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Job Search Tips
janv. 18ème 2022

Freelancers in 2022: Top 8 Most Lucrative Industries

Hey there, we’re coming to the end of a magnificent decade. Bid farewell to 2021 and hello 2022! 2021 was a whirlwind of a year: a bumpy one for the world, but for the freelancing industry, it’s undoubtedly rewarding. Thanks to the Internet, with one simple click, you’re connected with the world and surrounded by an unprecedented lot of information and opportunities that can blow your mind. In 2019, we saw a proliferated growth in the freelancing
Career Planning
mai 4ème 2021

Qualities of a Successful Freelancer [+Tips]

It’s cliche to think that freelancing is only for stay-at-home parents who aren't able to commit to a full-time job; or introverted individuals, who’d rather sit at home alone without expending effort to build camaraderie with their colleagues. In fact, freelancing has now become a lifestyle by choice, ushering in a new life of mobility and versatility. In the previous Freelancing 101 , Cake covered a series of freelancing pros and cons. By now you
Job Search Tips
janv. 18ème 2022

6 Best Freelance Sites to Land on a Job in 2022

Introduction: How to find freelance jobs Now that you’ve done everything you can to show that you’re determined to become a freelancer: you’ve quit your job; put aside an emergency fund; polished your skillset; meditate daily in order to be more mentally prepared for the uncertainties yet to come. But, if no one knows about you, all of your preparations will have been for naught. These, of course are indispensable for a successful career as a freelancer
Industry & Job Overview
août 24ème 2022

Want to Know How To Become a Graphic Designer? Read This!

for a range of industries, products or campaigns. However, agency graphic designers will be limited to making one-off or short term projects. #Type 3: Freelance Graphic Designer Freelance graphic designers are self-employed and offer their services on a piecework basis. Freelance graphic designers can work on projects as big or as small as they’d like, set their own hours, and charge their own prices. You don’t need any formal graphic design training to be a freelancer

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