Industry & Job Overview
3月 25日 2022

Mau Jadi Personal Assistant? Tugas, Gaji, dan Caranya! [+Contoh CV]

profesi personal assistant. Kamu akan mengetahui apa itu personal assistant, apa saja tugas personal assistant, cara menjadi personal assistant, dan tips lainnya. Apa itu Personal Assistant Jika kamu pernah mendengar kata-kata aspri, aspri adalah singkatan dari asisten pribadi ( personal assistant ). Asisten pribadi adalah seseorang yang mengurus segala tugas administratif untuk individu tertentu. Pekerjaan sebagai personal assistant itu hanya berfokus untuk menangani satu individu saja. 💰 Kisaran gaji personal assistant : Rp 4.700.000 - Rp 7.000.000 Kualifikasi Personal
Cover Letter
8月 24日 2022

The Full Guide for a Perfect Personal Assistant Cover Letter

In this article, we'll cover: Personal Assistant Cover Letter Samples How to Write a Personal Assistant Cover Letter Personal Assistant Cover Letter Template How to write a personal assistant cover letter? The first step is to learn the duties and responsibilities of the position so you can write a fitting personal assistant cover letter. A personal assistant has to support their busy boss and handle daily tasks such as taking calls, writing emails, working on documents, and managing their
Career Planning
9月 12日 2024

Graduate School Scholarships for All Students 2024 - 2025

of Graduate School Scholarships for All Types of Students How to Maintain Scholarship Funding How to Handle Scholarship Loss How to Financially Prepare Without Full Funding Conclusion How Technology Can Make Finding Scholarships Easier Have you ever wished for a personal assistant to help you find scholarships ? Thanks to new technology, this is now possible. Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics are changing how students search for scholarships by making the process more personalized. AI-Powered Search Engines : These tools
Resume & CV
9月 15日 2021

Concierge Resume Examples [+ Tips for Experienced & Entry-Level Roles]

Although both of their primary roles are to provide services to guests, the latter will mainly interact with guests at their arrival and departure for check-in/check-out procedures. The former’s main job is to act as a personal assistant of sorts for guests to enhance their stay; concierges might be also tipped by guests as a way to show their appreciation. Whether you’re looking to create an entry-level concierge resume or just a general concierge
Industry & Job Overview
7月 11日 2024

Panduan Lengkap Virtual Assistant: Gaji Tinggi, Tugas, Skill, dll.!

ternama seperti selebriti, bos, pihak manager di perusahaan tertentu dan lain sebagainya. Pekerjaan ini bahkan banyak yang membuka untuk pekerja lepas atau freelance . 📚 Baca juga: Mau Jadi Personal Assistant? Tugas, Gaji, dan Caranya! [+Contoh CV] Apa Tugas Seorang Virtual Assistant? Pertanyaan selanjutnya, virtual assistant itu kerja apa? Seperti yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, asisten virtual adalah seseorang yang memberikan jasa administratif untuk seorang klien atau perusahaan secara online. Tugas virtual assistant yang paling umum dikerjakan mencakup pekerjaan administratif seperti mengatur
Resume & CV
8月 14日 2022

70+ Resume Headline Examples to Elevate Your Profile and Stand Out

for a job, there are always requirements that can be found in the job description. Those requirements contain keywords that you should take note of. Here is an example of a job description with the important keywords highlighted: As a Personal Assistant, you have to be able to deal with many tasks perfectly. This includes booking flights, arranging appointments, having no issues with answering incoming calls , being the driver when needed, and being punctual at all times. You want to
Industry & Job Overview
5月 22日 2023

Sales Admin: Syarat, Gaji, Prospek Kariernya [+CV]

karena salah satu tugasnya adalah membantu mengurusi bidang administrasi tim sales. Prospek Karier Admin Penjualan Dalam mendukung berjalannya sebuah bisnis, sales administrasi juga memiliki prospek dan jenjang kariernya tersendiri lho! Berikut adalah prospek karier administrasi penjualan. Sales admin team leader Personal assistant Office manager Setiap jenjang karier pastinya memiliki tugas dan tantangannya tersendiri, tidak heran jika gaji yang ditawarkan pun sangat beragam. Umumnya, pemberian gaji tergantung pada posisi dan pengalaman kerjamu, serta lokasi kamu bekerja. Menurut Indeed , di Indonesia, rata
Cover Letter
3月 6日 2023

Secrets of Writing Successful Upwork Cover Letters

Hello! I'm Maya Nguyen - a Vietnamese born and raised in the States. I've just graduated from Texas A&M with a Bachelor's Degree in International Business. While looking for freelance jobs, I was elated to see the Personal Assistant job advertised on Upwork. In spite of being a fresher with limited experience in the field, I have a strong passion for content creation, personal branding, and social media marketing. During my studies at Texas A&M, I
People Operations
3月 6日 2024

How to Respond to a Counter-Offer: Tips, Tricks, and Suggestions

How to Respond to a Counter-Offer A counter-offer is a proposal in response to one given during job negotiations. Proposing counter-offers is quickly becoming standard practice in the job negotiation process. The power balance between employee and employer has shifted in favor of the former, as employees have realized the value of their time and services can be seriously leveraged. Candidates may propose counter-offers for a plethora of situations, including negotiating salary , job position, benefits, or
Resume & CV
2月 18日 2022

Executive Assistant Resume Examples

Created by Cake In this article, you will learn about: How to Write a Resume for Executive Assistants What to Put on an Executive Assistant Resume Tips for Writing the Best Executive Assistant Resume How to Write a Cover Letter for an Executive Assistant Position Executive Assistant Resume Sample Let's start by looking at an executive assistant’s job duties and responsibilities. The executive assistant to the CEO performs duties like writing, receiving, and editing emails, welcoming visitors and

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