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Jan 19th 2022

Building a Professional Art Portfolio: Tips & Examples for Students

s portfolio also lacks descriptions, but the artworks speak for themselves. Online art portfolio by Kait Kait Kübar is a concept artist from Estonia. You can also find his works on Gumroad . Tips on How to Make a Digital Art Portfolio 💡 Choose a suitable online art portfolio website . Before you start building a digital art portfolio, choose a platform that suits you best. There are numerous art portfolio sites for you to make an art portfolio, and consider these
Industry & Job Overview
Jul 15th 2022

How to Become a Freelancer: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed

As your clients are only hiring you for your advertised skills, you don’t need to include all your experiences in chronological order in your freelance resume like you would in a traditional resume. 💡 Creating a strong f reelancer portfolio When hiring a freelancer, clients want to see samples of the types of work you are capable of. A freelancer portfolio should showcase the quality and range of work you offer. To make a successful freelancer portfolio, think back
Personal Branding
Aug 22nd 2024

Personal Branding Essentials for Students (+ Real-World Examples & Action Steps)

experiences. Use keywords related to your desired industry to improve visibility. Recommendations: Seek recommendations from professors, colleagues, or anyone you've worked with closely. These endorsements add credibility to your profile. Engage: Regularly post updates, share relevant articles, and engage with content posted by others in your field. This demonstrates your active involvement and interest in your industry. 2) Personal Website: Showcase Your Portfolio: Create a personal website to host your portfolio, highlighting projects, writing samples, or any other work...
Resume & CV
Nov 17th 2020

50+ Hobbies and Interests in Resume for Freshers [2023 Latest Update]

glimpse into your personality and interests outside of work, allowing employers to see you as well-rounded. It can help you stand out and create a more memorable impression than a purely professional resume. For example, mentioning interests like volunteering, painting, or playing musical instruments can indicate qualities such as creativity, teamwork, or a commitment to giving back to the community. Conversation Starter: Your interests and hobbies can serve as excellent conversation starters during interviews. Employers often use this section
Mar 23rd 2022

How to Make a Drawing Portfolio [+ Ideas & Examples]

you to connect your digital drawing portfolio with an online resume. You can easily change the design, text, and images with Cake’s portfolio building tools. Make a Portfolio ✨ Produce high quality images to include in your digital drawing portfolio. High-quality images allow the audience to evaluate the details of the art pieces. In particular, the drawings in the art portfolio can be physical sketches and paintings. ✨ Categorize your drawings into different types. Categorizing art portfolio drawings
Feb 14th 2022

How to Make an Interior Design Portfolio [+ Examples, Tips & Guide]

quality paper. Although it requires more time and effort, with a printed interior design portfolio you can have complete control over your work and what the interviewer or client sees. Moreover, sometimes flipping through actual pages of an interior design portfolio can make a more lasting impression too. On the other hand, an online interior design portfolio is convenient to update, send and share. On top of that, you can save money on printing (yay technology!). However, technical issues can
Oct 8th 2021

Cara Membuat Portofolio Online: 15 Website Gratis untuk Portofolio yang Menarik

Shots . Orang-orang ini dinamakan Player. Jika kamu pengguna baru, atau dinamai Prospect , kamu hanya dapat follow dan like portfolio designer lain, sampai kamu di-notice dan menerima undangan dari seorang Player. Portfolio Website Dribbble ✨ Fitur: Mirip dengan Behance, portfolio website Dribbble mempunyai tampilan seperti sosial media dimana kamu bisa follow dan like karya orang lain. Karya yang diupload berukuran 4:3 dan kamu bisa mengupload 48 karya per bulan. Karena komunitas Dribbble yang cenderung eksklusif, Portfolio designer website
May 16th 2024

10 Contoh Portofolio Desain Grafis Menarik, Pasti Dilirik HRD!

dipersiapkan untuk memihak hati klien ataupun rekruter. Apa itu Portofolio Desain/DKV? Bagi yang masih asing dengan kata ini, portofolio adalah kumpulan hasil karya yang pernah dibuat dilengkapi dengan pengalaman projek, kerja, organisasi ataupun pencapaian seseorang. Bagi seorang desainer grafis, portfolio akan berisi kumpulan hasil projek desain seperti poster, packaging, logo, desain website dan lain-lain. Portofolio Tradisional vs Portofolio Online Dulu portfolio biasanya dibuat lalu di cetak, lalu diserahkan bersama dengan CV ( curriculum vitae ). Selain memakan biaya yang cukup
Mar 9th 2023

Contoh Portofolio Mahasiswa yang Menarik Lengkap dengan Cara Membuatnya

Portofolio mahasiswa? Masih belajar kok perlu buat portofolio? Tunggu dulu, membuat portofolio ketika kamu masih seorang mahasiswa ternyata penting untuk mempersiapkan perjalanan karir kamu kedepan lho. Di artikel ini, kamu akan belajar tentang: Apa Itu Portofolio Cara Membuat Portofolio Mahasiswa Tips Cara Membuat Portofolio Mahasiswa Contoh Portofolio Mahasiswa Manfaat Portofolio Mahasiswa Seperti yang tertera pada gambar di atas, selain sebagai media untuk mengekspresikan diri kamu, portofolio mahasiswa ini bisa kamu gunakan untuk mengamati perkembangan kamu selama ini. Yang tidak kalah
Industry & Job Overview
Sep 17th 2022

Apa itu Financial Analyst? Kenali Tugas, Gaji, Syaratnya, Dll.

Apakah kamu tertarik mengikuti dan menganalisis berita-berita perkembangan ekonomi di Indonesia dan di dunia global? Jika ya, maka Financial Analyst bisa menjadi salah satu pilihan karir mu. Dengan tugas utamanya yang menganalisis data dan memberikan strategi terbaik dalam perencanaan finansial keuangan suatu perusahaan, tidak heran jika Financial Analyst adalah salah satu profesi yang penting untuk ada dalam sebuah bisnis perusahaan. Selain itu, pekerjaan di bidang finance diproyeksikan akan tumbuh lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan pekerjaan lainnya, lho! ( bls.gov ). Seperti

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