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Job Search Tips
Dec 12th 2024

17 Situs Lowongan Kerja Terbaik 2024: Ada Loker Luar Negeri!

Rekomendasi Website Lowongan Kerja Dalam era digital ini, mencari lowongan kerja melalu i job portal ( website lowongan kerja online ) semakin penting . Dengan menggunakan website cari kerja, kamu akan menemukan informasi lowongan pekerjaan dari berbagai industri dengan informasi gaji dan tunjangan yang ditawarkan. Hal ini akan sangat membantu kamu membuat keputusan untuk melamar pekerjaan tersebut atau tidak. Saat melamar kerja, sangat penting untuk memilih situs lowongan kerja terpercaya di tengah banyaknya situs pencarian kerja di internet. Pastikan untuk menghindari web yang
Resume & CV
Feb 10th 2022

Instructional Designer Resume: Templates & Examples

Created by Cake You'll learn: Select a format for your instructional design resume What to include in an instructional designer resume - 8 key sections Tips for your instructional designer resume and portfolio Should I use a resume template? Instructional designer resume sample In response to the growing needs of online eLearning platforms, digital product instructional tutorials, and corporate internal or external training, instructional designers are in much demand. An instructional designer’s job duty includes applying instructional system designing
Cover Letter
Sep 16th 2024

Crafting a Standout Social Media Manager Cover Letter [+Templates & Tips]

Social Media Cover Letter For those who are pursuing a career in social media , a cover letter is another important piece of document in your application, alongside a social media manager's resume and portfolio! According to a survey of 625 hiring managers in the UK, more than 80% confirmed that they always read candidates' Cover Letters . This partly reflects that besides resumes, cover letters also play an important part in increasing your chance of getting into that interview! Therefore
Resume & CV
Aug 30th 2022

Journalist Resume Tips for Any Experience Level

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: How to Write a Journalist Resume What to Put on a Resume for Journalism Tips for Writing the Best Journalist Resume How to Build a Journalist Portfolio Journalist Resume Sample Journalists research, write and share informational content about current events, niche topics, articles and stories, avoiding bias and making concepts easy to understand. Journalists' main medium is via written pieces, and differ from TV reporters who exclusively present media through live
Interview Skills
Dec 8th 2021

Walk In Interview: Arti, Persiapan dan Pertanyaan

Saat mencari pekerjaan, selain harus mempersiapkan dokumen seperti curriculum vitae ataupun surat lamaran kerja, para peserta juga harus menyiapkan diri untuk mengikuti interview. Ada berbagai macam interview seperti on-site interview, walk in interview dan online interview. Di artikel kali ini, akan dibahas semua mengenai walk in interview, mulai dari pengertian walk in interview, bagaimana prosesnya, juga hal-hal yang harus dipersiapkan saat walk in interview. Daftar isi: Apa itu Walk In Interview? Proses Walk In Interview Persiapan yang Diperlukan
Career Development
May 9th 2024

What Are the Most Effective Content Creation Skills to Advance Your Career?

should be something that interests you, so your creativity is engaged, leading to more captivating content. But it also needs to fulfill audience demand. 2. Build a Strong Online Presence on Social Media Platforms Optimize your social media profiles. Your online presence as a content creator is important. Create profiles across different social media platforms and social media accounts, if you haven’t already. Optimize your social media profiles by including links to your website , portfolio , or products, and make
People Operations
May 27th 2022

Preparing for Your Next Digital Marketing Interview: Tips & Samples

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: Digital Marketing Interview Tips Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers Questions to Ask in a Digital Marketing Interview In recent years, digital marketing has become one of the fastest-growing areas for both offline and online businesses, spanning across almost every industry. This extends over a wide range, including social media, SEO, pay-per-click, branding and content marketing. As companies increasingly rely on online engagement to grow their business, the
Resume & CV
Mar 15th 2023

Kumpulan Contoh CV Desain Grafis Keren dan Kreatif

Contoh CV Desain Grafis Menarik - Dibuat di Cake Di jaman ini, kehadiran seorang grafis desainer di sebuah perusahaan menjadi sangat krusial. Semakin banyak perusahaan yang mencari fulltimer desain grafis ataupun freelance desain grafis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan. Baik perusahaan besar maupun perusahaan kecil berlomba untuk memiliki kehadiran di dunia online. Strategi untuk memiliki sosial media ataupun website sudah sangat umum dan dijadikan standar sebuah perusahaan yang mau go digital . Keperluan akan membuat konten untuk di posting di sosial media, brosur
Resume & CV
Feb 10th 2022

Merchandiser Resume | Examples, Templates, Writing Tips

Created by Cake You'll learn: How to write a merchandising resume? What to put on a merchandiser resume? Tips for writing the best merchandiser resume How to write a successful merchandising cover letter? Merchandising Resume Example A merchandiser is responsible for adjusting the amount, price, and appearance of different products, in offline and online stores, for maximizing sales performance. With that responsibility, a merchandiser has to monitor each product’s performance to decide seasonal stock level, work closely with
Career Development
Nov 1st 2024

Personal branding là gì? 5 bước xây dựng thương hiệu cá nhân để "săn job" thành công

5 bước xây dựng thương hiệu cá nhân Hãy cùng tìm hiểu: Personal branding là gì? 5 bước xây dựng thương hiệu cá nhân Lưu ý khi xây dựng thương hiệu cá nhân trên mạng xã hội Thương hiệu cá nhân (Personal Branding) là gì mà ngày càng được nhiều quan tâm? Liệu việc tạo dựng hình ảnh tích cực trên các nền tảng online có chỉ dành cho influencer hay người nổi tiếng? Câu trả lời là - khi mạng

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