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Sep 1st 2021

How to Make an Online Portfolio [+ Tips, Examples, Guide]

and show the evidence of the skills you have written on your resume. Having an online portfolio of your various skills and previous works could help you stand out among other applicants during a job search. What is an online portfolio? An online portfolio (or also known as digital portfolio) is a document which summarizes your qualifications and is presented online on a digital portfolio website. Online portfolios are more advanced in a way, as they are able to present
Oct 16th 2024

Cách làm portfolio xin việc và 5 lưu ý không nên bỏ qua

từ khách hàng hoặc sếp của bạn. Những đánh giá này sẽ giúp xác thực lại lời nói của bạn và phần nào nâng cao uy tín của bản thân. Mẫu portfolio Photography Dina Deykun 3 lưu ý khi tạo portfolio xin việc ✨ Chọn nền tảng phù hợp. Tùy theo yêu cầu của công việc và định dạng bạn mong muốn, hãy lựa chọn được một nền tảng phù hợp cho việc thiết kế portfolio. Ngoài cách làm portfolio
Resume & CV
Jul 17th 2024

Social Media Manager Resume Guide with Examples

experience, there are seven sections that absolutely have to be included, starting with: Contact Info/Resume Header Your contact information is at the top of your resume. Name, email, phone number, and location. It is paramount that you add your portfolio (social media accounts, photography, videography, websites). The social media industry is result-oriented . Showing managers what your style looks like or what type of following you’ve acquired is perhaps the most important part of your application process. Resume
Industry & Job Overview
Jul 15th 2022

How to Become a Freelancer: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed

As your clients are only hiring you for your advertised skills, you don’t need to include all your experiences in chronological order in your freelance resume like you would in a traditional resume. 💡 Creating a strong f reelancer portfolio When hiring a freelancer, clients want to see samples of the types of work you are capable of. A freelancer portfolio should showcase the quality and range of work you offer. To make a successful freelancer portfolio, think back
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Make Money With These 10 Side Hustle Ideas

to figure out what you can do best. Make a list of your skills and examine your areas of expertise. Another consideration for a side hustle is your hobby – for example, a fitness lover could coach people on the side, or a knitting enthusiast can sell their products online. Step 2: Prepare Your Portfolio A portfolio of your previous side hustle jobs can help you stand out. Tools like Cake’s portfolio builder can help you prepare an effective po...
Career Planning
Nov 20th 2024

Freelancer là gì? 10 công việc freelancer có thu nhập ổn định hiện nay

dạng, tùy theo phong cách và sở trường riêng, họ có thể nhận chụp ảnh sản phẩm, phong cảnh, ảnh cưới, chân dung,.... Photography freelancer cũng có thể kiếm tiền bằng việc bán các tác phẩm của mình qua các website hoặc triển lãm/hội chợ nghệ thuật. Một trong những kênh hiệu quả để nhiếp ảnh gia tự do và những công việc freelance khác quảng bá thương hiệu cá nhân là qua portfolio. 5. Dạy học Nếu bạn
Jan 25th 2022

Guide to Building a Makeup Artist Portfolio Website [Examples & Tips]

Saldava uses Cake to build her makeup artist portfolio and adds a link to her resume. Her makeup portfolio includes different makeup styles, but most importantly, the photographs are nicely shot. Website Builder A makeup artist website is a website that uses your own customized domain, such as zarahmakeup-creative.com. Building a makeup artist portfolio website demands much more time and effort. In addition, you have to pay for a custom domain. However, a makeup artist portfolio website
Mar 9th 2022

The Guide to Creating a Killer Modeling Portfolio

photo book and insert the printed photos, or assemble a professional portfolio book online and have it printed. Either way, you should keep the cover black, avoid ring bindings, and choose high-quality images only. Online modeling portfolio or model portfolio website It is easier nowadays to create a website on your own. There are many free website builders for models to create their online modeling portfolio. You could also seek a web designer to create a model portfolio website
Jan 19th 2022

How to Start Making an Architecture Portfolio: Best Portfolio Examples & Ideas

Created by Cake In this article, you will learn about: What Is an Architecture Portfolio? What to Include in an Architecture Portfolio - Template What to Include in an Architecture Portfolio - Format How to Make an Architecture Portfolio How to Create an Architecture Portfolio Online Architecture Portfolio Examples An architecture portfolio is the most crucial tool for professional architects or undergraduate students to showcase their fruit for the effort to employers or clients. If you have several projects and want
Apr 15th 2022

Personal Websites - A Guide With Examples

In this article, you will learn: Why You Need a Personal Website 20 Best Personal Website Examples How to Create a Personal Website Tips for Creating a Personal Website Having a personal site is a super interesting aspect when working in the communication, marketing, journalism, design, architecture, or similar sectors where visual works reign. These are environments in which it is necessary to be able to demonstrate the work carried out and a personal web page is a perfect channel

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