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Nov 15th 2024

Mindset là gì? Bí quyết cải thiện tư duy để thành công

trong ngữ cảnh nghề nghiệp, mindset cách mà một người nhìn nhận và tiếp cận công việc hàng ngày, cũng như cách họ đối mặt và giải quyết các thách thức và cơ hội. Tìm hiểu về 3 loại mindset thường gặp Open mindset, Fixed mindset và Growth mindset gì? Open mindset Open mindset tư duy mở . Đây loại mindset ở những người tin rằng khả năng của họ không bị giới hạn và có thể
Success Stories
May 7th 2024

Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey

various situations. However, finding a mentor may not always be an easy task, and you can still learn a great deal from others in different ways, for instance reading books, joining online classes, etc. “ The most important thing is the mindset of being open to listening to ideas or asking questions. You don't necessarily need a formal mentor. Meaning like, I'm going to pick this person as a mentor and then it's great as a checkbox. No
Job Search Tips
Aug 20th 2024

Why Networking Helps You Land a Job Faster Than You Think

themselves. Keeping a positive mindset will keep you relaxed and open to new people and experiences. 💡 Pro tips : Networking is a two-way street; don't just talk about yourself; the key to small talk is to let others open up to you. So next time when you are looking for a job, they can recommend you to their other contacts. 4 Networking Strategies to Apply Having the right approach or mindset before going to a network event can
Resume & CV
Jun 3rd 2024

14 Practical Tips for a Seamless Work in Taiwan Journey 2024

a collective mindset that values teamwork and collaboration Taiwanese work culture emphasizes collectivism, where group harmony and cohesion are prioritized. Fostering a sense of unity within the team is crucial for building strong working relationships and adapting to the collective mindset prevalent in Taiwan's workplace culture. 📚 Further reading: Understanding Taiwan’s Culture: A Guide for Professionals Tips for Overcoming Language Barriers Languages spoken in Taiwan by percentage Although it is possible to get around major cities like Taipei
Career Development
Apr 11th 2024

How to Take Initiative at Work? Essential Tips, Examples, and Best Practices

sword. If you are too bold to push your idea in the wrong situation, it can backfire. That's why being proactive has to be based on careful consideration, in-depth research, and prudence. 4. Dealing with Resistance As mentioned above, not all employees will welcome your initiative with open arms. According to McKinsey and Company, at least 70 percent of new programs fail to achieve their goals due to employee resistance and lack of support from management. Facing res...
Career Planning
Jun 26th 2024

Taiwan's Effort in Recruiting Talents in the Digital Field for the Upcoming Decades

all the information about the prosperous opportunities in Taiwan for expats and the Taiwanese government's effort to attract foreign talents, especially in the Digital Field. Digital Nomad Is the New Norm and Taiwan's Talent Target Taiwan is an open and inclusive society that welcomes talents from any country. As of May 2023, more than 800,000 foreign residents are living in Taiwan, accounting for around 3.5% of the total population. The largest share of immigrants are from
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

A Complete Writing Guide for Government Job Cover Letter [+ Examples & Tips]

You should understand the mission and values of the agency, as well as the scope of its operations. Bear in mind that your government cover letter must reflect your knowledge on these matters, so discovering what and where your interests lay is important as well. Agencies look for candidates whose mindsets and ideals align with their own. Your public service cover letter should reflect and communicate this to best draw the attention of the recruiter reading! Step 3: Write a

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