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People Operations
Jun 16th 2022

Dedicated Team Model: The Missing Piece to Your Dream Team

in scale and is commonly used in software development. However, the dedicated team model is not to be confused with the time & material model or the fixed price model, which are 2 other popular outsourcing models. 💡 The dedicated team model works like an extension of an in-house team. Clients pay monthly salaries to the dedicated team, and the fee structure usually includes service fees of the company providing the outsourcing services. With the time & material model , however, clients
People Operations
Jun 16th 2022

10 Best Locations & Companies for Offshore Software Development

re looking for developers with specific expertise or experience, you may have a limited pool to choose from, compared to offshore development. What to Consider When Hiring Offshore Development Companies To find out whether offshore software development is the right outsourcing model for your company, you must carefully consider the following 5 factors. ✅ Location Depending on your company's needs, you'll want to consider which country or region offers the best talent for your project. You'll also
Recruitment & HR
Oct 19th 2024

Perusahaan Outsourcing: Pengertian, Jenis, Manfaat, dan Regulasinya

besar mulai menyadari manfaat signifikan model bisnis ini, terutama dalam efisiensi biaya dan akses tenaga kerja profesional yang lebih fleksibel. Tren outsourcing di Indonesia diprediksi terus mengalami pertumbuhan yang konsisten dalam beberapa tahun mendatang. Menurut data Statista , keuntungan business process outsourcing (BPO) Indonesia pada 2023 mencapai USD 1,58 miliar, dan diproyeksikan mengalami peningkatan tahunan sebesar 7,32% hingga tahun 2029 mendatang. Namun, sebelum memutuskan untuk menggunakan layanan outsourcing , penting bagi perusahaan untuk memahami apa itu perusahaan outsourcing , manfaat, jenis
People Operations
Sep 28th 2022

A Complete Guide to Hiring Offshore Software Development Teams

When to Hire Offshore IT Services How to Hire Offshore Software Development Teams What to Consider When Offshoring It can sometimes be hard for companies to keep up with the speed they grow. Projects can be too demanding sometimes; therefore, outsourcing some tasks becomes a helpful alternative. Thanks to globalization, even offshore outsourcing has become a lot easier nowadays. There are three common types of outsourcing and offshoring: Onshore, nearshore, and offshore outsourcing. Onshore outsourcing: hiring people in your home

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