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Oct 4th 2024

Contoh Portofolio Content Creator dan Tips Membuatnya!

Portofolio Content Creator Portfolio content creator tidak hanya harus terlihat menarik dan estetik, tetapi juga harus mudah dibaca, dimuat dengan cepat, dan menyajikan informasi lengkap secara terorganisir. Berikut 5 contoh portofolio content creator yang bisa menjadi panduan: 1. Contoh Portofolio Content Creator yang Profesional Contoh portofolio content creator profesional dengan pengalaman desain konten, fotografi, dan edit video. Lihat selengkapnya di sini! Contoh Portofolio Content Creator (Dibuat di Cake) 2. Contoh Portofolio Content Creator Contoh portofolio content creator oleh Moehammad Rizky
Nov 20th 2024

5+ mẫu portfolio cho Copywriter & Content Writer ấn tượng

e-portfolio là gì? Thay vì trình bày thông tin về bản thân và kinh nghiệm làm việc, sản phẩm thực tế,... trên “giấy trắng mực đen", bạn tạo một portfolio online dưới dạng slide thuyết trình, video, hoặc website portfolio cá nhân. Dưới đây là 5 mẫu portfolio Copywriter, Content Writer và Content Creator chuyên nghiệp, ấn tượng để bạn tham khảo: Divine Mae Pasinabo PortfolioContent Writer này được tạo bởi Cake - website tạo CV và portfolio miễn phí
Resume & CV
Oct 22nd 2024

Proven Tips & Examples: How to Craft a Winning Content Creator Resume

A strong resume summary highlights your content creation expertise, understanding of the target audience, and achievements relevant to the specific role. For example, you can briefly introduce yourself by summarizing your work journey - helping employers approach your experience more effectively. Content creator resume example #1 Andrea Brown | Content Creator [email protected] | (+1) 234 567 89 | Portfolio Link. Highly motivated and results-oriented content creator with 3+ years of experience developing engaging social media content that drives brand awareness
Mar 17th 2022

How to Design a Portfolio for Students [+ Ideas & Tips]

Best Creative Portfolio Ideas for Students Free Websites to Create a Student Portfolio Design 10 Tips to Make a Creative Student Portfolio Design The importance of putting together a comprehensive portfolio for students can’t be stressed enough. A powerful portfolio for application can help increase the chance of achieving your goal in such cases as: Building personal branding Looking for freelance or part-time jobs in creative fields (i.e, graphic design, photography, web developer, content creator, etc.) Applying
Jun 10th 2022

How to Create a Stunning Video Portfolio [Tips + Examples]

portfolios are only for photography or videography-related roles (in the form of a videographer's website or videographer portfolio) we'll say you shouldn't limit yourself. Any of these professions below can benefit greatly from a video reel portfolio: Architects Interior Designers Graphic Designers Illustrator UX/UI Designers Producer Content Creator Director Machine Learning or AI Engineers Actors News Anchor/Presenters Models What Is a Video Portfolio? A video portfolio is essentially a collection of your best work
Mar 3rd 2022

Are You a Freelancer? Let’s Build an Attractive Freelancer Portfolio

include in your freelance portfolio, quality comes over quantity. Make sure to include only your best works. ✨ Descriptions and results of the project What better way to show your project than having a description and results? Add a brief portfolio description for your freelancer account. Write down how you solved problems and what results you achieved. For example, as a freelance content creator, you can showcase the thought process behind the content or the background problems that kickstarted the
Resume & CV
Feb 6th 2023

3 Contoh CV Social Media Specialist untuk Melamar Kerja

ke Whatsapp (karena saat ini banyak rekruter yang menghubungi lewat Whatsapp) Domisili (cukup daerah saja, tidak perlu alamat lengkap) Email (pakailah email profesional yang biasanya terdiri dari nama lengkap dan tidak disertai dengan tambahan hal-hal lain. Link profil Linkedin Portfolio (sifatnya opsional, dan baiknya berhubungan dengan social media marketing itu sendiri) Hindari memasukkan informasi yang dianggap tidak terlalu penting kecuali diminta/ditanyakan, seperti: agama, ras, tinggi/berat badan, gender, dan lain-lain. 2. Buat Satu Paragraf Deskripsi Diri Di
Career Development
May 9th 2024

What Are the Most Effective Content Creation Skills to Advance Your Career?

your social media profiles. Your online presence as a content creator is important. Create profiles across different social media platforms and social media accounts, if you haven’t already. Optimize your social media profiles by including links to your website , portfolio , or products, and make sure the content you share is polished. Consistently share content related to your niche. When you share on social media, make sure your content is related to the niche you’ve chosen, so your profile
Resume & CV
Jan 24th 2022

Freelance Writer Resume Guide with Samples

Created by Cake You'll learn: How to write a freelance writer resume? What to put on a resume for a freelance writer? Tips for writing the best freelance writer resume How to write a cover letter for a freelance writer? Freelance writer resume sample Freelance writing is the practice of earning income by writing for multiple clients, while not being hired by any employer. As a freelance writer (also known as freelance content creator), you can cover a variety
Dec 13th 2024

15+ Contoh Portofolio Lamaran Kerja Menarik dan Cara Membuatnya!

Di era sekarang, mencari pekerjaan bukanlah hal yang mudah. Banyak orang bersaing untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang mereka idamkan. Maka itu, kamu harus tampil lebih unggul. Tapi, bagaimana caranya? Ternyata, selain CV, kamu bisa mengajukan portofolio lamaran kerja yang merupakan dokumen berisi kumpulan karya, projek atau pencapaianmu, lho. Dengan portofolio, kamu dapat membuktikan bahwa kamu benar-benar memiliki skill yang tertera dalam CV kamu. Apalagi seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, menampilkan portofolio menjadi lebih praktis dengan online portfolio/digital portfolio karena portofolio

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