free online portfolio maker on Cake offers a variety of user-friendly tools, allowing you to make your very own portfolio quickly and hassle-free. ✨ Features: Allow you to create multiple portfolios and organize various projects in a way that is most efficient and convenient for viewing. Link your online portfolio to your digital resume created by Cake. Pros
Sep 25th 2024

International Talent Connect 2024: Empowering Careers in Taiwan

event? Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for the latest updates! For event sponsorship and media requests, please contact: Helen Chung, Associate Manager of Brand Marketing: [email protected] For business opportunities and collaboration requests, please contact: Coco Yap, Business Development Representative: [email protected] Cake is a global talent network offering solutions for both job seekers and employers, including an online free resume builder , portfolio maker , job search platform , and recruitment consultant services . Join our community today !
News & Updates
Nov 5th 2024

Accelerate Hiring in Adjacent Regions—Micron's Virtual Webinar Attracts a Hundred Talent to Join Their Talk

higher chances of obtaining permanent residence in Taiwan. Interested in working in Micron? Apply for your desired positions now! Want to know more about Micron and its recruitment process? Follow Micron Technology to know the first-hand hiring events! Cake is a global talent platform that provides solutions to both job seekers and employers. From online resume building tool and portfolio maker to talent search engine and free job postings . Sign up to utilize Cake's resources today! Join Cake
Oct 8th 2021

Cara Membuat Portofolio Online: 15 Website Gratis untuk Portofolio yang Menarik

Portofolio Online Bikin portfolio online apa harus bisa coding? Gimana cara membuat portofolio online gratis? Kalau kamu tidak tahu cara membuat webpage portofolio dengan coding, pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut pasti muncul di pikiran kamu. Tapi, jangan khawatir. Sekarang, tersedia banyak pilihan portfolio website yang bisa membantu kamu membuat portofolio online tanpa memiliki background coding. Berikut daftar 15 website untuk membuat portofolio: 1. Cake Cake berawal dari sebuah CV maker online dimana kamu bisa bikin CV gratis yang menarik. Kini, Cake menyediakan
Resume & CV
Nov 7th 2024

Top 20+ Best Resume Builder: Details Review and Comparison (2025)

Whether you are applying for jobs, academic positions, or even scholarships, you all need is a good resume (or a CV, depends on where you are at) to help you stand out. Writing a resume is much easier since there are many tools available online to help you through the process. If you seek an easy-to-use resume builder with numerous professional templates , here are the top 20+ online resume makers we have tried and tested. Be sure to

Resume Builder

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