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People Operations
Jun 16th 2022

Dedicated Team Model: The Missing Piece to Your Dream Team

be done is complex or large in scale and is commonly used in software development. However, the dedicated team model is not to be confused with the time & material model or the fixed price model, which are 2 other popular outsourcing models. 💡 The dedicated team model works like an extension of an in-house team. Clients pay monthly salaries to the dedicated team, and the fee structure usually includes service fees of the company providing the outsourcing services. With
People Operations
Sep 28th 2022

A Complete Guide to Hiring Offshore Software Development Teams

When to Hire Offshore IT Services How to Hire Offshore Software Development Teams What to Consider When Offshoring It can sometimes be hard for companies to keep up with the speed they grow. Projects can be too demanding sometimes; therefore, outsourcing some tasks becomes a helpful alternative. Thanks to globalization, even offshore outsourcing has become a lot easier nowadays. There are three common types of outsourcing and offshoring: Onshore, nearshore, and offshore outsourcing. Onshore outsourcing: hiring people in your home
People Operations
Sep 28th 2022

Hire Offshore Software Development Companies Successfully: 10 Mistakes to Avoid

expert before hiring offshore software companies #8. Not trusting the vendor and micromanaging #9. Having a rigid budget and strict deadline #10. Choosing the wrong tools Offshore software development is an efficient and economical solution for a company. Offshoring development services can help a company provide their clients with high-quality results in less time than developing in-house. Moreover, the company can focus on its main business activities. Becoming business partners with offshore programmers seems like a no-brainer
People Operations
Jun 16th 2022

10 Best Locations & Companies for Offshore Software Development

10 companies that provide offshore development services. Nearshore vs Offshore Before we dive into the details of how to hire and where to find offshore software development teams, let's talk about how offshore development is different from nearshore development services, another common form of software development outsourcing. As the name suggests, the most obvious distinction is where the outsourced development service is provided. Offshore software development outsourcing is the practice of hiring a company or individuals in a faraway
Interview Skills
Mar 16th 2022

“Why Should We Hire You?” - Best Answer Examples for Your Interview

interview questions as you will know how to give them an answer that they want to hear. The following list outlines 7 things you should learn about an employer when preparing for the upcoming interview: The company’s products and services The company’s mission and values The company’s clients and partners The latest news and recent events about the company The job responsibilities Required skills and professional experience 2. Make a list of your strengths. During a job
Recruitment & HR
Jul 1st 2022

如何和獵頭合作?精選 8 大台灣獵人頭公司特色分析

中階管理人才的 PagePersonnel,旗下的高級管理階層人才招募品牌的 Page Executive,以及服務有大規模招募需求的 Page Outsourcing。 延伸閱讀: 獵頭公司合作 FAQ 全解析!Cake 獵頭特別在哪裡? 5. HRnet Group 和樂集團 特色:   HRnet Group 是來自新加坡
Industry & Job Overview
Jun 20th 2024

Apa itu BPO? Jenis, Tujuan, Bentuk Layanan, dll!

yang mencakup hak dan kewajiban masing-masing. Biasanya, BPO dikontrak untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan penunjang atau proses yang tidak berkaitan dengan inti dari bisnis tersebut. Namun, ada juga perusahaan yang mempercayakan BPO untuk melakukan pekerjaan dalam proses produksi. Contoh layanan Business Outsourcing Process termasuk customer service, helpdesk, call center, security , akuntansi, dan lain-lain. BPO Adalah Temukan pekerjaan impian kamu di Cake!. Cake adalah situs lowongan kerja terpercaya dan transparan. Kamu bisa mencari lowongan pekerjaan dari berbagai perusahaan berkualitas dan ternama
Recruitment & HR
Jul 18th 2024

Outsourcing Adalah: Contoh, Sistem Kerja, hingga Profesinya

Service Location Index (via LinkedIn ), Indonesia masuk sebagai 10 negara yang memiliki skor potensi outsource tertinggi di dunia pada tahun 2021. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut apa itu outsourcing , Cake akan membagikan penjelasan seputar pengertian, sistem kerja, gaji, hingga contoh pekerjaan outsourcing . Yuk, simak selengkapnya! Daftar isi: Pengertian Outsourcing Cara Kerja Outsourcing Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Outsourcing Gaji Karyawan Outsourcing Contoh Pekerjaan Outsourcing Apa Itu Outsourcing? Apa yang dimaksud dengan outsourcing ? Outsourcing adalah sebuah hubungan kerja di mana perusahaan menyerahkan sebagian pekerjaan
People Operations
Apr 10th 2023

How to Write an Independent Contractor Termination Letter (Email Templates+Samples)

Contract Termination Letter Sample Before getting into writing a contract termination letter, it is very important to know how a relationship between an employer and a contractor works. In short, they always sign a contract that contains the details that both parties need to beware of, and the benefits that both parties will get before getting the contractor to perform a specific task for the company. When the contractor is no longer needed in the company or has completed

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